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Formation of chloroform from methane is an example of
a) Addition b) Dehydration c) Substitution d) Elimination |
asked by Amal (icseexam2016) 9 years ago |
1 |
since intensity is square of amplitude and also square of frequency and we know that loudness is equal to frequency, so the ans. is 3:4. |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (shodhansonofsridevi) 9 years ago |
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Hwo did you do the exam guys anyone centum |
asked by Abisek Balaji (abisek) 9 years ago |
0 |
guys in the section A in the resistance for music system i got it wrong in the last step and wrote 300A in place of 30 A..will i get step marking there or any grace marks..pls reply |
asked by Ishanuj Hazarika (ishanuj99) 9 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by ishanuj99
what was the frequency ratio?? i wrote..4:3 but many were saying 1:1 |
asked by Ishanuj Hazarika (ishanuj99) 9 years ago |
5 |
Q.5 Efficiency...also plzzzz show how....?????? |
asked by Kalyani Bhakat (kalyanibhakat) 9 years ago |
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How many marks would lose for writing all info for calorimetry sum? I didn't write mc(T-t) on right side of =. That's the reason I got it wrong. I hope I don't get 0 cause it's 4 marks! |
asked by Darshan Deshpande (darshan1504) 9 years ago |
2 |
Heat energy per minute for 4ohm resistor? |
asked by Riya Godambe (riya30) 9 years ago |
4 |
Was the heat answer in section b 84.45grams? |
asked by Ayanabho785 (ayanabho) 9 years ago |
3 |
Hey guyz! How was ua paper!??:-D |
asked by Aditi Chauhan (aadi786) 9 years ago |