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CBSE Class 10 Pre Board 2020 : English Language & Literature [Paper 2] - Prelim 2 (Delhi Public School (DPS), Jammu)

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Delhi Public School, Jammu ASSIGNMENT PRE- BOARD II(2019-20) Class:X Comprehension: Prose passages Writing: Letter to the Editor Letter of placing an order Letter of complaint Letter of enquiry Story Article Grammar: Gap filling Editing/Omitting Jumbled sentences Literature: A.Textbook: A Letter to God Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom Two Stories About Flying From the Diary of Anne Frank The Hundred Dresses-I The Hundred Dresses-II Glimpses of India Mijbil the Otter Madam Rides the Bus The Sermon at Benaras The Proposal Sub:English Dust of Snow Fire and Ice A Tiger in the Zoo How to Tell Wild Animals The Ball Poem Amanda Animals The Trees Fog The Tale of Custard the Dragon For Anne Gregory B. Supplementary: A Triumph of Surgery The Thief s Story The Midnight Visitor A Question of Trust Footprints Without Feet The Making of a Scientist The Necklace The Hack Driver Bholi The Book that Saved the Earth SECTION-A(READING) Q1. Read the passage carefully. I was shopping in my home town, when I heard a young voice boom from across the aisle, Mum, there is a lady of my size. The mortified mother rushed to the boy who looked about seven. Then she turned to me to apologise. I smiled and told her, it s ok. Then I looked at her wide eyed son. He studied me from head to toe and asked, Why are you so little? It s the way God 8 made me . I enjoy talking to children and explaining why I look different from their parents. It has taken many years to develop my confidence to be able to do that.I stand three feet nine inches tall. I am an achondroplasia dwarf, who is a person having very short limbs. When I was born, my mother was told that I was a dwarf. In my childhood, my mum s main concern was my health. Our family doctor put my mind at ease when he told her that I would not have any major medical concern. When I was growing up, my parents encouraged me to do all the things the kids around me did. When my neighbours roller-skated, I roller-skated. When they got bicycles, I got a bicycle. Our neighbours treated me as a normal child. I didn t realize how short I was until I started school. A few kids picked on calling me names. After that I began to hate the first day of school each year. As time went on, I tried to smile and accept the fact that I was going to be noticed all my life. I was determined that my uniqueness was an advantage. My friends became protective. People ask my friends if I live in a doll house.They look in disbelief when they see me get out of my car on the driver s side. When people are rude, I remind myself, look what else I have--- a great family, nice friends. When I talk to children, they leave content that their questions have been answered. My hope is that in taking time with them I will encourage them to accept their peers, whatever size and shape they come in, and treat them with respect. Now answer the following questions briefly: 1*8=8 a. The author was a (a)___________ i. Mom b. ii. Dwarf iii. Girl iv. Both ii. & iii. What is the correct order of the information given below: 1. When the author talked to children, they leave content that their questions have been answered. 2. Neighbours treated the author as a normal child. 3. When she was growing up, her parents encouraged her to do all the things the kids around her did. 4. When she was born, her mother was told that she was a dwarf. i.1,2,3,4 ii. 4,3,2,1 iii. 3,4,2,1 iv. 3,4,1,2 c. Wherever the author went, people _____at her. i.laughed ii.rushed iii.stared iv.pitied d. She_______ that she would be noticed all her life. i. repented ii. understood iii. accepted iv. grudged e. The most appropriate sub-heading to last para of the passage is: i.Author s message/hope ii.Author s contribution iii.The struggle of a dwarf iv. Social service f. __________encouraged the narrator to live a normal life. i.Mom ii. Dwarf iii. Girl iv. Friends g. The antonym of diffidence as given in para 3 is_______ h. The author wants to discourage children to accept their peers. Q.2. Read the following passage carefully: (True/False) 12 Last June, my elder daughter Sylvie, finished kindergarten at the school near our home in Bethelem, USA. If my wife, Theresa, and I have our way, Sylvie will graduate from the same school. I am eyeing Sylvia s graduation because I want this to be her only school and Bethelem to be her home town. Both goals-first one a school, the second