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ICSE Class X Prelims 2020 : GeograICSE Prelims 2020 : Sundar Coaching Centre Pre Board Revision Examination

4 pages, 96 questions, 12 questions with responses, 12 total responses,    0    0
ICSE ISC Student
Lakshmi School, Veerapanchan, Madurai
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__________________________________________________________________________________ 1 __________________________________________________________________________________ SUNDAR COACHING CENTRE: PRE-BOARD REVISION EXAMINATION GEOGRAPHY (Two Hours - 19/03/2020) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Answers to this Paper must be written on the answer scripts provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Attempt seven questions in all. Part I is compulsory. All questions from Part I are to be attempted. A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets []. Please note that it is mandatory to provide two points per one mark. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To be supplied with this Paper: Survey of India Map Sheet 45D/7, 20 cm of twine, a Map of India and answer booklets. Note: (i) In all Map Work, make wise use of arrows to avoid overcrowding in the map. Always name the feature, and never use numbering on the map. (ii) The extract of Survey of India Map Sheet 45D/7, provided separately, must be utilized to attempt Question 1. (iii) The Map of India provided separately, after marking as instructed in Question 2, must be fastened to your answer booklet. (iv) All sub-sections of the questions attempted must be answered in the correct serial order. (v) All working, including rough work should be done on the same answer script which is used to answer the rest of the paper. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The format of the Question Paper is described below: 1 Topographic Maps 5 Natural Vegetation 9 Industries 2 Map of India 6 Water 10 Transport 3 Climate 7 Minerals and Energy 11 Waste Management 4 Soil 8 Agriculture -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART-I (30 Marks) Attempt both questions from this Part. Question 1 Study the given extract of the Survey of India Map Sheet no. 45D/7 (eastings 01 to 11 and northings 18 to 28) and answer the following questions:(a) Give the six figure grid reference of:(i) The temple near the tank in Dantrai village. [1] (ii) The tree measuring a height of 286 metres. [1] (b) Name the river in the South-Western part of the extract, and using the given twine thread, measure its length in kilometres. [2] (c) Calculate the compass direction of the village of Dantrai from Dhann. [2] (d) Identify and describe the drainage pattern present in 0721. [2] (e) Describe the feature located at the point with six grid reference 012210, and give any one of its uses to mankind. [2] (f) Give reasons why there are several white patches in the map area. [2] __________________________________________________________________________________ This Paper consists of 4 printed pages. Prajwal Sundar 19/03/2020 1 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 2 __________________________________________________________________________________ (g) What type of natural vegetation is found in grid square 0525? Justify. [2] (h) Prove that the map area is economically backward. [2] (i) Why are some of the roads found to be 'motorable in dry season' only? [2] (j) Calculate the distance between Dantrai and Dhann in kilometres: (i) in [2] crow flies (ii) along the road by making use of twine thread. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[1 10 = 10] Question 2 Mark the following in the provided Map of India. You must shade the water bodies in blue, highlight cities in red, mark mountains in brown and neatly show any other geographical feature with a standard colour code:(a) The lake in Jammu and Kashmir (f) A state growing millets in India (b) The oldest oilfield of India (g) A densely populated region in India (c) India's standard meridian (along (h) Mountain range that separates with its degree) North India and South India (d) The mountain peak where both (i) The river flowing through 3 countries the Ghats meet with 3 different names (e) The city famous for Biriyani (j) A region of black soil in India -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART-II (50 Marks) Attempt any five questions from this Part. Question 3 (a) How do tropical cyclones differ from temperate cyclones? [2] (b) A farmer living in Mangaluru, Karnataka had to shift to Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. As a result, he had to completely change the types of crops he used to grow. Explain why he had to do so. [2] (c) How is the Kalbaisakhi useful? [1] (d) What is meant by lapse rate? [1] (e) Name a region in India receiving rainfall both in summer and winter. [1] (f) Describe two important features of the Indian Monsoon. [1] (g) With reference to the climatic data of the two cities provided in the table given below, answer the following questions:(i) Calculate the annual range of temperature of Station A. [0.5] (ii) What is the total rainfall experienced by Station B? [0.5] (iii) On which coast is Station B situated? Name the wind that brings [1] rainfall to this region. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec A T 14.4 16.7 23.3 30.0 33.3 33.3 30.0 29.4 28.9 25.6 19.4 15.6 R 2.5 1.5 1.3 1.0 1.8 7.4 19.3 17.8 11.9 1.3 0.2 1.6 B T 24.4 24.4 26.7 28.3 30.0 28.9 27.2 27.2 27.2 27.8 27.2 25.0 R 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 1.8 50.6 61.0 36.9 4.8 4.8 1.0 0.0 o T - Temperature in F (Fahrenheit) R - Rainfall in Inches -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question 4 (a) Define the terms: pedogenesis, pedology. [1] (b) Which soil has a self-ploughing capacity? Give the names of any two [2] important crops that can be grown in this soil. (c) With reference to laterite soil, answer the following:(i) What does this soil lack? [0.5] (ii) What is this soil rich in? [0.5] (iii) Explain how this soil is useful in constructions. [0.5] (d) Explain the terms: soil creep, saltation and suspension. [1.5] __________________________________________________________________________________ This Paper consists of 4 printed pages. Prajwal Sundar 19/03/2020 2 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 3 __________________________________________________________________________________ (e) How is the Indian government helping