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CBSE Class 10 Pre Board 2020 : English Language & Literature - Prelim 2 (Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) Agra)

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KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN, AGRA REGION PRE-BOARD EXAM 2019-20 ENGLISH- LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (Code-184) CLASS-X Time allowed: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80 General Instructions: 1. This paper is divided into three sections: A, B and C. All questions are compulsory. 2. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Readthese instructions very carefully and follow them. 3. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions. Section A: Reading 20 MARKS Q.1.) Read the passage carefully. Managing Waste Where does all our garbage disappear once it leaves our homes? There are four methods of managing waste : recycling, Landfilling, compositing and burning. Each method has its strength and weakness. Recycling is the process of turning waste into new material. For example, used paper can be turned into paperboard, which can be used to make book covers. Recycling can reduce pollution, save argue that collecting processing and covering waste uses more than it saves. Landfilling is the oldest method of managing waste. Landfilling is to bury garbage in a hole. Over a period of time the process of landfilling has advanced. Garbage is compacted before it is thrown into the pit. In this way garbage can fit in each landfill. Large garbage bags are placed at the bottom of landfill so that toxic garbage juice does not get into the groundwater. But in spite of the bags, landfills may pollute the underground water. Not ot mention that all garbage stinks. Nobody wants to live next to a landfill. As landfill space increases, interest in compositing grows. Compositing is when people pile up organic matter, such as food waste, and allow it to decompose. Compost can added to the soil to make the soil richer and better for growing crops. 1 One thingthat is easier to do is burning garbage. There are two main ways to burn waste. The first is to harvest fuel from the waste. The second is to burn the waste directly; the heat from this burning process can boil water, which can power steam generators. Unfortunately, burning garbage pollutes the air. 1.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage given above, answer the following questions (1x8=8) a. Garbage recycling: i. Wastes a lot of energy ii. Uses more energy than it saves iii. Saves a lot of energy iv. Saves only a little energy b. Consider the following statements: A. Landfilling does not allow water and air pollution. B. Composting is better than landfilling. Which of the above statements is/are true? i. Neither A nor B ii. Both A and B iii. Only A iv. Only B c. It is safe to dispose of garbage through: i. Recycling and composting ii. Burning and landfilling iii. Recycling and burning iv. Composting and burning d. Compacting of garbage is done to: i. Save space iii. Avoid soil pollution ii. Protect ground water iv. Remove the stink e. Large garbage bags are placed at the bottom of landfill so that ----------------------------------------------f. The way / ways of burning waste:--------------------g. The most appropriate sub-heading to Para 2 of the passage in: a. Landfilling the oldest method of managing waste. b. Landfilling the advanced method of managing waste. c. Recycling the method of turning waste into new materials. d. burning the method of turning waste into new materials. h. Composting is: a. Making soil richer b. Piling up organic matter, such as food, waste, and allow it to decompose. c. Growing crops d. Increasing production. 2 Q.2.) Read the passage carefully. Peoples faces light up when I say I taste chocolate for a living, but it is not always delicious. I also have to taste defective chocolate, which might have a bitter or burnt flavour. I m usually in a small room, not allowed to talk, and parked in front of a computer to log information. Sometimes the room has red lighting to disguise the appearance of the chocolate, so I can evaluate it only by taste, no appearance. I can sample as many as 30 chocolates per day, so as to keep my palate active, I spit the sweets back out. That s another not- so - glamorous part of the job. Between samples, I wait 30 seconds to let my senses rest, and I chew half an unsalted cracker biscuit and drink plain warm water, as carbonated water and ice numb one s senses. First I smell the chocolate and log its aroma. I also listen: if chocolate doesn t sound crisp when broken, it may be sign it s old or was improperly stored. Then I place one inch bit in my mouth and leave it there for a few seconds. I press it against my palate and let it melt, recording the four basic tastes sweet, sour, bitter and salty. Then I blow out short puffs of air through my nose. Certain sense receptors in the back of our head are stimulated by oxygen. They allow us to smell food when we chew. Exhaling sharply can bring out aromas like berry, mushroom, tea, citrus, beeswax, toast, cinnamon, and savoury spices that are sometimes too subtle for the nose to catch. I log these attributes, too, along with the texture. 2.1On the basis of your reading of the passage given above, answer the following questions- (2x4=8) (a) Why do the people get surprised about narrator? (b) Describe the features of narrator s job. (c) In which order does the process of chocolate tasting run? (d) On the basis of passage, what are the consequences of blowing out short puffs of air throughnose? 