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CBSE Class 12 Pre Board 2023 : Economics (Delhi Public School (DPS) Bangalore East, Bangalore)

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Delhi Public School (DPS) Bangalore East, Bangalore
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DELHIPUBLIC SCHOOL BANGALORE EAST ACADEMIC SESSiON 2022-2023 PREBOARD- 1 sET-A CLASS: 12 DURATION: 3 Hrs sUBJECT: ECONOMICS (030) MAX MARKS: 80 GENERAL INSTRUCTION: This question paper contains two sections Section A Macroeconomics Section B Indian Economic Development I mark each. Multiple Choice Questions type questions of in 60 to 80 morks each to be onswered words. Answer Questions type questions of 3 This paper contains 4 Short in 80 to 100 answered to be words each marks Short Answer Questions type questions of 4 This poper contains 6 answered in 100 to 150 words to be each 6 marks 20 This poper contains This poper contains 4 Long Answer Questions type questions of SECTIONA- MacroeconomiCs Mark Question Q.NO Read the following Excess 1: Statement statements carefully: level. at the full employment aggregate supply situation under which aggregate demand is the Statement 2: Excess at aggregate supply i n the light o f t h e given Statement (a) Statement (b) full employment statements, and 1 is t r u e talse and 1 is statements 1 and 2 Both (c) (d)Both statements I constituents A. The two 2. (a) key Consumption and level. alternative c h o o s e the statement are and2are talse demand Statement which normal In the for (a) given Statement (b) S t a t e n m e n t carefully transforms o n e statements, aggregate demand into physical good capital another physical of fixed in the value refers to fall obsolescence. correct choose the alternative good is assets due to from the followinS talse s t a t e m e n t 2 is 1 is true and true s t a t e m e n t 2 is 1 is false and statements l and 2 are true folowing is a monetary Which out ot the spending Reduce government (a) (C) Lowering margin 1|Page (b) nor (b) Rise in (d) Deficit financing (c) Both 2 are talse (d)Both statements 1 and 4 (a) excess consume wear the Neither and growth demand? reason of fixed 2: Consumption foreseen and tear and light of Investment or tertiary sector. Statement are (b) (d) Investment statements 1: Sector folowirng true propensity Fall in the investments following Read the from the correct of a g g r e g a t e is not a the following B. Which of to (C)Increasein short of demand falls 2 Is t r u e and (b) (c) Both (a) (a) exceeds is f a l s e 2 statement demand which aggregate under situation supply is the requirements measure deficient to correct demand? government (b) Increase (d) None of these spending in country: 5. A. The Following information is given foran (all imaginary o f 10 years 5 1. Durable use producer goods with a ne 11. 20 Single use Sales V. v. <lakh) vgures producer goods Unsold output Taxes on production ldentify the (a)R20lakh correct year produced during the value of NVAFc optron (c)R10lakh from the given (b) R 25 lakh 1OOWing figure carefully (d) R 15 lakh alternatives pr option the c o r r e c t and choose from the given below HOUSEHOLD SECTOR Consumplion Factor paymenls FLOWExpen tured (Rent, wages, on goods &ano interest, Profit) services PRODUCINGSECTOR (d)Either(a) (b) the or Alternatives: (c to Circular (c) Real (a) Nominal (b) Advisory the deficit in the a member of A. Suppose you are is concerned about the rising control the rising revenue The Finance Minister be used to Finance Minister of lndiaa Committee budget. revenue Which of the following o f the measures can the burden of subsidy Bovernmentr administrative (a) Reduce deficit (b) Reduce these (d) Any of expernses government (c) I n c r e a s e t a x a t i o n Or the implication of revenue the following is B. Which of indiscipline. deficit shows fiscal revenue A high ) government on expenditure of shows wasteful It (i) dissaving government is It implies that (1i) deficit? administration. (d) () (i) and (ii) o() and (in) (a)0) and(i) (6).(0)and(in) (A) a n d Keason (R). Choose one of the correct statementS-ASSertion Read the following alternatives given below: Assertion Reason Propensity to (A): Average (R): Consumption Alternatives: (a) Both ASsertion can Consume can be greater than Reason (R) are (b) Both Assertion (A) and explanation of Assertion (A Reason Assertion (A) is true but (c) (R) Read the following statements carefully: 1: When the consumption one in an economy. true and Reason is the (R) is not the 21 Page explanation correct true expenditure is more than the income, the value of APSs will be negative. the to Save (MPS) is equal to zero, Statement 2: If Marginal Propensity multiplier will be not defined (o) correct is false (d) Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R) is Statement income greater than are true and Reason (R) (A) and Reason (R) of Assertion (A) 8 be value of investment 3 from the following: correct alternative statements, choose the e light of the given 1 is true and statement Statement (b) (c) 2 is false talse and statement 2 is true Statement 1 is s t a t e m e n s I a n d 2 are true Both (d) Both statements 1 and 2 are false and Column dentify the correCt pair trom the tollowing Column I Column 1 When AD is exceeds AS at the full employment level of income (i) Ratio of change in consumption expenditure to change in income Columni () A. Excess demand B. Inflationary gap (ii) When C. Autonomous AD less than AS at the full consumption D. Marginal Propensity to employment level of income (iv) Consumption expenditure planned Save Alternatives: to be Biven period (a) A-i) (b) B-(i) (c)C-(i) (d) D-(iv) tollowing 10. ll. Read the statements-Assertion (A) and Reason (R). alternatives given below Assertion (A): Fiscal deficit shows a better comparison to budget deficit. a one of the correct position of the government expenditure in Reason (R): Fiscal deficit reflects borrowings Alternatives: (a) Both ASsertion (A) and Reason (R) Choose incurred during are of Assertion (A) requirement of the government. true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation (6)Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A) () Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is false 11. (d) Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R) is true Explain "Bankers bank function of the Central Bank. Or What do you know about the (a) Legal tender(1) following (b) Fiat money(1) ()High powered money(1) 12 Read the given text carefully and answer the questions that follow: Money was historically emergent market phenomenons that possess intrinsic value as a Commodity; nearly all contemporary money systems are based on unbacked fiat without use money value. Its value is consequently derived by soCial convention, having been declared by a government or regulatory entity to be legal tender; that is, it must be accepted as a form of payment within the boundaries of the country, for "all debts, public and private", in the case of the United States dollar. Contexts which erode public confidence, such as Circulation of counterfeit money or domestic hyperintlation, can cause good money to lose its value. (a) What is money? (1) 13. (6)State the components of money supply. (2) Explain of an the 'problem example. How of double can this counting' in the estimation of national income with the help problem be avoided? Or What are 'non-monetary exchanges'? Explain with suitable limitationof the GDP as an 'indicator of welfare examples how they are a 4 14. tax Read with the given text carefully and explain the basis oof classifying taxes nto direct and ind tax with examples. d nation judiciously, the paying taxes to the we live in to collect government needs of is an integral part local government the world. Now, taxes can be collected and divid divided Lxes, into direct taxes, indirect taxes, viz. direct taxes and in any much tax from everyonEs the e, ds lorm such more. ellgible citze po state For your matter taxes, is ease, taxation This segregation indirect taxes. wher Central is based on two categories, how the tax is being paid to the government Gross Value Added at Market Price from the given dalt ( Lakh) 0) Depreciation 20 (n) Domestic sales 200 ()10 (in) Net change in stocks 10 (iv)Exports ) Single use producer goods o terpret the picture and 120 explain how giving incentives for exports intluence torelg exchange rate. (3) and devaluation depreciation of a currency Distinguish between and (b) hypothetical propensity 17.Drawa the steps Curve. Explain to consume curve ol a currency. (3) trom it derive the propensity to save involved. or diagram. with the help of a schedule and Development SECTION B- Indian Economic Explainthe Consumption Function in terms of Gross Domestic What is the full form of PPP 18. Product Public Private Partnership (b) Purchasing Power Parity (a) (c) Purchasing Power Price (d) None of these fish producing states in India? 19.| Which of the following are major Andhra Pradesh () Odisha (i) Gujarat (i) Maharashtra (iv) (a) (i) (in) and (iv) (c) (i) (ii) and (iv) (b) () (i) and (in) (d) () (i) and (iv) Or Surplus population engage in agriculture 20. can be employed in: (b) Fisheries (c) Horticulture (d) Any of these (a)Animal husbandry of the correct Reason (R). Choose Read the following statements-Assertion (A) and one alternatives given below: Assertion (A)}: Pakistan shifted its policy orientation in late 1970s and 1980s. Reason (R): A variety of regulated policy framework after independernce lead to slow growth ofPakistan. Alternatives: Page 6 6 ason (R) ) B o t h Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and of ASsertior (A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are Keason 09) true and Reason explanation of Assertion (A) 15 the correct (R) is not t to ensure explanation (c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is false (d)Assertion (A)isfalse but Reason (R)is true Read the following statements carefully: Statement 1: Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (5SAJ was launched in 2000 5 education for all children in the age Broup of b-14 years by 2007 and 8 yearsyears 2010. Statement 2: Nationat Programme tor Education of Girls at Elementary Level in 2003, under SSA, for providing additional support for education of of primary schooling by was ched under-privileged girls at the elementary level. In the light of the given statements, choose the correct alternative from the following: (a) Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false (b) Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true (c) Both statements 1 and 2 are true (d)Both statements1and 2arefalse indicator. (b) Proportion of population below poverty line China is moving ahead of India and Pakistan is true for LL. (a) GDP per capita (c) HDI ranking (d) All of these Dr A campaign in China in 1958 where people were encouraged to set up industries in their backyard was named as (b) Great Proletarian Cultural (d) Four Pests Campaign (a) Great Leap Forward c)Anti-rightist Movement 23. Revolution Match the situations given in Column I with their respective