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Is anyone aware of unsigned integer ?? i came across this somewhere in text but forgot what it was.........Can anyone explain exactly why it is called unsigned and its working ??
And What is the exact meaning of dynamic initialisation ?? ( dont give me definition lol...i want the application explanation ) |
asked by MP Harsha (student58) 9 years ago |
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what is bubble sort |
asked by Chulbul Pandey (chulbulpandey) 9 years ago |
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A method that converts a string to primitive data type is: |
asked by Likitha Manjunath (stage2) 9 years ago |
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If int A[ ] = {9,8,0,4,5,6,6,8,1,5};
What are the values of 'm' and 'n'?. m = Math.max(Math.pow(A[1],A[2]) , Math.sqrt(A[3])); n = Math.pow(Math.min(A[1],A[7]), A[3]); |
asked by Appus nikhil (appus007) 9 years ago |
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Guys could any1 help me.... i want some long if programs of different sorts... plzz |
asked by Phaneendra Tenneti (phaneendra12) 9 years ago |
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Economic Applications people:- Can you please explain what is 'reserve price of a seller'... |
asked by Gunjan Maheshwari (chocopie2000) 9 years ago |
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asked by Sidra Haider (sidrahaider) 9 years ago |
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What would be the output?
int a=5, b=8;
int sum=9;
sum+= a++ + --b +(sum-- + a);
System.out.print(sum); |
asked by Sg (shreerockz15) 9 years ago |
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Guys what to study for class as user defined type and input output and encapsulation chapters pl z tell the important things to study !? |
asked by Abhishek Shyam (abhibenne) 9 years ago |
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