prevent soil erosion? [2] (f) Why is the Chambal Valley Region a badland? [1] (g) Suggest a method to prevent soil erosion in a city with a river. [1] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question 5 (a) Give one use of: (i) Sundari (ii) Teakwood trees. [1] (b) Name the tree used for tanning leather and state the type of vegetation in which it grows. [1] (c) Give two characteristics of tropical desert vegetation. [1] (d) Why haven't tropical evergreen forests been fully exploited? [2] (e) Differentiate between socio forestry and agro forestry. [2] (f) Describe any two policies adopted by the government in the National Forest Policy of 1952. [1] (g) Describe the conditions for the growth of trees in the montane regions. [2] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question 6 (a) Give any two methods by which water is lifted from wells. [1] (b) With reference to canal irrigation, answer the following:(i) Why are perennial canals more useful than inundation canals? [1] (ii) Name one state in India where canal irrigation is popular. [1] (c) Differentiate between Surface Water and Ground Water. [2] (d) Brief the conditions required for the construction of tubewells. [1] (e) Which irrigation is popular in the North-Western part of India? Why? [1] (f) Explain the irony in brief: "There is plenty of rain in India during the rainy season, yet we need irrigation". [1] (g) With reference to rainwater harvesting, answer the following:(i) Give two reasons why rainwater harvesting is important in India. [1] (ii) Name two states in India which practise rainwater harvesting. [1] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question 7 (a) Name the metal which India is deficient in. Give any one use of the metal, along with reason for the use. [1] (b) Name the river on which Bhakra Nangal Dam is built, and also name the reservoir used to store its water. [1] (c) Identify the metal in the picture given alongside. Name two cities each where it is distributed in (i) Odisha (ii) Karnataka [2] (d) Give one advantage of: (i) Petroleum (ii) Natural Gas [1] (e) Mention the source of: (i) Geothermal Energy (ii) Biogas [1] (f) Differentiate: conventional and non-conventional sources of energy. [2] (g) Name two off-shore oilfields in India, along with their exact locations. [2] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question 8 (a) Describe two strategies of the Green Revolution. [1] (b) Why is shifting agriculture considered to be ineffective? [1] (c) With reference to rice, explain the advantages of transplanting. [1] (d) With reference to sugarcane, answer the following:(i) Describe the climatic conditions required for its growth. [1] (ii) What are the problems faced by cultivators of this crop? [1] (e) Identify the crop: (i) whose oil is used as a cooking medium (ii) which is [1] consumed as tofu (f) Explain the terms (i) ginning (ii) retting and also name the crop which each of the term is associated with. [2] __________________________________________________________________________________ This Paper consists of 4 printed pages. Prajwal Sundar 19/03/2020 3 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 4 __________________________________________________________________________________ (g) With reference to tea, answer the following:(i) Describe the soil suitable for its growth. [1] (ii) Where are tea plantations found in India? [1] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question 9 (a) Classify industries based on ownership. [1] (b) Why does the sugar industry have a tendency to migrate to the South? [1] (c) [2] Identify the material given in the picture. Name a city in South India which is famous for this industry. Give two reasons why it is successful. (d) With reference to the iron and steel industry at Chattisgarh, answer the following questions:(i) Name this plant and the foreign collaboration associated with it. [1] (ii) From where does this plant get iron ore and limestone? [1] (e) Give any two advantages of mini-steel plants over integrated steel plants. [1] (f) With reference to the Indian Space Research Organization, name the place [1] where: (i) satellites are launched (ii) headquarters are located. (g) With reference to the cotton textile industry, answer the following:(i) Why has this industry flourished at Mumbai? [1] (ii) List any two problems faced by the Handloom and Khadi industries. [1] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question 10 (a) Give two reasons why road transport is important in India. [1] (b) List the cities connected via the golden quadrilateral. [1] (c) Give two any two advantages of air transport. Also account for the fact that nearly seventy percent of Indians do not use air transport. [2] (d) With reference to the Indian Railways, answer the following:(i) Briefly describe the types of gauges used. [1.5] (ii) Give any two advantages and one disadvantage of railways. [1.5] (e) Name the following: (i) organization currently managing India's national airline (ii) Indian helicopter company [1] (f) Why are rivers in South India not suitable for inland water transport? [1] (g) Bring out the relationship between transport and industry. [1] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question 11 (a) With reference to the picture given alongside, answer the following:(i) Identify and define the process. [1] (ii) Give any one advantage and disadvantage of this process. [1] (b) What care must be taken after the closure of a landfill? [1] (c) How does waste accumulation impact: (i) aquatic (ii) terrestrial life? [1] (d) What steps must municipal authorities take to safely dispose waste? [2] (e) What was the cause of the (i) Minamata Disease (ii) Bhopal Tragedy [1] (f) Give the name of the plant and the year of the disaster in Ukraine. [1] (g) Give reasons why:(i) The use of polymeric compounds must be banned. [1] (ii) Decomposition of waste in open areas can adversely affect humans. [1] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Children, I wish you good luck. All the best for your ICSE Board Examination! __________________________________________________________________________________ This Paper consists of 4 printed pages. Prajwal Sundar 19/03/2020 4 __________________________________________________________________________________

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Additional Info : A sample question paper I prepared for my juniors.  

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