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asked by Sidra Haider (sidrahaider) 8 years ago |
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Anybody knows about the results date? |
asked by Roshan Mahato (rosh77) 8 years ago |
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Any engg aspirants here? |
asked by Um 100
(um100) 8 years ago |
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guys remeber me?? for the hardest paper of computer ???......i think it boosted the confidence of a lot of u andbeacause of that allof u and me too cracked our exams well. |
asked by Nisarg Pandya
(cooldude0000) 8 years ago |
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does anyone still bother to look at this page? |
asked by Guy (devrath) 8 years ago |
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What do you want to be?
Doctor or Engineer
My mother asks me this very often |
asked by Saahil Sankar B (bestintheworld) 8 years ago |
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+ 6 more questions by bestintheworld
I can be a friend and an enemy.
If you respect me, I will try my best to be the bestest friend that you ever had.
If you disrespect me, I can be your worst nightmare, trust me. |
asked by Saahil Sankar B (bestintheworld) 8 years ago |
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How many of you are playing the IPL Fantasy League? |
asked by Saahil Sankar B (bestintheworld) 8 years ago |
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By the way, all this does not change the fact that I am The Best In The World |
asked by Saahil Sankar B (bestintheworld) 8 years ago |
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By, the way, I also have a blog related to cricket.
Please visit the blog so that I can increase the number of views.
It has been a long time since I have posted anything in that blog, but I will try to do it as soon as possible |
asked by Saahil Sankar B (bestintheworld) 8 years ago |
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Guys, my dream is to become a Cricket Analyst when I grow up.
So, I would like to request each and every one of you(Yes, the best in the world is requesting to all of you) to post all the doubts and questions you have related to cricket and I will try my best to answer them alone without the help of the internet/
Please ask your questions, I want to analyze the knowledge I have about cricket and I also need to learn new things. |
asked by Saahil Sankar B (bestintheworld) 8 years ago |
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I am the best player. I am the best talker. I am the best tactician. I am the best brawler.
And I don't say these things from a place of insecurity.
I say it because I AM IT!!!!!!!!! |
asked by Saahil Sankar B (bestintheworld) 8 years ago |
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anyone next year ISC |
asked by Anonymous (coolboys98657) 8 years ago |
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Any group for cbse 11 n 12 like respaper... :p?? |
asked by Animesh Dwarkani (tiger36) 8 years ago |
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Sahil Bro. Humility :) |
asked by Oof. (eash13) 8 years ago |
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