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ResFinder - Thousands of Practice Papers
Was the number line answer x is more than equal to -1.5 and less than 2? |
asked by Ayanabho785 (ayanabho) 8 years ago |
5 |
How was the paper guys? |
asked by Roshan Mahato (rosh77) 8 years ago |
4 |
Tumne mujhe itni berahemi se pitaa
tumne mujhe itni berahemi se pitaa
sin theta upon cos theta = tan theta
Tuney pyaar mein chori kiya mera man
tuney pyaar mein chori kiya mera man
sin^2 theta + cos^2 theta = 1.............. |
asked by Mustafa Ranapurwala (rmustafa440) 8 years ago |
3 |
ALL THE BEST ....................;) |
asked by Anisha shruti (timmy) 8 years ago |
1 |
All the best.bye bye.i maylose from my goal of 100 or 99 but all of your goals must be turned into fruit .again wish you all the best |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (shodhansonofsridevi) 8 years ago |
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+ 2 more questions by shodhansonofsridevi
Is it possible to get 100 in maths? |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (shodhansonofsridevi) 8 years ago |
2 |
Prove: (SecA + tanA)^2 = 1-sinA/1-sin |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (shodhansonofsridevi) 8 years ago |
0 |
All the best guyz!!!!''!!!! |
asked by Zihfa (zihfaaryan) 8 years ago |
1 |
pls do this..solve for x...a/x-a + b/x-b = 2c/x-c...all the best mates!!! |
asked by Ishanuj Hazarika (ishanuj99) 8 years ago |
1 |
asked by Chirayu Rai (chirayurai) 8 years ago |
3 |
guys whoever is willing to attempt the 6 mark median sum in section B and whoever isnt getting accurate ans with free hand curve then do one thing....draw with scale and get the accurate answer...after finding the answer rub those point coz those points can make anyone say that it is drawn by ruler....rub those points and try joining with free that examiner should not feel that it is drawn by ruler..I myself am not good at drawing o give curve with free hand..Till now i drew with scale but i got to know that examiner cuts 1 mark if drawn with scale....ATB....thanx |
asked by MP Harsha (student58) 8 years ago |
1 |