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CBSE Class 10 Pre Board 2020 : English Language & Literature (Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV), Lucknow Region)

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CLASS-X code no. 184 TIME: 3 Hrs KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN ,LUCKNOW REGION First Pre Board (2019-20) SUBJECT ENGLISH ( Language and Literature) M.M. : 80 NOTE: This paper consists of 3 sections. A- Reader -20 Marks B- Writing and grammar Reading - 30 Mar C- Language & Literature - 30 Marks INSTRUCTIONS: 1- 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. In 15 minutes, the student will read the question only and will not write any answer. 2- Attempt all the questions in each section. 3- Answer the questions in sequence. 4- Attempt next section only after attempting one section. 5- Question in each section must be done at one place. SECTION A READING 20 MARKS Q1- Read the following passage carefully. ( 8 Marks) We eat 52000 plastic particles every year Humans eat and breathe in tens of thousands microplastic particles every year, according to a new analysis on Wednesday that raised fresh questions over how plastic waste could directly impact our health. Microplastic tiny plastic shards broken down from man- made products such as synthetic clothing, car tyres and contact lenses are among the most ubiquitous materials on the planet. They have been found on some of the world s highest glaciers and at the bottom of the deepest ocean trenches. Several previous studies have shown how microplastics may enter the human food chain, including one last year that found them in nearly all major bottled water brands sampled. In Wednesday s research, Canadian scientists analysed hundreds of data sets on microplastic contamination and compared them to the typical diet and consumption habits of Americans. They found that an adult male could expect to ingest up to 52000 microplastic particles each year. Taking into account the pollution we breathe in,that figure rose to 121,000 particles equivalent to over 320 particles every day. The study coincided with the UN World Environment Day, the theme of which this year is air pollution. An additional 90,000 particles could be ingested each year if an individual only drank bottled water, according to the study, published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology . The authors stressed that their figures were estimates. The amount of plastic consumed by a given individual would depend largely on where they live and what they eat, they said. They also added that the impact on human health of microplastic consumption was still not well understood. However, microplastic particles smaller than 130 micro- metres in diameter have the potential to translocate into human tissues (and) trigger localized immune response . Questions: 1- Where are microplastics found? (a) on glacier (b) in oceans (c) both (a) and (b) (d) All of the above 2- How are microlastics enter the human body? (a) through bottled water (b) through tank water (c) through RO water (d) none of the above 3- What does the study reveal? (a) humans are safe (b) humans are healthy (c) humans eat and breathe microplastic particles (d) All of the above 4- What do you understand by the term microplastics ? (a) Tiny plastic shards (b) big tissues (c) tiny rubber parts (d) all of the above 5- What is the harmful effect of microplastics? (a) Produce oxygen (b) produce CO2 (c) translocate into human tissue (d) none of the above 6- What did the Canadian scientist analyse? (a) Analysed data set on microplastic (c) Studied health issue contamination (d) All of the above (b) Analysed temperature 7An adult male ingest microplastic particles every year . (a) 52000 (b) 121000 (c) 130 (d) none of the above 8- The amount of plastics consumed by individual depends on . (a) The place where he lives (b) Eatables he eats (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above Q2 . Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: (12 Marks) Play your part in conserving water 1.In his poetic masterpiece, The Rime of The Ancient Mariner, English poet and theologian Samuel Taylor Coleridge, described the agony of a sailor who is surrounded by water but cannot drink it. Deeply distressed by the irony, he exclaims, Water, water everywhere/ Nor any drop to drink! 2.This expression of Coleridge is an illustration of human limitations. Though water is vital for man s survival, he cannot create water to sustain himself; yet he mindlessly wastes this essential natural resource. There are vast reservoirs of fresh water in polar ice- caps but they are melting at an alarming rate and is draining off into the oceans. While inceasing sea levels,this situation this is also causing significant shortage of potable water. Experts predict that the shortage of water will become so acute that a Third World War might break out over this issue. Scientist across the world have repeatedly emphasised that the global warming accelerated by human action is the greatest danger of our times. 3.The creation of water is a marvel: two distinct gases with special properties come together to take the liquid form of water. If nature had not been endowed with this potential, the creation of water would not have been possible. 4.Water is indispensable but global shortages are inceasing at such an alarming rate,that it is making the wastage of water a grave cause of concern. While governments try to find ways of resolving the water issues of their nations, it is also pertinent that, as responsible citizens, each one of us should become involved in the initiative to conserve water. 5.According to United Nations report, water scarcity already affects every continent in the world. If each individual were to awaken to the responsibility of mindfully using water resources, he could contribute greatly to addressing the issue of water shortage. Charity begins at home, so each one of us should resolve to rise to the occasion and do our bit by finding out how we can do something to reduce our own water footprint and help manage the need for water. 