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The function of try block and catch block
Please answer fast |
asked by Ankit kumar (yobro99) 8 years ago |
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asked by Sidra Haider (sidrahaider) 8 years ago |
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Say what you want but to me,
Watson is one of a kind.
He is the best there was, the best there is and the best there will ever be |
asked by Saahil Sankar B (bestintheworld) 8 years ago |
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+ 10 more questions by bestintheworld
ATB to all of you idiots XD
But the fact is the match was fixed |
asked by Saahil Sankar B (bestintheworld) 8 years ago |
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I refuse to shut up until you aceept that the match was fixed and that Watson is better than Dhoni |
asked by Saahil Sankar B (bestintheworld) 8 years ago |
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So all of you have accepted defeat?
See, the the best in the world alone defeated everyone in this group
Because I am the Best In the world |
asked by Saahil Sankar B (bestintheworld) 8 years ago |
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Rajasthan Royals>>>>>>>>>>All other teams + Idian cricket team |
asked by Saahil Sankar B (bestintheworld) 8 years ago |
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Watson>>>>>>>>>>>>IndianCricket team |
asked by Saahil Sankar B (bestintheworld) 8 years ago |
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So the fact is,
I'm the only person here who has the guts to say what is right rather that what everyone wants to hear |
asked by Saahil Sankar B (bestintheworld) 8 years ago |
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You have no right to do this
I have the right to express my opinion without compulsion or restraint of any kind |
asked by Saahil Sankar B (bestintheworld) 8 years ago |
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I am not a Pakistani.
I am an Indian and I am proud to be one.
But I am not proud of our cricket team |
asked by Saahil Sankar B (bestintheworld) 8 years ago |
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If you drop Rohit and inclde Rahane you will know who is the real legend |
asked by Saahil Sankar B (bestintheworld) 8 years ago |
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Exactly Best in the world>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>All of you combined
Watson>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Indian Cricket team
Didn't you see his performance today.
He did everything he can.
But one man alone cant defeat ICC |
asked by Saahil Sankar B (bestintheworld) 8 years ago |
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asked by Siddharth Chhetri (dgenerationx) 8 years ago |
1 | + 1 more questions by dgenerationx
SAAHIL Sankar..
how much did the australians pay you for telling bad against INdia....... xD...
how much xDxDXdxDxD......... |
asked by Siddharth Chhetri (dgenerationx) 8 years ago |
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Respaper developers should rather try improving the site by creating a block option which would restrict a person's privileges of posting questions in groups like this....
All the very best GUYS for COMPUTER / ECONOMICS /COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS etc..............Just rock it ...last one in the board..............#DOwell |
asked by MP Harsha (student58) 8 years ago |
1 | + 1 more questions by student58
yeah SAAHIL Sankar ko kisi ne accha sa dakshina-vakshina de diya hoga .......LOL xD |
asked by MP Harsha (student58) 8 years ago |
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Not a cricket fan but someone here should just go to Australia |
asked by Vijay Kr
(krvijay28) 8 years ago |
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watson succkks.
*grabs popcorn* |
asked by Yolomama69 (yolomama69) 8 years ago |
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But i think today is our last chat here...will b missing u all guys...ATB for tmw and wish that evryone gets good marks overall.. |
asked by Ishanuj Hazarika (ishanuj99) 8 years ago |
4 | + 1 more questions by ishanuj99
what a plyer kohli..take a bow..a nice present to the Aussies on Easter though.. |
asked by Ishanuj Hazarika (ishanuj99) 8 years ago |
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pls don't waste ur time by commenting this guy |
asked by Anisha shruti (timmy) 8 years ago |
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