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How does the Prime minister ensure the collective responsibility of all the council of ministers? |
asked by Mahima Sanghavi (starmahi) 9 years ago |
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Name radiation of wavelenght longer than 8*10 raise to -19 m and give its one use. |
asked by Diksha. (diksha17) 9 years ago |
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+ 18 more questions by diksha17
State two factors which determine the lateral displacement produced by a glass slab? |
asked by Diksha. (diksha17) 9 years ago |
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Why it is advisible to pour cold water over burns caused by solids on human body? |
asked by Diksha. (diksha17) 9 years ago |
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why does cracks in window appear silvery at particular angles? |
asked by Diksha. (diksha17) 9 years ago |
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Ice at 0 degree Celcius have greater potential energy than water at same temperature. Give reason. |
asked by Diksha. (diksha17) 9 years ago |
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if there is no gain in MA of a single pulley then why it is used ?also state why is effeciency of single moveable pulley not 100%? |
asked by Diksha. (diksha17) 9 years ago |
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how will u locate current carying wire concelled in a wall? |
asked by Diksha. (diksha17) 9 years ago |
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what is superconductivity? |
asked by Diksha. (diksha17) 9 years ago |
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State two factors on which shift depeds also give one neccesary condition on which it depends. |
asked by Diksha. (diksha17) 9 years ago |
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two objects of mass 5g and 35g have equal theire kinetic energies. |
asked by Diksha. (diksha17) 9 years ago |
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20 waves pass through a point in 2s . if distance between one crest and trough is 1.5m.calculate the frequency and wavelenght .?(Physics) |
asked by Diksha. (diksha17) 9 years ago |
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A pump is rated 80% effecient raise 5000kg of water evry 200s at height of 40m .calculate the power output and power input of the machine?( Plx ans. Along wid working)... |
asked by Diksha. (diksha17) 9 years ago |
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an inclined plane makes an angle of 30 degree with horizontal.load of 75 kgf is pulled up along plane calculate 1).MA 2).Effort required.
State the assumption made by you in coming to your ans. |
asked by Diksha. (diksha17) 9 years ago |
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A pump is rated 80% effecient raise 5000kg of water evry 200s at height of 40m .calculate the power output and power input of the machine? |
asked by Diksha. (diksha17) 9 years ago |
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state d chnge in mass no. and atmic no. if following arer emitted from nucleus of radioactive atom 1)negative beta particle 2).positive beta particle?. |
asked by Diksha. (diksha17) 9 years ago |
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What energy change occur in steam engine? |
asked by Diksha. (diksha17) 9 years ago |
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Why musical instruements such as sitar are provided with diffrent no.of and diffrent thickness of strings?(physics) |
asked by Diksha. (diksha17) 9 years ago |
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An electric bulb is rated at 250W,220V how long it will take to consume 1kwh of electrical energy?(plx shw d wrking) |
asked by Diksha. (diksha17) 9 years ago |
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At what frequency ac is supplied to residential house? |
asked by Diksha. (diksha17) 9 years ago |
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in civics ,do we have to study
about the subordinate courts in details like d courts of revenue,munsifs court,etc or only d difference betwn seesions judge n district judge? |
asked by Sudzzzz.... (omadarsh) 9 years ago |
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what is the meaning of test cross and back cross? and is it there in our scope????? |
asked by Nisarg Pandya
(cooldude0000) 9 years ago |
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which one a wire of 5 A or the wire of 15A will be more thicker?give reason.. |
asked by $ω@T!* (swati22) 9 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by swati22
what will alpha particle change into,when it absorbs : electron
2.two electron |
asked by $ω@T!* (swati22) 9 years ago |
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Substances that can be used as semi-permeable membrane for osmosis experiment? |
asked by Agrim (alan1) 9 years ago |
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A guitar string is set into vibrations in air Name the kind of vibrations is executed .What role does the surrounding medium affect the amplitude of these vibrations . |
asked by Bibekbir Khalsa (bibekbir) 9 years ago |
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A wire of uniform thickness with a resistance of 27 Ω is cut into three equal pieces and they are joined in parallel. Find the equivalent resistance of the parallel combination. |
asked by Eirina (peaceouteirina) 9 years ago |
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