6.Water is not just a source of physical existence: it is an equally important source from which to derive spiritual nourishment. It teaches us to be a giver and fulfill our responsibility towards others.The flow of water in a mountain stream, for instance, is repeatedly obstructed by stones in its path. But the spring does not attempt to remove the stones to continue on its journey. Instead, it moves ahead by flowing around and alongside the stones, as if telling us not to collide with obstacles, but to continue on our way regardless. Everything in this world continuously conveys the message that we should give, without taking anything in return, and discharge our duty in a selfless manner. Questions: 2.1. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words: 2 x 4= 8 A) What is the irony in life? B) What has been predicted by experts? C) What is the responsibility of each citizen? Why? D) How does water teach us? 2.2 On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following: (A) The synonym of maintain is ..( para2) (a) sustain (b) vast (c) predict (d) issue (B) The synonym of Power (para3) (a) creation (b) potential (c) marvel (d) distinct (C) The antonym of abundance is . (para 5) (D) The antonym of irresponsible is .. (para 4) SECTION B: WRITING AND GRAMMAR SKILLS 3. You are aware of the fact that trees are essential for the survival of beings. Write a letter to the editor of the Times of India, expressing your ideas on Tree Plantation in not more than 150 words. You are Mohit/ Mohini. ( 8 marks) OR Children like to spend their pocket money on their food items like chips, kurkures, hot dog, pizza and cold drinks. But they don t know that these things cause harm to their health. Write an article describing the harmful effects of fast and junk food. Do not exceed 150 words. 4. Complete the following story in not more than 200 words. ( 10 marks) Once there lived a King. He was foolish. One day some travelers reached his court. They promised that they would bring the finest breed of horses for him. The foolish king gave them gold coins in advance .. OR Develop the following outlines into a story in not more than 200 words. A silly cricket sings all the summer dying of hunger in winter goes to an ant food refused If you sing all the spring, you must starve all the winter . 5. Complete the paragraph given below by filling in the blank choosing the correct option from those that follow: No living being (a) free from stress. Advance in science and technology (b) ..not made life easy but have in fact added more stress. No wonder stress induced disease like hypertension, coronary artery diseases, and many psychosomatic disease (c) . On (d) rise. (A) (a) is (b) am (c) are (d) have (B) (a) had (b) has (c) have (d) shall (C) (a) are (b) am (c) is (d) had (D) (a) a (b) am (c) the (d) these 6. In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheet. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined as shown: United we stand, divided fall e.g. divided we fall Even as forest tree, stands alone, (a) However strong deep rooted is often (b) . Blown down while clump of trees (c) . Easily defies winds. (d) 7. Read the following conversation carefully and complete the passage that follows: Arun: Where are you going? Hari: I am going to Mumbai? Arun: Do you know whether the train is on time? Hari: It is to arrive at 10 p.m.? Arun: I hope it is on time. Arun asked Hari where he was going. Hari answered that (a) .. Arun equired if he knew (b) .. Hari said (c) . Arun said (d) . SECTION C- LITERATURE 8. Read the following extract given below and answer the questions that follow. Write the answer in your answer sheet in one or two lines only. Evergreen rainforests cover thirty per cent of this district. During the monsoons, it pours enough to keep many visitors away. The season of joy commences from September and continues till March. The weather is perfect, with some showers thrown in for good measure. The air breathes of invigorating coffee. Coffee estates and colonial bungalows stand tucked under tree canopies in the prime corners. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Why is the monsoon season not the best period to visit Coorg? What is the best period for the visitors? Which word in the passage means the same as starts ? Why do many visitors not come here during the monsoons? OR All night the roots work To disengage themselves from the crakes In the veranda floor. The leaves strain towards the glass Small twigs stiff the exertion Long-cramped boughs shuffling under the roof Like newly discharged patients Half-dazed , moving To the clinic doors. 1.What shows that these plants are inside the house? 2.What do the roots do? 3.What work do the leaves do? 4.Find a word from the stanza that means moving . 9.Answer any five of the following questions in 30-40 words: 1.What is Coorg famous for? 2. How many times did the baker come everday? Why did the children run to meet him? 3.Why did Wanda say she had hundred dresses? 4.What did the Loisels do to replace the necklace? 5.Why were the two boys in London surprised? 6.How was Horace cheated by the lady in red? 10.Answer any one of the following questions in 150 words: 8 Marks How did the narrator transport Mij to London? What happened when Mij was packed into a box? OR How did the post office employees help Lencho? How did he react to their help? 11.Answer any one of the following in not more than 150 words: 8 Marks Why is Griffin considered to be a lawless person? OR One little act of negligence or one small error can lead to the entire ruin . How far is it applicable to the lives of Matilda and her husband? BLUE PRINT CLASS- X ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (CODE NO. 184) Typology Testing competencies/ learning outcomes VSAQ 1 mark SAQ 3040 words 2 marks Reading Skills Conceptual understanding, decoding, analyzing, inferring, interpreting and vocabulary 1x12=12 Creative Writing Skills and grammar Expressing an opinion, reasoning, justifying illustrating, appropriacy of style and tone, using appropriate format and fluency. Applying conventions, using integrated structures