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okay shylock was going to the party.
and lorenzo also tells jessica that people are waiting in the party for them,they will go.
did the party literally happened or not?? |
asked by Siddharth Chhetri (dgenerationx) 9 years ago |
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Poetic devices in I Believe, If thou must love me, doctors journal, basically all the poems except plasm of life |
asked by Sidra Haider (sidrahaider) 9 years ago |
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Does any1 know a site with 1995-2002 question papers ( english literature)? It might not be the same syllabus, but sometimes there might be the same poems in the prescribed book. |
asked by Won't Tell :P (some1) 9 years ago |
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Why does Launcelot speak of 'Black Monday' and 'Ash Wednesday' in Act II Scene 5? |
asked by Gunjan Maheshwari (chocopie2000) 9 years ago |
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in act 4: scene 1 -
gratiano: in christening shalt thou have god fathers
had i been judge thou shouldt have ten more
to bring thee to the gallows not to the font ??? |
asked by Sanchita Jain (sanchitajain) 9 years ago |
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Poetic devices in psalm of life?? |
asked by Aaditya Sharma
(ascc008) 9 years ago |
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In Act 1 scene 3 Shylock answers to bassanio that he will walk with talk with them have business with them but never dine bid them nor pray with them then why in act 2 when Lancelot came to bid Shylock for supper and Shylock accept invitation |
asked by Bibekbir Khalsa (bibekbir) 9 years ago |
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Act III scene 1: Salarino -" I for my part knew the tailor that made the wings she flew withal." |
asked by .
(sd19) 9 years ago |
4 |
How far is it true that the song helps Bassanio to choose the correct casket? |
asked by Padmanabh Saha
(skullfire) 9 years ago |
3 |