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can u plz add me n pp???? |
asked by Andy Pinto (andria) 8 years ago |
0 |
its 1:30
aur chalega yaa next chapters karein???? |
asked by Typical Indian (thexaminee) 8 years ago |
0 |
last 10 min to wind up lens and next session starts at 4.30 to give ample time to read:
1.current electricity
2.calorimetry(since bit tough)
3.electric power
4. refraction at plane surfaces
this covers half of syllabus. at 1.45 there will be rating of PP.join allPP enterpreneurs .now there are around 40 PP members.
surely 25 percent of que.discussed appear at boards or even more than that
with regards,
asked by Shodhan Shetty (shodhansonofsridevi) 8 years ago |
4 |
+ 2 more questions by shodhansonofsridevi
mp harsha - 36 |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (shodhansonofsridevi) 8 years ago |
2 |
whether there will be change in image formation when object is moved towards lens or lens is moved towards object?PP 11 |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (shodhansonofsridevi) 8 years ago |
3 |
But on concise Physics the give reasons for mirage and why a crack in the glass shines isn't given.... |
asked by Born To Succeed (rupanwita) 8 years ago |
2 |
+ 5 more questions by rupanwita
How many questions are U all planning to attempt???? |
asked by Born To Succeed (rupanwita) 8 years ago |
1 |
I have already done the past 10 yrs papers should I do it again???? |
asked by Born To Succeed (rupanwita) 8 years ago |
2 |
What will be the reason for a crack in the glass shines????? |
asked by Born To Succeed (rupanwita) 8 years ago |
2 |
Which chapters are important in section A ???? |
asked by Born To Succeed (rupanwita) 8 years ago |
1 |
DO WE HAVE Give reasons for why a diamond sparkles etc examples i n refraction of light in our syllabus???( for give reasons) |
asked by Born To Succeed (rupanwita) 8 years ago |
4 |
What is the effect if half of a convex lens is covered by a black cloth? PP28 |
asked by Darshan Deshpande (darshan1504) 8 years ago |
2 |
PP22 .
asked by Siddharth Chhetri (dgenerationx) 8 years ago |
1 |
What is Mirage PP34 |
asked by Gaurav Verma (g_vermaji) 8 years ago |
1 |
guys plz share notes for machines ch..!! |
asked by Sanchita Jain (sanchitajain) 8 years ago |
1 |
PP:-Which type of lens has
-Negative power?
-Positive power? |
asked by Chirayu Rai (chirayurai) 8 years ago |
3 |