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While calculating the six figure grid reference, if the final result is, for e.g., 04(2.5)21(8), will the result be 04(3)21(8)(rounded off) or 04(2)21(8)(goes to the even counterpart) |
asked by Arihant Gaur (firefox1006) 9 years ago |
1 |
I dont know if i am sure.So i am asking you'll.Tell me if i am true.Please!!!
----} In telegraph and telephone lines,it is identified by checking 2 dark black spots with 2 light black spots in between them.
----} In taluka boundary there are no such darks spots but a simple dotted line.
Please check ur maps and comment as this is a very confusing topic and many of them would be misguided. |
asked by Death Eater (parth2018) 9 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by parth2018
which of the 2 slopes is intervisible
1) Concave
2) Convex |
asked by Death Eater (parth2018) 9 years ago |
1 |
in 45 D/7 eastings 82 to 90 , northings 90 to 00,
1.what is the bearings of spot height 264 (8997) from spot height 240 (8498)
2.what is the direction of flow of sipu river and varka N ? give reason village where contour of 200 metres cross naka nadi |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (sstshodhan) 9 years ago |
2 |
+ 4 more questions by sstshodhan
what are spot heights ?
what are causeways? provide definate ans. |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (sstshodhan) 9 years ago |
2 |
in 45D/7,eastings 93 to 01 and northings90.to00,
1.what is mode of transport in the area?give reason.
2.what is general slope of land in northern part? give reasons for your answer. |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (sstshodhan) 9 years ago |
1 |
what is meant by contours?provide perfect definition. |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (sstshodhan) 9 years ago |
1 |
what is meant by RF? do we need to write its expanded form or definition ? |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (sstshodhan) 9 years ago |
2 |
Should we noe what is a Persian wheel method and how it works?? |
asked by Swathi S (sswathi_chavan) 9 years ago |
2 |
Give two examples which indicate the encroachment of man into forests
(2009) |
asked by Manasa R (manasa2000) 9 years ago |
1 |
Explain why cherrapunji is receives more rain than kolkata? |
asked by Nina (ruchika16) 9 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by ruchika16
Tropical cyclones originate in the bay of bengal or andaman sea? |
asked by Nina (ruchika16) 9 years ago |
1 |
Can someone pls give the diff between 'burst and break of monsoon'?? (2 marks) |
asked by Swanuja M (peppermint82) 9 years ago |
1 |
Can anyone plzzzzz post Indias map with all the features |
asked by Ankit kumar (yobro99) 9 years ago |
1 |
what do we mean by rainfall is orographic in nature?? pl. explain |
asked by Hanu Pillai (jackandjill) 9 years ago |
1 |