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CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2020 : Informatics Practices (Series C New)

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Code No. 90/C Candidates must write the Code on the Roll No. title page of the answer-book. Please check that this question paper contains 12 printed pages. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 5 questions. Please write down the Serial Number of the question in the answer-book before attempting it. 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. INFORMATICS PRACTICES (NEW) Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70 Instructions : All questions are compulsory (within questions there may be choices). The question paper is divided into four sections A, B, C and D. Section A comprises of questions 1 and 2. (i) Question 1 comprises Data Handling-2 (Series, Numpy). (ii) Question 2 comprises of questions from Data Handling-2 (Data Frames and its operations). Section B comprises of questions from Basic Software Engineering. Section C comprises of questions from Data Management-2. Section D comprises of questions from Society, Law and Ethics-2. .90/D 1 P.T.O. SECTION A Answer the following questions : 1. (a) Find the output of the following program : import numpy as np Profits=np.array([1520, 1245, 1345, 1525, 2110, 1020, 1725]) 1 print(Profits[2:5]) (b) Fill in the blank with appropriate numpy method to change the contents of the given 1 dimensional array Val1D into a 2 dimensional array Val2D with 3 rows and 2 columns per row : 1 import numpy as np Val1D=np.array([15,25,35,45,55,65]) Val2D = __________________________ (c) Fill in the blank with the correct statement to plot a bar graph using a matplotlib method, so that Company ABC can see the graphical presentation of its Profit figures for the 2nd quarter of the financial year 2019 (i.e. August, September, October, November). 1 import matplotlib.pyplot as mtp Months = ['AUG', 'SEP', 'OCT', 'NOV'] #X Axis Profits = [125, 220, 230, 175] ________________________________ #Y Axis OR A pie chart is to be drawn (using pyplot) to represent Population of States. Fill in the blank with correct statement using a matplotlib method to draw the pie chart with labels for the pie slices as the names of the States and the size of each pie slice representing the corresponding Population of the States (in crores), as per the following table : States Population Rajasthan 6.8 Karnataka 6.1 Tamilnadu 7.2 Goa .90/D 1.5 2 1 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt States = ['Rajasthan','Karnataka','Tamilnadu','Goa'] Population = [6.8,6.1,7.2,1.5] _____________________________ (d) Write the output of the following Python code : 2 import numpy as np Score1=(np.array([90,92,94,96,95]) Score2=(np.array([95,90,98,96,92]) S1=(np.where(Scorel>Score2)) S2=(np.where(Score2>Score1)) print(Score1[S1], Score2[S2]) (e) The table below shows the Marks of two students for the four unit tests for academic session 2019-2020. Fill in the blanks to draw a line graph with Test Names on the X axis and Marks on the Y axis. Tests Rohit 2 Marks Suman Unit1 85 97 Unit2 88 99 Unit3 89 90 Unit4 87 92 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Tests = ___________________ #Assign Test Names Rohit = ___________________ #Assign Marks of Rohit Suman = ___________________ #Assign Marks of Suman plt.plot(Tests, Rohit, Suman) __________ #Label Y axis as Marks __________ #Add legends "Rohit", "Suman" for the lines .90/D 3 P.T.O. (f) Write single line Pandas statements for each of the following. (Assuming necessary modules have been imported) : (i) 2 Declare a Pandas series named Packets having dataset as : [125, 92, 104, 92, 85, 116, 87, 90] (ii) (g) Display the median of the elements present in the dataset of Packets using the Pandas method for it. Write Numpy single line statement for each of the following from (i) to (iii). (i) 3 To create a 3 2 array named ARR2D with the following values. (Assuming necessary modules have been imported as np) : ARR2D 10 20 30 40 50 60 (ii) Assign the contents of the above array ARR2D to a new 1D array named ARR1D. (iii) Display content of array ARR1D as follows : [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60] OR Write Numpy single line statement for each of the following from (i) to (iii). (i) To create a 4 3 array named ARR with the following values. (Assuming necessary modules have been imported as np) : ARR .90/D 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 4 3 (ii) (iii) 2. (a) (b) Topple the contents of the array ARR upside