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CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2017 : Informatics Practices

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SET-4 Series GBM Code No. 90 Candidates must write the Code on the Roll No. title page of the answer-book. Please check that this question paper contains 9 printed pages. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 7 questions. Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it. 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. INFORMATICS PRACTICES Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70 Instructions : (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii) Answer the questions after carefully reading the text. 1. (a) Identify the odd one out of the following : 2 Optical Fiber/Coaxial Cable/Bluetooth/Twisted Pair Cable Give reason for your answer. (b) 90 How is it easier to diagnose fault in Star topology than in Bus topology ? 1 2 P.T.O. (c) What is the purpose of logical address of computer ? 2 (d) Does open source software only mean that the software is free of cost ? Give reason for your answer. 2 (e) 2. (a) Which of the following are valid IP addresses ? Give reason(s) if invalid. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 198.-1.1.1 Write the value that will be assigned to variable x after executing the following statement : 2 1 x = 20 5 + 3 * 20/5; (b) Consider the statement : choice = Y ; (c) (d) What is the datatype of variable choice ? Write a Java statement to declare the variable choice . 1 While working in Netbeans IDE, Amit wants that the text in a Text area should move to the next line without breaking the word. Which properties would help him to do that ? 1 Write a Java statement to : 1 Append a string ABC to the text that is already in the text area named jTextArea1. (e) Write the output of the following HTML code : <ol start="4"> <li>Bake the mixture in oven for an hour</li> <li>Remove from oven</li> <li>Allow the mixture to stand for ten minutes</li> <li>Serve</li> </ol></code> 90 2 2 (f) Given below is a code. <message> <text>Hello, world!</text> </message> Which language is used to write the above code ? 2 What are <message>, </message>, <text> and </text> ? (g) Rewrite the following code using if else if statement instead of switch : 2 switch (success) { case 1: x1 = "No result" ; break; case 0 : x1 = "Final result- Not successful"; break; default : x1 = "result NOT known"; break; } 3. (a) How is a database related to a table ? 1 (b) Ariya wants to add another column Gender in the already existing table CUSTOMERS . She has written the following statement. However, it has errors. Rewrite the correct statement. 1 [MODIFY TABLE CUSTOMERS GENDER char(1); (c) (d) In a hospital, the patients are allocated to wards. A database named Hospital is created. One table in this database is : Ward with WardId, WardName, NumOfBeds as columns and WardId as the primary key. Write another suitable table you could expect to see in the Hospital database, with 3 suitable columns identifying Primary key and Foreign key in the table that you expect. 2 Explain the following statement with the help of example : 2 In a transaction either all the SQL statements be committed or all rolled back. 90 3 P.T.O. (e) Given below is the Department table : 2 DEPCODE DEPNAME 101 ADMIN 102 RECEPTION 103 PERSONNEL SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0; UPDATE Department SET DEPNAME = OFFICE WHERE DEPNAME = ADMIN ; INSERT INTO Department VALUES(104, HRD ); UPDATE Department SET DEPNAME = FRONT OFFICE WHERE DEPNAME = RECEPTION ; COMMIT; DELETE FROM Department WHERE DEPNAME = FRONT OFFICE ; ROLLBACK; SELECT * FROM Department; What will be the output of the above given SELECT statement ? (f) How is HAVING clause similar to WHERE clause ? How is HAVING clause different from WHERE clause ? Explain with the help of 4. (a) examples of each. 2 Write the values of r and s after the execution of the following code : 1 int p = 11; int q = 21; int r; int s; r = ++q; s = p++; r++; 90 4 (b) What will be displayed in jTextField1 and jTextField2 after the following code is executed : 2 int ndigits = 0; int N = 35; while (N > 12) { ndigits = ndigits + 1; N = N 10; } jTextField1.setText(" "+ndigits); jTextField2.setText(" "+N); (c) Write the value of C after executing the following code : int int int int for { 2 P; R = 8; oddNum; C = 0; (P = 1; P < R; P=P+3) oddNum = P %2; if (oddNum == 1) { C= C+1; } } (d) Write the value that will be stored in the variable t after the execution of the following code. How many times will the loop execute ? 