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CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2019 : Geography (Series 1)

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SET 1 H$moS> Z . Series : BVM/1 Code No. 64/1/1 - - . Roll No. Candidates must write the Code on the title page of the answer-book. - 12 2 - - - - 22 , - 15 - 10.15 10.15 10.30 - - Please check that this question paper contains 12 printed pages and 2 pages of maps. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 22 questions. Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it. 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. ( ) GEOGRAPHY (Theory) : 3 : 70 Time allowed : 3 hours 64/1/1 Maximum Marks : 70 1 P.T.O. : (i) - 22 (ii) (iii) - 1 7 1 40 (iv) - 8 13 3 80 - 100 (v) - 14 20 5 150 (vi) - 21 22 5 (vii) - - (viii) - General Instructions : (i) There are 22 questions in all. (ii) All questions are compulsory. (iii) Question numbers 1 to 7 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each. Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 40 words. (iv) Question numbers 8 to 13 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 80-100 words. (v) Question numbers 14 to 20 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks each. Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 150 words. (vi) Question numbers 21 and 22 are related to identification and locating and labelling of geographical features on maps, carrying 5 marks each. (vii) Outline maps of the World and India provided to you must be attached within your answer-book. (viii) Use of templates or stencils for drawing outline maps is allowed. 64/1/1 2 Section A 1. 1 Define the term literacy . OR Define the term Age Structure . 2. 1 Differentiate between Growth and Development . 3. 1 Write the meaning of digital divide . 4. - + =1 Mention any two problems of barter system of trade. 5. - ? 1 ? Explain why male migration is higher than females from rural to urban areas in India. OR Explain why female migration is higher from rural to rural areas in India. 64/1/1 3 P.T.O. 6. 1 Examine the importance of rain water harvesting . 7. ? 1 - ? Why is urban waste a serious problem in India ? Explain one reason. OR Why is air pollution a serious problem in India ? Explain one reason. Section B 8. , 3 Physical environment has been greatly modified by human beings, it has also, in turn impacted human lives. Explain the statement. 9. 1 + 2 = 3 (9.1) , (9.2) 64/1/1 4 : 1+2=3 (9.1) , (9.2) Study the given diagram carefully and answer the questions that follow : (9.1) Identify and name the pattern of rural settlement shown in the diagram. (9.2) Explain any two characteristics of this type of pattern of rural settlement. OR Study the given diagram carefully and answer the questions that follow : 64/1/1 (9.1) Identify and name the pattern of rural settlement shown in the diagram. (9.2) Explain any two characteristics of this type of rural settlement. 5 P.T.O. : 9 : 1 3=3 Note : The following question is for the Visually Impaired Candidates only in lieu of Q. No. 9 : Describe any three characteristics of Compact type of settlements or Dispersed type of settlements. 10. , 1901 2011 64/1/1 1901 * % 238396327 1911 252093390 (+) 13697063 (+) 5.75 1921 251321213 ( ) 772117 ( ) 0.31 1931 278977238 (+) 27656025 (+) 11.60 1941 318660580 (+) 39683342 (+) 14.22 1951 361088090 (+) 42420485 (+) 13.31 1961 439234771 (+) 77682873 (+) 21.51 1971 548159652 (+) 108924881 (+) 24.80 1981 683329097 (+) 135169445 (+) 24.66 1991 846302688 (+) 162973591 (+) 23.85 2001 1028610328 (+) 182307640 (+) 21.54 2011** 1210193422 (+) 181583094 (+) 17.64 6 1+1+1=3 (10.1) ? (10.2) , (10.3) Study the following table and answer the questions that follow : Decadal Growth Rates in India, 1901 2011 Census Years Total Population 1901 Growth Rate* Absolute Number % of Growth 238396327 1911 252093390 (+) 13697063 (+) 5.75 1921 251321213 ( ) 772117 ( ) 0.31 1931 278977238 (+) 27656025 (+) 11.60 1941 318660580 (+) 39683342 (+) 14.22 1951 361088090 (+) 42420485 (+) 13.31 1961 439234771 (+) 77682873 (+) 21.51 1971 548159652 (+) 108924881 (+) 24.80 1981 683329097 (+) 135169445 (+) 24.66 1991 846302688 (+) 162973591 (+) 23.85 2001 1028610328 (+) 182307640 (+) 21.54 2011** 1210193422 (+) 181583094 (+) 17.64 (10.1) Which decade has shown the negative trend of growth rate of population ? (10.2) Mention any two decades in which the percentage decadal growth has shown the regular downward trend. (10.3) Explain any two reasons for the declining trend in the population growth rate. 64/1/1 7 P.T.O. 10 : 1 3=3 Note : The following question is for the Visually Impaired Candidates only in lieu of Q. No. 10 : Explain any three factors responsible for the rapid growth of population in India. 