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give reason:
large tracts in maharashtra are covered with black soil |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (sstshodhan) 8 years ago |
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+ 9 more questions by sstshodhan
give reason: man is largely responsible for soil erosion |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (sstshodhan) 8 years ago |
3 |
state 2 reasons for low productivity of red soils |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (sstshodhan) 8 years ago |
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mention 2 ways by which soil can get nitrogen |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (sstshodhan) 8 years ago |
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in which region south of tropic of cancer , can one find soil formed by leaching |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (sstshodhan) 8 years ago |
3 |
name one mineral associated with black soil |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (sstshodhan) 8 years ago |
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what are the causes of soil erosion? |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (sstshodhan) 8 years ago |
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can any one send the topo practice part of goyal textbook |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (sstshodhan) 8 years ago |
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mention various sorts of questions that may appear in topo like grid reference,... |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (sstshodhan) 8 years ago |
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how will you differentiate btn summer and winter monsoons |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (sstshodhan) 8 years ago |
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Trellis and Rectangular drainage patterns are not the same right? |
asked by Niki (niki_gabi) 8 years ago |
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why do settlements tend to be nucleated sometimes? |
asked by Nina (ruchika16) 8 years ago |
1 | + 1 more questions by ruchika16
what is the cause of broken ground? |
asked by Nina (ruchika16) 8 years ago |
2 |
Hey guys what are your favourite songs from the US Billboard top 50 this week? |
asked by Vijay Kr
(krvijay28) 8 years ago |
3 | + 1 more questions by krvijay28
Answer this!-
Name the three different types of drainage patterns and describe/differentiate them. |
asked by Vijay Kr
(krvijay28) 8 years ago |
3 |
why is the IT industry known as the 'sunrise industry'?(it's from the la martiniere prelim paper) |
asked by Akhila
(amazingaligators123) 8 years ago |
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wat all shuld i read for climate chapter??? sum good notes or anything then plz share.... |
asked by Diya Parmar (diyaparmar809) 8 years ago |
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Name the natural vegetation largely found in the Deccan Plateau region ? |
asked by Ann Mary
(cuteprincessamj) 8 years ago |
3 |
2 reasons perennial canals are being converted into inundationcanals? |
asked by Adithya Kannan (adiketh198) 8 years ago |
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2 reasons inundation canals are being converted into perennial canals? |
asked by John Jony (examexam) 8 years ago |
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