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CBSE Class 10 Pre Board 2020 : English Language & Literature [Paper 1] - Prelim 2 (Delhi Public School (DPS), Jammu)

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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, JAMMU PRE-BOARD-II ASSIGNMENT SESSION (2019 20) Class: Xth Sub: English SECTION A - READING Q1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: The Power of Thoughts 1. Ideas rule the world. You shape your fate and decide your destiny by your thoughts. You have to think high to rise. You have to believe and be sure of yourself to win a prize. Life s battles do not always go to the stronger or the faster man. But, sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can. 2. Success starts with your thoughts. Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. And your mind is nothing more than a bundle of thoughts. Since you have the power to shape your thoughts, you automatically have the power to fashion your fate and decide your destiny. Thus, your thoughts are the most potent, powerful and prime source of your success. 3. For your thoughts to blossom into success, they should be combined with definiteness of purpose, perseverance and a burning, pulsating strong desire to translate them into action. Believe that you will succeed and believe it firmly. You will then do whatever is necessary to bring success about. 4. Faith in yourself as well as the confidence that you can and will succeed are the key to your success in any venture. If you keep your mind riveted on your goal and focus your thoughts on the great and splendid things that you wish to have, you will find yourself unconsciously seizing upon the opportunities that are required for the fulfillment of your desires. 5. Thoughts are supreme. Preserve the right mental attitude of courage, frankness and good cheer. Think of success in your work and you will then do automatically and unconsciously, the things necessary to bring success about. If your desire is weak and your efforts are erratic your achievements will also be slight and fleeting. But, if you go after your goal with the singlemindedness of a bulldog after a cat, nothing and nobody under the sun can stop you. Your goal should also be well-defined, clear-cut and specific and should be linked to a fixed timeframe so that your definite energies and efforts can be focussed and forcefully directed towards its attainment.

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