11. 3 The prime task before any development activity in India is to maintain parity between population and resources. Justify the statement. 12. 3 Describe the importance of sea routes in handling India s foreign trade. 13. 3 Examine the level of urbanisation in India after independence. OR Towns flourished since prehistoric times in India. Examine. Section C 14. 1+4=5 Define the term density of population . Elaborate any four geographical factors that influence the distribution of population in the world. 15. Describe any five characteristics of Pastoral Nomadism in the world. 64/1/1 8 1 5=5 16. 1 5=5 Explain any five characteristics of high tech industry in the world. OR Explain any five characteristics of large scale manufacturing in the world. 17. 1 5=5 3 2=5 Analyse any five points of importance of pipelines as means of transportation. OR Analyse the three factors that affect the development of inland waterways. Explain the significance of Rhine inland waterways. 18. 2 + 2 = 5 Erratic monsoon and low productivity are the major problems of Indian agriculture. Substantiate the statement. 19. , 5 - , Explain with examples, the factors that helped in the development of Hugli industrial region . OR Explain with examples, the factors that helped in the development of Mumbai-Pune industrial region . 64/1/1 9 P.T.O. , 1 5=5 20. India has one of the largest network of roads in the world. Support the statement with examples. - A, B, C, D E , : 5 1=5 21. (A) (B) (C) (D) - (E) Identify the five geographical features shown on the given political outline map of the world as A, B, C, D and E. Write their correct names on the lines drawn near them with the help of the following information : (A) An industrial region (B) A major seaport (C) The terminal station of a transcontinental railway (D) An international airport (E) A mega city : , 21 : (21.1) ( . . .) (21.2) (21.3) (21.4) - (21.5) 64/1/1 10 5 1=5 Note : The following questions are for the Visually Impaired Candidates only, in lieu of Q. No. 21 : (21.1) Name any one industrial region of U.S.A. (21.2) Name any one major seaport of Chile. (21.3) Name the eastern terminal station of Australian transcontinental railway. (21.4) Name any one international airport of France. (21.5) Name the mega city of Philippines. 22. - : 5 1=5 (22.1) (22.2) (22.3) (22.4) ( . .) (22.5) - (22.6) - (22.7) - ( ) (22.8) Locate and label any five of the following geographical features with appropriate symbols on the political outline map of India : (22.1) The state with highest level of urbanization. (22.2) The leading state in the production of coffee. (22.3) An oil refinery in Haryana. (22.4) The steel plant setup in collaboration with U.K. (22.5) An international airport in Assam. (22.6) The major seaport in Odisha. (22.7) The Headquarters of North-Eastern Railway. (22.8) Singareni coal mines. 64/1/1 11 P.T.O. , 22 . : 5 1=5 (22.1) ? (22.2) ? (22.3) (22.4) ( . .) (22.5) - (22.6) - (22.7) - ( ) (22.8) The following questions are for the Visually Impaired Candidates only in lieu of Q. No. 22 : Attempt any five questions : (22.1) Which state of India has the highest level of urbanization ? (22.2) Which state of India is the leading producer of coffee ? (22.3) Name the oil refinery located in Haryana. (22.4) Name the steel plant setup in India with collaboration of U.K. (22.5) Name an international airport in Assam. (22.6) Name the major seaport located in Odisha. (22.7) Name the headquarters of North-Eastern Railway. (22.8) Name any one major coal mines in Tamil Nadu. ____________ 64/1/1 12 64/1/1 13 P.T.O. 64/1/1 14 64/1/1 15 P.T.O. 64/1/1 16

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