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Name an acid which on reaction with lead nitrate produces a white ppt which is insoluble even on heating... Pls ans |
asked by Swanuja M (peppermint82) 9 years ago |
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+ 2 more questions by peppermint82
Is oleum (H2S2O7) an acid???? |
asked by Swanuja M (peppermint82) 9 years ago |
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What is responsible for the basic nature of (I) ammonia (II) aq. Soln. Of ammonia??? |
asked by Swanuja M (peppermint82) 9 years ago |
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name an acid used to prepare a non volatile acid??is answer oleum or sulphuric acid?? |
asked by Kushal Shukla (kushal1990) 9 years ago |
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If they ask us the reaction between Al and NaOH do we always add water or can the reaction proceed without it? |
asked by Nina (ruchika16) 9 years ago |
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+ 4 more questions by ruchika16
give reasons why nitric acid can be stored in aluminium containers? |
asked by Nina (ruchika16) 9 years ago |
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Whats the difference between fused cacl2 and anhydrous cacl2 ? |
asked by Nina (ruchika16) 9 years ago |
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Why does pure hno3 fume in moist air? |
asked by Nina (ruchika16) 9 years ago |
3 |
IS IT IMPORTANT TO WRITE sentenses in science papers or writing the answer directly is enough |
asked by Aditya Reddy (aditya_reddy) 9 years ago |
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In Gay Lussacs how do we find the remaining substance in the resultant mixture? |
asked by Sidra Haider (sidrahaider) 9 years ago |
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Guys I honestly have no idea what to study from practical chemistry |
asked by Chelsea Dcosta (che777) 9 years ago |
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In extraction of aluminium , do we have only Baeyer's or Both Baeyer's and Halls |
asked by Amal (icseexam2016) 9 years ago |
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Are mixed salts,double salts and complex salts there in the syllabus?? |
asked by Ankita :) (anywhere123) 9 years ago |
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Can someone show the working of Q1=>b=>v of last year? |
asked by Abhishek Agrawal (agrek) 9 years ago |
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which are MOST important chapters other than the study of compounds and organic chem? |
asked by Guy (devrath) 9 years ago |
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