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Guys could any1 help me.... i want some long if programs of different sorts... plzz |
asked by Phaneendra Tenneti (phaneendra12) 8 years ago |
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Economic Applications people:- Can you please explain what is 'reserve price of a seller'... |
asked by Gunjan Maheshwari (chocopie2000) 8 years ago |
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asked by Sidra Haider (sidrahaider) 8 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by sidrahaider
ECO APP guys, if you have the Goyal Brothers textbook, did your teachers tell you the demand pull and cost push inflation graph in the textbook is wrong? |
asked by Sidra Haider (sidrahaider) 8 years ago |
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What would be the output?
int a=5, b=8;
int sum=9;
sum+= a++ + --b +(sum-- + a);
System.out.print(sum); |
asked by Sg (shreerockz15) 8 years ago |
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Guys what to study for class as user defined type and input output and encapsulation chapters pl z tell the important things to study !? |
asked by Abhishek Shyam (abhibenne) 8 years ago |
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The classes Exception and Error are the subclasses of ______. |
asked by Tabassum (thesilverlining) 8 years ago |
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Q and A guys ........Answer it
1: Name the OOP principle which deals with
a: Data hiding ;Access modifies like public,protected,private
b: interfaces and abstract classes
2: Arrays are the objects of _____class. _____is a public instance variable that holds an array's size ( i didnt yet come to array chapter so i dont know the depth of it ) |
asked by MP Harsha (student58) 8 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by student58
Identify the invalid integer ...( answer is below ....dont see it till you give it a first attempt.......i too got it wrong on my 1st attempt though )
1: 1467
2: 0122
4: 01942
.Answer is 4 : 01942 ( in octal value/code 0-7 characters would only be allowed ...but here we have 9 in between which is invalid )
many might think the ans is 2 : 0XFACE but the integer value of that is 64,206 ( its an hexadecimal code .......when converted into decimal gives the above value.....if the value is starting with 0X then it is hexadecimal code )
ans 2 is not coz you know is a valid octa decimal code which consists of numbers only from 0-7..........
#HIT Like if you did like it |
asked by MP Harsha (student58) 8 years ago |
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guys what do you mean by Exceptional handling?
i know that there is exceptional handling in buffered reader while it is not there in scanner class |
asked by Nipun Koli
(nio456) 8 years ago |
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