2.2On the basis of your reading of the above extract, answer the following: (a) (1x4=4) The word log (para 1) means: i. Enjoy ii. Taste iii. Record iv. Cut (b) The synonym of seated as given in para 1 is__________________________________. (c) The antonym of obvious in as given in para 2 is: i. Subtle ii. Savoury iii.Citrus iv. Sharply (d) The antonym of inactive as given in para 1 is ________________________________. 3 Section B: Writing & Grammar 30 Marks Q.3). You are Devyash / Yashika, a student of class X and resident of L 166 B Lajpat Nagar Sahibabad,(8) Ghaziabad, U.P. and wants to be a choreographer. Write a letter to the director, National Institute Of Choreography, Noida, seeking information about their course, admission, procedure, eligibility criteria and other necessary details. OR You are Amrit / Amrita. Absenteeism is a major threat to quality education. If a student is not regular in his school, his all-round development is not possible. Draft an article on the topic Absenteeism is the major cause of falling standard in education. (100-150 words) Q.4.)Complete the following story (150-200 words) (10) On Sunday I was watching TV. Suddenly I heard people shouting outside ------------------------------ OR Taking cue from the picture given above, write a story in 150-200 words. For Visually Impaired candidates only- A merchant riding home from fair -------------------- always negative thinking ------------------------had earned lot of money ---------------- sudden rainfall ---------------- money got wet ----------------- cursed God ------------- attacked by robbers -------------- got fired at --------------but due to wet gun powder not 4 hit-------------- saved life -------------- thanked God for rain -----------realised whatever happens, happens alright. Q.5.) Complete the following paragraph given below by filling in the blanks with the help of options that follow: (1x4 =4) From my sixth year up to my sixteenth I was at school,_____(a)_________ taught all sorts _____(b)_____ things except religion. I may say that I ____(c)________ to get from ______(d)________ teachers what they could have given me. a. (i.) been (ii) being (iii) am (iv) be b. (i.) of (ii) in (iii) with (iv) on c. (i.) fails (ii) failed (iii) failing (iv) fail d. (i.) any (ii) the (iii) some (iv) a Q.6.)The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. One is done for you. (1x4=4) Error Enid Blyton books are, of course, of primary __ of Correction __for______ school children. Many were suitable for all a) __________ ___________ primary school children but any are b) __________ __________ especially write for new readers c) __________ at a early age d) __________ _____________ __________ Q.7.)Rearrange the sets of words/phrases to form meaningful sentences. a. in / we / of / science / the age / live b. and space / conquered / air time / we have / help of / with the / scientific inventions c. inventions / armed / which are / has / miracles / science / man with / not less than d. deadly weapons / but / science has / of warfare / also given / man 5 (1x4=4) Section C- Literature 30 Marks Q.8.) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. (1X4=4) The way a crow Shook down on me The dust of snow From a hemlock tree Has given my heart A change of my mood And saved some part Of a day I had rued. a. The poet of this poem is: i. Robert Frost ii. Carolyn Wells iii. John Berryman iv. Robin Klein b. Which poetic device has been used in seventh line of the above? c. The crow was sitting on a hemlock tree. What kind of the hemlock tree was? 1. A poisonous plant with small white flowers. 2. An oak maple. 3. A pine tree. 4. A poll that was situated outside his home. d. The sudden shower has changed . OR Did a son or daughter, a father or mother, die in your family? They answered her , Alas! The living are few, but the dead are many. Don t remind us of our deepest grief. And there was no house but some beloved one had died in it. 1. This extract is taken from the lesson _................... 2. Who is the speaker in the above extract? a. KisaGotami b. Buddha c. Yashodhara 3. The comparative degree for deepest is .. 4. Why is the speaker asking about the occurred death in the families? a. The speaker is searching a family where no one has lost anyone. 6 d Tara b. The speaker wants to live with them. c. The speaker hates them. d. The speaker makes fun of them. Q.9.)Answer the following questions in 30 40 words. (Any 5) (2x5=10) a. Why did Maddie have sleepless nights? b. What did Mandela think for oppressor and oppressed? c. Who does Lencho think has taken the rest of the money? What is the irony in the situation? d. What is the Chinese legend associated with the discovery of tea?? e. What would have happened to Matilda if she had confessed to her that she had lost her necklace? f. How did the people on the Earth help the Martian people? Q.10. Forgiveness is the foundation of cordial relationship. Do you agree? How is this message (8) conveyed in the play The Proposal? How can forgiveness be inculcated in the students in the school? OR Why did the seagull s father and mother threaten him and persuade him to fly? How did they do it? Do you think it is a good parenting? Should the parents threaten their ward for learning? Q.11. Love , trust and compassion transformed Hari Singh. Explain with instances from the lesson The Thief s Story (8) OR Dowry is a negation of a girl s dignity. Prove this statement in the light of the story Bholi . How can this evil be eradicated from our society? END OF PAPER 7 8 Page 7 of 7 9 10

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