a home town-eluded me. My father was in the army, and I attended numerous schools. Our transient lifestyle offered a grand upbringing, but it came at a cost. Of all those people I befriended on the run, for instance, I have maintained contact with only one. I m generally from everywhere and exactly from nowhere. I want Sylvia and her two year old sister, Linnea, to have that home town I missed. It would be a place that they know intimately, care about, return to with a thrill. When Theresa took a teaching post in Bethlehem, we moved from Chicago and decided to settle here. That was almost six years ago, and the transition was rough. We didnot like the paucity of movie houses,used book stores and great restaurants. We found cheap shopping malls and corn fields being transformed into faceless suburbs. It was hard to imagine blossoming in such a place. We began to seek out the good things in Bethlehem, of which, we discovered, there are many. In short order,we turned up the children s corner of the public library, a number of parks and the folk-music club that draws top performers to a venue no bigger than our living room. Where we found good places, we found good people. Slowly their numbers increased. Soon we discovered we had knit together a circle of good friends. As our friendship strengthened, so, did an unspoken belief that we would be here for each other over the long haul. We d watch each other s children grow up; offer them a hand where we could, support each other through the joys and travails of parenthood. There s an yearly party, a joint sale and potluck dinners that I can count. We ve celebrated Linnea s birthday with a bash on our front lawn. On Saturday mornings,when many of us convulge downtown, the shopkeepers greet me and my children by name and hand out goodies. To the old_timers here, all this might be unremarkable. But to the vagabond like me, this acceptance is heart-warming, nourishing and sustaining. A. Answer the following questions briefly: i. Why could the author not refer to any place as his hometown? ii.. Why did the family move from Chicago? iii. How did the author find good things in Chicago? iv. The narrator strengthened a bond with good people. How? 2*4=8 B. Find synonyms from the passage which mean i. many/in large numbers (para 1) a . eluded b. transient c. numerous d. flocked ii. sorrows/unpleasant experiences(para3) a. haul b. travail c. depression d. desperate iii. change (para 2) a. transition b. paucity c. transformed d. blossoming iv. a person who travels from place to place(para 4) a. convulge b. vagabond c. traveller d. caravan 1*4=4 SECTION- B ( WRITING& GRAMMAR) Q3.You are Prerna Chadha of 29/8 R.K. Puram, New Delhi. You are worried at the outbreak of dengue in your locality. Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily spreading awareness among the people (100-150 words). OR You are Abu Malik,343, Old Fort Road, Pathankot. Write a letter to Steel House, Pathankot, Punjab,placing order for steel utensils for your new home in 100-150 words. 1*8=8 Q4. Complete the story in about 150-200 words There was a rich man who lived the life of a beggar. His wife didn t like his attitude. She _ OR Taking clue from the visual given above, write a story in 150-200 words 1*10=10 Q5. Fill in the blanks using correct form of the verbs given in brackets. 1*4=4 Yesterday a blue line bus (a)_____(run) over a school boy who (b)_________(cross) the road. The boy (c) _______(injure) seriously and (d)_____(rush) to the hospital. (a) (b) (c) (d) i. ran i. crossed i. injured i. rushed ii. had run iii. have run ii. was crossing iii. had crossed ii. was injured iii. had injured ii. was rushed iii. had rushed iv. was running iv. has crossed iv. has injured iv. has rushed Q6. The following passage has not been edited .Write the incorrect word and the correct word against each line. Incorrect Correct 1*4=4 Bringing about the major change the a a) on its Haj policy, the centre __________________ b) has decided for restrict the __________________ c) number of pilgrimages d) to the holy towns of Mecca __________________ __________________ and Madina. Q.7 Rewrite the sentences by placing the words in the correct order. 1*4=4 a) of /becomes/a house/personality/when/it reflects the/a home/residents/its/ b) is that/ inhabiting /the important/enjoy/them/thing/we should/ c) restored/broken/could be/and healed/relationships/many d) are/all/of faults/and/failures/of us/vulnerable SECTION-C(LITERATURE) Q 8.Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: He stalks in his vivid stripes The few steps of his cage On pads of velvet quiet In his quiet rage i. ii. Where is the tiger in these lines? a. in the forest b. in a circus Why can he walk only a few steps? c. in a cage d. inside a city 1*4=4 iii. iv. a. movement is restricted c. feeling lazy and sleepy b. does not want to walk d. none of these What does the phrase quiet rage suggest? a. rearing badly c. helplessly angry b. angry but quiet d. all of these Why tiger is enraged? a. his movement is restricted c. food is not being given to him b. feeling helpless d. both a and b OR Don t eat that chocolate, Amanda! Remember your acne Amanda! Will you please look at me when I m speaking to you Amanda. i. Who is I in these lines? a. poet c. father b. mother d. Amanda ii. What item should Amanda not eat? a. biscuits c. chips b. chocolates d. toffees iii. Why is Amanda not looking at the speaker? a. she is sleeping c. lost in her own world b. she is blind d. doesn t like the speaker iv. Which poetic device is used in these line? a. repetition c. personification b. alliteration d. both (a) & (b) Q9. Answer any five of the following questions in 30-40 words each: 2*5=10 a. What message is conveyed by the poet in the poem The Animals ? b. What had Fowler expected Ausable to be like? c. Hari Singh is both a thief and a human being. Explain d. How did Maxwell get the Otter? e. What happened when the author turned the aeroplane twelve degrees west towards England?(Two Stories About Flying) f. Bholi was a neglected child. Explain. Q10.Answer one of the following questions in 100-150 words each: 1*8=8 The poem The Trees gives a strong message of living in harmony with nature. Comment OR Fear and lack of confidence stopped the seagull from learning new things. Do you agree? Elaborate. Q11.Answer one of the following questions in 100-150 words each: 1*8=8 Ostentation and vanity often land people in trouble. Matilda is an apt example of this.Justify.(100-150 words) OR What kind of person is Valli? Illustrate your answer from the lesson Madam Rides the Bus . Answer any 6 in 40 words (2*6=12) Q13. Write the three phases of the author s relationship with his grandmother before he left the country to study abroad. Q14. How did the sparrows express their sorrow when the author s grandmother died? Q15. Explain the live both wry with the labored ease of loss. Q16. Why was King Tut s body scrutinized? Q17.Who is personified in The voice of the rain ? Q18. Why was the narrator impressed by Ranga? Q19. What were the chief characteristics of the Garoghlanian family? Q20. Describe Mrs.DCorling sbehavour after the war. Answer in 120 words (6 M) Q1. Give the significance of the title We re not afraid to die if we can all be together . OR Q2. What is the theme of The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse ? Long reading Novel Q3. (6 m) Describe the encounter between Mr.Otis and the ghost. What does this tell you about Mr.Otis? OR Q4. What impression do you form of the ghost and the Otis family? B. WRITING&GRAMMAR Q.2 Design a poster for a school fete on Childrens Day. OR The environment Club of your school has organized a tree planting drivein your school. As President of the club , write a notice inviting students of class 9 to 12 to join it. Q.3 You are Riya, Estate Manager, St. Peter s School, Goa. The principal of the school has asked you to place an order for two buses.Write a letter for placing an order with Swaraj Automobiles, Kerala. Q.4. The growing tendency towards violence among young India is specially a cause for concern.Write an article in about 150-200 words on Teen Aggression and the Media . You are Abhay Saini. Q.5. Write the omitted word and the words those come before and after it. I was tuning the piano on a._________________ a psychiatric hospital when the man walked in b._________________ fidgeted on the TV and turned it in. To avoid argument with a madman , I get up and turned it on. Q.6. c._________________ d._________________ e._________________ Complete the passage given below using determiners. _____children were hurt in _____road accident when ____school bus collided with_____truck while trying to save_____elderly man. There was ____doctor nearby but there were ____nurses Q7. The following passage has not been edited. One word is missing from each line. Write the missing word, the word that comes before and the word that comes after. 4 Before missing after Corvus learning English now. His training takes place between eight and nine in morning. The rest of the time he hangs about here, but the evening he still prefers to go back to the mango d in my garden. a b c

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