implications given in Column II andchoose the correct alternative Column Column A.Whiterevolution) It isalso known as the Neel Kranti Mission. B, Blue revolution()t was found by MS Swaminathan. C.Golden revolution (ii) It is also known as Operation Flood. (iv) It is related to increased production of honey and horticulture. Alternatives: D. Green revolution (a) A-(i), B-(i), C- (), D- (iv) (b) A -(ii), B-(iv), C- (i), D - (6) (c) A-(ii), B- (0), C- (iv), D- (i)_ (d) A- (ii), B-(), C- (i), D(iv)_ 24. Read the following statements carefully: In Statement 1: Statement 1997, 2: Global a UN conference warming refers on climate change was held in to the destruction Japan. of ozone in the ozone presence of chBorine from man-made chlorofluorocarbons and other forces. In the light of the given statements, choose the correct alternative from the (a) Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false (6} Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true (c) Both statements 1 and 2 are true 25. (d) Both statements l and 2 are false In which of the following areas, Pakistan has an edge over India? ) Export of sottware after economic reforms (i) Number of Phd's produced in science and (in) Percentage of undernourished children engineering every year 51Page layer, a)0 and () (6) () and (ii) )0) and (i) (d) only () following: due to 26 * wich duty has been removed to increase the competitive international markets? Read the () duty (6) Export duty tollowing statements-Assertion (A Assertion (A): (a/ Custom Reason (RJ: institution To this promote in the (d) None of these or the corect and Reason (R). one Ch00se was set in 1944, monetary international of indian godd import duty alternatives given below: fund International monetary position cooperation for consultation and provides machinery through collaboration a on permanent international monetary problems. Alternatives: (a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason ofAssertion (A) (b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) (R) are are true explanation (R) is the correct and Reason (R) is not the correct true and Reason explanation of Assertion (A) (c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is false (d) Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R) is true Or Readthe following statements-Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Choose one of the correct alternatives given below: ASsertion (A): Second Five Year Plan emphasizes on the establishment of heavy industries. Reason (R): Third Five Year Plan introduced the concept of import substitutiorn as a stroteey of industrialization. Alternatives: (a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A) (b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A) (c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is false 8. (d) Assertion (A) isfalse but Reason (R)istrue Give the steps taken towards 'Privatisation' in 1991. Or State the fiscal reforms introduced under the New EConomic Policy in 1991. 29. 30. Interpret the given picture on Answerthe following questions on the basis of the data: Country Annual Growth of Population following (%) Sex Ratio India 1.2 929 Pakistan 2.1 947 (a) Comment upon the annual 31. account of economic reforms o1 1991. D population growth rate in india above countries Comment upon the Sex Ratio in both the What do you mean by globalisation? Give its main features. Or Hughiight the main features of Indian economy on the eve of 61Page and Pakistan. independence What Why activities you would is an the world faced with Provide any three 34Read sSURgest to generate employment in rural areas? environmental Or Suggestions to improve the following text carefully and agricultural marketing. answer the given and common understanding: are 6 crisis? emotionally attached their questions place of on the basis of the same birth. But millions of people These reasons of r e a s o n s . People, 8generally There could be variety and residence. birth of leave their leave their places these c a u s e people to factor, i.e. push two broad categories, from different places. can be put into which attract the people origin; and pull factors, population to poverty, high urban a r e a s to rural etc. migrate from In India, people like healthcare, education, infrastructural facilities basic lack of cyclonic storms, pressure on the land, such as flood, drought, disasters these factors, natural On the other Apart from extra push to migrate. also give conflicts w a r s and local cities. The most earthquake, tsunami, rural a r e a s to from factors which attract people the better hand, there are pull urban a r e a s is rural migrants to the of factor for majority opportunities important pull wages. Better place of residence or opportunities, availability of mainly due higher regular work and relatively a r e also quite entertainment, etc., and sources facilities health for education, better important pull factors. of opportunities o v e r space. u n e v e n distribution the to a response Hence, migration is to the place of higher low opportunity and low safety to move from place of tend the People benefits and problems for of both This, in turn, creates opportunity and better safety. can be observed in economic, and migrate to. Consequences from areas, people migrate and demographic terms. social, cultural, political from rural to urban areas? (3) why in India people mainly migrate (a) Explain, (hl Frnlain how exnenditure on migration is a source of human capital formation?(3)

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