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ICSE Class X Prelims 2021 : Computer Applications (St. Joseph's Convent School (SJCS), Panchgani)

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Hitesh Dave
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Class : X Date- 11/12/ 2020 St. Joseph s Convent School, Panchgani. Sub: Computer Applications Preliminary Examination Time: 2 Hrs. Marks: 100 Attempt all questions of Section A and any 4 questions of Section B. Section A (40 Marks) Q.1 ] a) Define Object with an example. b) Differentiate between Class variable and Instance variable. c) Write the java expression for: tan 1 x e 2 x d) Differentiate between operand and operator. e) What is polymorphism? Define the way of implementing polymorphism. [10] Q.2 ] a) State one similarity and one difference between = = and equals(). b) What are the types of casting shown by the following examples? (i) double x = 15.2; int y= (int) x; (ii) int x = 12; long y =x; c) Rewrite the following using switch-case. [10] char x; int m=0; if( x== a ) m=m+1; if(x== b ) m=m+2; d) What is the Dangling else problem in nested if-else construct. e) Rewrite using switch . . . case . . statement d = (m = = 1) ? 5 : 25 ; Q 3] a) What is an empty loop? Give an example. b) State the output of: [2] [2] for(int i = 1; i<=6; i + +) { System.out.print( i + ); if( i % 2 = = 0) continue; System.out.println( ); } c) Name the jump statement that: (i) moves to the next iteration, while skipping the remaining code in the current iteration. (ii) enforce the early termination of a loop. [2] d) Re-write the following using for loop: int i=1, f=1; do { f= f*i; i++; } while( i< = 10); System.out.println( f ); e) Differentiate between base type and subscript type of an array. [2] f) if( a> 10 || b> 10) r = a* 2; else r = b* 3; What will be the value of r if : (i) a=100 b=90 (ii) a=10 b=10 (iii) a=25 b=10 g) State the output : Given: String x[ ] = { SJC , HIGH , SCHOOL }; 1) System.out.println( x[1].charAt(2) ); 2) System.out.println( x[2].lastIndexof ( O ) ); 3) System.out.println( x[2].substring(0, 1) + x[0].substring(1) ); [3] [2] [3] h) Write a function prototype for a function Result that has one double variable (y) and one boolean variable (b) as parameters and returns a word [2] i) Name the keyword: (1) That tells, that the function dose not return any value. (2) that refers to current calling object. [2] Section B (60 Marks) Attempt any four questions from this Section. The answers in this Section should consist of the Programs in either Blue J environment or any program environment with Java as the base. Each program should be written using Variable descriptions/Mnemonic Codes such that the logic of the program is clearly depicted. Q.4] Write a program to assign following numbers in an array and arrange them in descending order using bubble sort method. [15] Input: 5.2, 3.1, 8.5, 4.1, 9.7, 2.3, 1.8, 12.4, 98.1, 16.3 Output: 98.1, 16.3, 12.4, 9.7, 8.5, 5.2, 4.1, 3.1, 2.3, 1.8 Q.5] Write a class with the name overloading using function Area() that computes the area of a parallelogram, a rhombus and a trapezium. Formula: Area of a parallelogram (pg) = b*h Area of a rhombus (rh) = *d1*d2 (where, d1 and d2 are the diagonals) Area of a trapezium (tr) = 1/2*(a+b)*h (where , a and b are the parallel sides, h = perpendicular distance between the parallel sides) [15] Q.6] WAP to input a string. Convert all vowels in Lower case and all consonant in Upper case. e.g. input: st= WELCome TO School Output: WeLCoMe To SCHooL. [15] Q.7] The tax department has announced the new tax rated and deductions as per the following rates: Gross annual Income (in RS.) Tax rate for Female Tax Rate for Male Up to 175000 Nil Nil 175001 - 350000 10% 12% 350001 550000 20% 22% 550001 and above 30% 33% WAP to input name, pan number, gross monthly income and gender (F for Female and M for Male). Compute the annual gross income, and the tax to be paid using the above criteria. Print name, pan number, gross annual income and tax to be paid. [15] Q.8] WAP to check if a number is a Magic Number or not. [15] A number is said to be a Magic number if the sum of its digits are calculated till a single digit is obtained by recursively adding the sum of its digits. If the single digit comes to be 1 then the number is a magic number, otherwise it is Not a magic number. e.g. 289 is a Magic number, as 2 + 8 + 9 = 19 , 1 + 9 = 10, 1+0=1 Q.9] Define a class named student having following members: [15] Data members: Name of student, Marks in Physics, chemistry, Maths, computer and average, Grade (char type). Member functions: (i) Parameterized constructor: Initialize the details (name, marks in phy, chem.,maths, comp) (ii) Compute ( ): calculate average marks (iii) Grading( ) : Allot student grade as given below : Average Grade Above 90 E 80 to 90 A 60 to 79 B 40 to 59 C Below 40 D (iv) Display ( ): display output in following format: Name of Student : Physics Chemistry Maths Computer Average Grade -------------------------------------***** All the Best *****

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