down so that its contents become : ARR 100 110 120 70 80 90 40 50 60 10 20 30 Display the changed content of the arry ARR in the following format : [[100 110 120] [70 80 90] [40 50 60] [10 20 30]] Write the correct option from (i) to (iv) for the method used in Pandas to calculate the correlation of values stored in a dataframe. (i) cor() (ii) correlate() (iii) corr() (iv) correlation() Write the correct output on execution of the following Pandas code : 1 1 import pandas as pd df=pd.DataFrame([("Om",93),("Jay",91)],columns=['Name', 'Mark']) print(df.sort_values('Name', ascending=True)) (c) Write the correct output on execution of the following Pandas code : 1 import pandas as pd df1= pd.DataFrame(["First","Second"],columns=['Col']) df2= pd.DataFrame(["Third","Fourth"],columns=['Col']) df = pd.concat([df2, df1], ignore_index=True) print(df) .90/D 5 P.T.O. (d) Write the correct output on execution of the following Pandas code : 1 import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame({"A":[1,3,2], "B":[5,1,4], "C":[3,4,7], "D":[4,6,5], "E":[2,5,3]}) print(df.quantile([0.5], axis = 1) ) (e) Write the correct output on execution of the following Pandas code : 2 import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Raj', 'Rita', 'Priya'], 'Type': ['Teacher', 'Student', 'Student'], 'Code': ['T01', 'S101', 'S102']}) print(df.pivot('Code','Type','Name')) (f) Write the correct output on execution of the following Pandas code : 2 import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame({"A": ["P01", "P02", "P03"], "B": ["Pen", "Pencil", "Eraser"]}) df=df.rename(columns={"A": "PID", "B": "PNAME"}) df=df.rename(index={0: 'A', 1: 'B', 2: 'C'}) print(df) OR (g) .90/D Write the use of the rename(mapper=<dict-like>, axis=1) method for a Pandas Dataframe. Can the mapper and columns parameter be used together in a rename() method ? 2 Consider a dataframe STOCK created with the following information. Write single line Pandas statements for each of (i), (ii) and (iii). (Assuming necessary modules have been imported as df) : 3 ITEMS ID QUANTITY 0 PEN 1001 500 1 PENCIL 1004 300 2 ERASER 1007 280 6 (i) To display the total number of all ITEMS in the STOCK (ii) To display the total QUANTITY of all ITEMS in the STOCK (iii) To display the Average QUANTITY of all ITEMS in the STOCK OR Consider a dataframe Travel created with the following information. Write single line Pandas statements for (i), (ii) and (iii) : (h) T_Id Type Amount 0 T_01 TO 550 1 T_02 FROM 300 2 T_03 TO 280 3 T_02 FROM 250 4 T_03 FROM 410 (i) To display the maximum value of the column Amount (ii) To display the sum of Amounts for each Type separately (i.e. sum of TOs and sum of FROMs) (iii) To display the mean for the column Amount 3 Consider a set of information for an Exam conducted for students with following details : Names Marks Trials Passed Sanya 95 2 yes Krish 70 3 no Rishav 96.5 1 yes Deepak 75 2 no Kriti 1 yes 92 3 Write a Pandas code to create a Dataframe named df with the above information with column names as Names , Marks , Trials and Passed and their values as given in the table. The code should then display the total number of rows and Total number of columns in the Dataframe separately as follows : .90/D 7 P.T.O. Number of Rows : 5 Number of columns : 4 NOTE : The code must use Dataframe methods to display the Total number of rows and Total number of columns in the dataframe. (i) For the above created Dataframe df in Q.2(h) write single line statements for each of the following parts (a) to (d), which use Pandas method : a. To display the 'Names' and 'Marks' columns from the DataFrame. b. To change the 'Marks' in the 4th row (i.e. for index 3) to 91.5 c. To display the rows where number of 'Trials' in the examination is less than 2 and 'Marks' is greater than 95 d. To sort the DataFrame in descending order of 'Marks' 4 SECTION B 3. (a) (b) (c) (d) List any two development. advantages of Iterative Model in Software 1 List any two advantages of Component Based Model in Software development. 1 What is pair development ? 1 programming in Agil Method of Software List any one advantage and one disadvantage of a Waterfall Model of Software Development. 2 OR (e) List any one advantage and one disadvantage of an Evolutionary model of Software Development. 2 What are the phases of an Agile Method in Software Development ? Write any one advantage and one disadvantage of an Agile Method. 