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Gus in physics q.5 last sub qn wasn't vague???Won't we get grace marks??? |
asked by Kalyani Bhakat (kalyanibhakat) 9 years ago |
1 |
what is static initialization??? |
asked by Bhavesh Choudhari (bhavesh988) 9 years ago |
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No one with Commercial Applications as their subject? |
asked by Mango Apple (lekhitam) 9 years ago |
4 |
Guys to all those who have got a confusion in local , class/static , instance variables......just go to this excellent gave a clear explanation as to how to identify them and all |
asked by MP Harsha (student58) 9 years ago |
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+ 2 more questions by student58
Q & A guys..
1 : which keyword differentiates between class variable and instance variable .
2 : Function overloading is differentiable by what ( i mean when there are multiple methods with the same name ,what makes them different ) ?
( answers are below...just for the sake of a quick test....if it is alright i'll keep asking else i'll quit ) .
1 : static
2 : number & type of arguments passes ( simply function signature ) |
asked by MP Harsha (student58) 9 years ago |
1 |
public static int a=65;
Explain in brief what the above statement mean .......... |
asked by MP Harsha (student58) 9 years ago |
1 |
Can someone write me a program to reverse a string. I am so out of date with java that i forgot how to do this :/ |
asked by Chelsea Dcosta (che777) 9 years ago |
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Why do we need constructor as a class member? (2 points) |
asked by Tabassum (thesilverlining) 9 years ago |
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anyone pls tell this program..
WAP to input an alphabet in uppercase or in lowercase. Display the next alphabet accordingly.(i.e. 'a' follows 'b',......'z' follows 'a'). |
asked by Ayush Chess (cuuulboy) 9 years ago |
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Here are some tips for computer applications.
If you find this incomplete please add up in the comments!
Do all the programs of the textbook prescribed by your school and learn the theory part cover to cover.
Some important programs which may turn up -
Sorting & Searching (All 4 algos)
Programs that calculate ticket cost or fare according to a table.
Programs involving usage of constructors.
Involving the design of a class with global/instance variables.
Function overloading
Patterns and Series. (Practice as much as you can because the board can give any of those)
Lastly, some trivial questions like primality testing, factorization, etc.
Study smart instead of studying hard by doing similar programs and not wandering out of scope!
All the best. :) |
asked by Sg (shreerockz15) 9 years ago |
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