with accuracy and fluency. Literature Recalling, reasoning, appreciating, textbook applying literacy conventions, and extrapolating, illustrating and extended justifying etc. Extracting relevant reading information, identifying the central texts theme and sub themes, understanding the writer s message and writing fluently. Total VLQ 150-200 words 8 marks Total marks 2x4=08 LAQ 100150 words 8 Marks -------- ------- 20 1x12=12 - 8x1=8 10x1=10 30 1x4=4 2x5=10 8x1=8 8x1=8 28x 01=28 marks 09x02=18 8x2=16 marks marks 30 10x1=10 80 8x1=8 marks marks K.V. R.R.C. FATEHGARH MARKING SCHEME (2019-20) 1ST PRE BOARD CLASS X ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE CODE NO. 184 NOTE: These answers are suggestive. Any other relevant answer given by the students may be accepted. SECTION- A READING Ans 1- 1- (d) all of the above 2- (b) trough tank water 3- ( c) humans eat and breathe microplastic particles 4- ( a) tiny plastic shard 5- (c) translocate into human tissue 6- ( a) analyise data sets on microplastic contamination 7-(a) 52000 8- ( c) both (a) and (b) Ans 2- 2.1 A- The irony in life is that though water is vital for man s survival, he can create water to sustain himself, yet he mindlessly wastes this essential natural resource. B- The experts have predicted that the shortage of water will become so acute that a Third World War might break out over this issue. C- Each citizen should make tremendous efforts to conserve water as it is issential for survival. Water should not be wasted to maintain peace in the world. D- Water teaches us that we should not collide with obstacles. We should continue on our way irrespective of the hardships as water doesn t remove stones. 2.2 A- (a) sustain B- (b) potential C Scarcity D- Responsibility SECTION B WRITING AND GRAMMAR SKILLS Ans 3- Content 3 marks Format- includes date, subject, addressee and complementary close. Format to be treated as part of the content. Expession- 1 &1/2 (fluency to be taken into account) Accuracy 1 & OR Content - 3 marks Expression- 1& Accuracy- 1 & Ans 4- Objective- To plan, organize and present ideas coherently. Marking- relevance of content + creativity - 6 marks Fluency- 2 marks Accuracy- 2 marks Children should be allowed to complete the story in any suitable way using the hints provided. Ans 5- A-a-is, B-c-have,C-a-are,D-c-the Ans.6 Before A. B. As Strong C. while D. defies Answer a and a After forest deep-rooted clump the winds Ans. 7. A. he was going to Mumbai. B.whether/if the train was on time. C.that it was to arrive at 10:00 p.m D . that he hoped it was on time. SECTION-C (Language & Literature) Ans.8. i)It is not the best period to visit Coorg because it rains very much during the monsoon. ii) The best period for the visitors is between September & March. Iii ) It is commences iv)Many visitors do not come here because during monsoon it pours much here. OR 1.Roots, cracks in the veranda floor suggests that they are inside the house. 2.The roots work to free themselves from the veranda cracks. 3.The tree make efforts to move towards the glass. 4.It is shuffling . Ans.9. (a) Coorg is famous for martial race. There are numerous tales about the valour of these people. General Cariappa, the first Chief of Indian Army was a Coorgi. Coorgi are allowed to carry arms without a licence. The Coorg Regiment is Famous for bravery. (b) The baker would come twice a day. In the morning he would come to sell and return after selling his loaves of bread. Children ran to meet and greet because they needed bread bangles and also got sweet bread of special make. (c) She had only one dress. She was poor but never felt inferior to them (classmates). She replied the teasing girls in a straight manner just to keep them silent. (d) Loisels had to work hard to return the lost necklace. They borrowed money and even used the money left by Mr. Loisel s father. The necklace was bought for 36000 franc and given back to Mrs Forestier. (e) The two boys saw muddy imprints of a bare- footed man. But they could not see anyone there. Soon the footprints became familiar and then disappeared completely. All this surprised the two boys. (f) The lady in red pretended to be the owner of house. She was worried about her house. She threatened to call the police and talked about the party. Ans 10- content- 4 marks Expression- 4 marks The British airline to London would not fly animals narrator booked a flight to Paris on another airline and from there to London - the airline insisted that Mij should be packed into a box not more than 18 inches square- inside the box Mij had torn the lining of the box to shreds Mij s blood comes out from its (box) air holes and chinks around the lid - blood had trickled and dried. OR Crop was devastated due to the natural disaster Lencho got disappointed wrote a letter to God postman got the letter, showed to the postmaster- post office employees laughed at first decided to help Lencho they contributed money 70 pesos sent the money Lencho received the money counted became angry accuse the post office employees of 30 pesos wrote again to God send 30 pesos not through post office, they are crooks. Ans 11- content- 4 marks Expression- 4 marks Not a true scientist misused scientific findings troubled the land lord hit the land lady with a chair set fire to his house ran away without clothes homeless wanderer without money- hire two rooms in a village stole clergyman s money clergyman and his wife heard a noise in his study they heard the clink of money being stolen from the desk they opened the door no trace of the burglar . OR One little act of negligence - ruin their entire life Matilda s husband received an invitation to dinner from the Minister of Public Instructions Matilda complained of improper jewellery borrowed a necklace from madam Forestier danced at the ball everybody praised her her pleasure was shortlived returned home found the necklace missing bought a new necklace gave to madam Forestier - cut down all the expanses work hard for ten years- paid the loan looking ugly met madam Forestier told the story of necklace.

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