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analyze the following program in detail :
double a= -6.35;
double b= 14.74;
double x=Math.abs(Math.ceil(a));
double y= Math.rint(Math.max(a,b));
System.out.println(y); |
asked by Deepak (deepakudgiri) 9 years ago |
1 |
+ 6 more questions by deepakudgiri
make a list to compare functions of WHO & red cross |
asked by Deepak (deepakudgiri) 9 years ago |
1 |
make a sequence of blood clotting : fibrinogen,thromin,thromboplastin,ca++,fibrin,blood clot,prothrombin,blood. |
asked by Deepak (deepakudgiri) 9 years ago |
1 |
difference between compareTo() &equals() ? |
asked by Deepak (deepakudgiri) 9 years ago |
1 |
how weightlessness condition occurs in satellite ? |
asked by Deepak (deepakudgiri) 9 years ago |
1 |
It is given in the textbook that hydrogen as maximum specific heat capacity then why is water considered to have high specific heat capacity ? |
asked by Deepak (deepakudgiri) 9 years ago |
2 |
what is MATH.ceil(),MATH.rint() & MATH.floor()? |
asked by Deepak (deepakudgiri) 9 years ago |
2 |
What's the function of the Luteinizing Hormone? |
asked by Yolomama69 (yolomama69) 9 years ago |
1 | + 4 more questions by yolomama69
Batman vs Superman Trailer #3 |
asked by Yolomama69 (yolomama69) 9 years ago |
1 |
An element which exists in two crystalline forms? |
asked by Yolomama69 (yolomama69) 9 years ago |
2 |
Equation for ammonium dichromate being heated? |
asked by Yolomama69 (yolomama69) 9 years ago |
1 |
Why does dry HCl gas not change the color of blue litmus? |
asked by Yolomama69 (yolomama69) 9 years ago |
2 |
what do you observe when a piece of moist blue litmus paper is placed in a gas jar of chlorine |
asked by Jothika Noble (doublej123) 9 years ago |
3 | + 1 more questions by doublej123
is centrifugal force the force of reaction of centripetal force? explain |
asked by Jothika Noble (doublej123) 9 years ago |
4 |
Are we allowed to write some answer in point wise in English paper 2 ...
Can we achieve marks by writing point wise in board exam....
Any suggestion ??? |
asked by Ñihal (nehalkhan) 9 years ago |
1 | + 2 more questions by nehalkhan
Are we write some answer in point wise in English paper 2 ...
Can we achieve marks by writing point wise in board exam....
Any suggestion ??? |
asked by Ñihal (nehalkhan) 9 years ago |
3 |
what is the exact location of Quantasome. |
asked by Ñihal (nehalkhan) 9 years ago |
2 |
Is black point pen is necessary or we can write with blue gel pen? |
asked by Ayanabho785 (ayanabho) 9 years ago |
4 |
please give me tips to present my answer sheet neat... |
asked by Anonymous (coolboys98657) 9 years ago |
1 |
H---C---H IUPAC name?? |
asked by .
(sd19) 9 years ago |
3 | + 3 more questions by sd19
give a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of lead hydroxide with hot and conc. caustic potash |
asked by .
(sd19) 9 years ago |
1 |
name an organic compound used in medicine.. |
asked by .
(sd19) 9 years ago |
3 |
what are oleifins? |
asked by .
(sd19) 9 years ago |
2 |
1)Which is the cell organelle that helps in manufacture of starch?
2) Give odd one out and category of rest--
i) Diptheria, Cholera,Tetanus,Chicken pox
ii) Vasectomy,Diaphragms,condoms,spermicidal agents
iii) Colour blindness, Haemophilia,Rh positive blood group,Blue eye colour
3) Give the function of--
i) Walls of the heart
ii) Cristae
iii) Choroid layer of the eye(significance)
Thanks |
asked by Darshan Deshpande (darshan1504) 9 years ago |
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any neutral oxide??? |
asked by $ω@T!* (swati22) 9 years ago |
6 |
An acid that turns blue lithmus pink |
asked by Ashutosh Gupta
(ashu123456789) 9 years ago |
3 |
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