3 OR Write any three benefits of an Incremental model over Waterfall model. .90/D 8 3 (f) Match the following Software development models in first column with their respective suitability in the second column : Spiral Agile Incremental (g) 3 Software development approach based on iterative development. Take feedback on an initial implementation, and evolve through several versions until an acceptable system has been developed. Each loop represents a phase. (i) List any two properties of an actor in a Use Case Diagram. 4 (ii) Draw the diagrammatic notations to represent an Actor and a Use Case in Use Case Diagrams. OR (i) List any two properties of a Use Case in a Use Case Diagram. 4 (ii) What is an Association Link in a Use Case Diagram ? Draw a diagrammatic notation to represent an Association Link between a Student and the act of Borrowing Books. SECTION C 4. (a) (b) Which SQL command is used to modify the existing structure of a table ? 1 Write whether the following statement is True or False for the GET method in Django : 1 GET requests are never cached OR Write whether the following statement is True or False for the POST method in Django : 1 POST requests should always be used for sensitive data (c) .90/D Which of the following are correct aggregate functions in SQL : (i) AVERAGE() (ii) MAX() (iii) COUNT() (iv) TOTAL() 9 1 P.T.O. (d) Which of the following are not the correct names of Python files created by django-admin inside the folder "MyProject/MyProject" when we start a DJango project with a command 1 "django-admin startproject MyProject" (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (e) Write the names of any two DML commands of SQL. 1 (f) Explain each of the following with illustrations using a table : 3 (g) 1. Candidate Key 2. Primary Key 3. Foreign Key Observe the following tables TRANSACTIONS and CUSTOMERS carefully and answer the questions that follow : TABLE : TRANSACTIONS TABLE : CUSTOMERS TNO TYPE AMOUNT CNO CNO CNAME T1 CREDIT 1000 C3 C1 ZEESHAN T2 DEBIT 1500 C1 C2 AMAN C3 JASPREET (i) What is the Degree of the table TRANSACTIONS ? What is the cardinality of the table CUSTOMERS ? (ii) Identify the primary key and candidate keys from the table TRANSACTIONS. .90/D 10 3 (h) Write SQL queries for (i) to (iii) and the outputs for (iv) and (v), which are based on the following table PARTICIPANTS 4 Table : PARTICIPANTS PNO EVENT SNAME CLASS DOB P1 DEBATE SANYAM 12 2001-12-25 P2 DEBATE SHRUTI 10 2003-11-10 P3 DEBATE MEHER 12 2001-11-10 P4 QUIZ SAKSHI 11 2002-10-12 P5 QUIZ RITESH 12 2001-10-12 P6 QUIZ RAHUL 10 2003-10-12 P7 CROSSWORD AMEER 11 2002-05-09 P8 CROSSWORD MINAKSHI 12 2001-05-09 (i) To display details of all PARTICIPANTS of CLASS 10 and 12 (ii) To display the SNAME and CLASS of all PARTICIPANTS in ascending order of their SNAME. (iii) To display the number of PARTICIPANTS along with their respective CLASS, of every CLASS. (iv) SELECT DISTINCT EVENT FROM PARTICIPANTS; (v) SELECT MAX(DOB), PNO FROM PARTICIPANTS GROUP BY PNO HAVING COUNT(*)>1; OR Write Python code for the following : 4 (a) To create a MySQL connection named db for localhost, with username = "teacher" and password = "myclass" (b) To create a database cursor named as dbcrsr. (c) To open a database named "CLASS" using the above declared database cursor dbcrsr. (d) To add a new record into the table "STUDENT" in the above connected database, "CLASS" with details for the attributes (SNo, SName, Marks) as ("S102", "Tanya", 92.5) .90/D 11 P.T.O. SECTION D 5. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) A software company purchases new computers every year and discards the old ones into the local dumping yard. Write the name of the most appropriate category of waste that the organisation is creating every year, out of the following options : (i) Business Waste (ii) Commercial Waste (iii) Solid Waste (iv) E-Waste 1 Write names of any two common types of Intellectual Property Rights which are protected by the law. 1 A research student is expected to write a thesis on a topic. The student browses Internet for the topic and luckily finds it on the Internet. He copies and submits the entire thesis as his own research work. Which of the following activities appropriately categorises the act of the writer ? 1 (i) Spamming (ii) Phishing (iii) Plagiarism (iv) Trojan What is Open Source Software ? Write the names of any two software which can be categorized as Open Source. 2 Suggest techniques which can be adopted to impart Computer Education for : 2 (i) Visually impaired students (someone who cannot see). (ii) Mobility challenged students (someone who cannot write). Write any three benefits of crowdsourcing. 3 OR Write any three features of smart mobs. .90/D 12 3

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