2 int sum = 0; int score = 0; double t; do { score = score +1; sum = sum + score; } while (score <=3); t = sum / 3; 90 5 P.T.O. (e) The following code has error(s). Rewrite the correct code underlining all the corrections made : int j; int i =15; int flag = 1; while( j = 2 j < i; j++) { if(i % j = 0) { flag == 0; break; } } (f) 90 Ms. Fauzia works as a programmer in TelTel Mobile Company where she has designed a software to compute charges to be paid by the mobile phone user. A screenshot of the same is shown below : 6 2 Each Call is charged at < 1 00. Each SMS is charged at < 0 50. Users can also opt for Mobile Data Plan. Charges for Mobile Data Plan are flat < 50 00. Help Ms. Fauzia in writing the code to do the following : (i) (ii) (iii) 5. When the Calculate Charges button is clicked, Calls and SMS Charges , Mobile Data Plan Charges and Amount to Pay should be calculated and displayed in the respective text fields. Amount to Pay is calculated as : Calls and SMS Charges + Mobile Data Plan Charges (if any) 4 When the Clear button is clicked, all the textfields and checkbox should be cleared. 1 When the Exit button is clicked, the application should close. 1 Consider the Table Infant shown below : Table : Infant ItemCode Item DatePurchase UnitPrice Discount 101 Frock 2016-01-23 700 10 102 Cot 2015-09-23 5000 25 103 Soft Toy 2016-06-17 800 10 104 Baby Socks 2014-10-16 100 7 105 Baby Suit 2015-09-20 500 5 Note : Discount column stores discount %. Write the commands in SQL for (i) to (viii) and output for (ix) and (x). (i) To display the details about the Cot. 1 (ii) To list the names of items and their unit price that have unit price less than 800 and discount more than 5%. 1 To list the names of items and their date of purchase that were purchased after 31st December, 2015. 1 (iv) To display the number of items that have more than 10% as discount. 1 (v) To display item code and unit price in decreasing order of unit price. 1 (iii) 90 7 P.T.O. 6. (vi) To increase the unit price of each item by 10% of their unit price. 1 (vii) To display the highest unit price of items. 1 (viii) To display the names of items that have Baby anywhere in their item names. 1 (ix) SELECT MID (Item,1,2) FROM Infant; 1 (x) SELECT AVG(UnitPrice) FROM Infant WHERE DATEPURCHASE > 2015 01 01 ; 1 XYZ Company conducts workshops for employees of organizations. The company requires data of workshops that are organized. Write SQL query to create a table Workshop with the following structure : 2 (a) (b) Field Type Constraint WorkshopId Integer Primary key Title Varchar(50) DateWorkshop Date NumSpeakers Integer Consider the tables given below and answer the questions that follow : 2 Table : Event EventId Event NumPerformers CelebrityID 101 Birthday 10 C102 102 Promotion Party 20 C103 103 Engagement 12 C102 104 Wedding 15 C104 Table : Celebrity CelebrityID Name 90 Phone FeeCharged C101 Faiz Khan 99101956 200000 C102 Sanjay Kumar 893466448 250000 C103 Neera Khan Kapoor 981166568 300000 C104 Reena Bhatia 65877756 100000 8 (i) Name the Primary keys in both the tables and Foreign key in Event table. Can NumPerformers (Number for performers) be set as the Primary key ? Give reason. (ii) How many rows will be present in the Cartesian join of the above mentioned two tables ? In the table Event , the CelebrityID 102 is present twice in the column CelebrityId . Is there any discrepancy ? Give reason. (c) With reference to the above given tables (in Q6 b), write the commands in SQL for (i) to (iii). (i) (ii) (iii) 7. 2 To display Event name, Celebrity Id and Names of celebrities who have Khan anywhere in their names. 2 To display Event name, Names of celebrities and Fee charged for those celebrities who charge more than 200000. 2 (a) List two disadvantages of e-governance to a disabled person. 2 (b) How do online retailers usually offer customers a wider range of products at prices that are lesser than those of traditional stores ? 1 Ms. Cathy is creating a form for Vidya University Sports Council application. Help her to choose the most appropriate controls from ListBox, ComboBox, TextField, TextArea, RadioButton, CheckBox, Label and Command Button for the following entries : 2 (c) S.No. Function 1 To let the user enter NAME 2 To let the user enter MOBILE NUMBER 3 4 90 To display EventId, Event name, Celebrity Id and Names of celebrities for only those events that have more than 10 performers. To let the user choose one PROFESSION out of the categories : Teaching/Non-Teaching/Research Scholar To let the user select facilities out of Gym, Yoga, Table Tennis, Badminton and Aerobics. More than one facility may be chosen. 9 70,700 P.T.O.

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