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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Karnataka ICSE Schools Association KISA, Bengaluru)

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KARNATAKA ICSE SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION ICSE STD. X Preparatory Examination 2025 Subject LITERATURE IN ENGLISH - ENGLISH PAPER II) Duration : 2 hrs. Maximum Marks: 8 0 Date: 9.01.2025 Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. The paper has four Sections. Section A is compulsory. All questions in Section A must be answered. You must attempt one question from each of the Sections B, C and D and one other question from any Section of your choice. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION A (Attempt all questions from this Section) Question 1 [16] Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only.) (i) When Brutus says Cassius, be constant. Popilius Lena speaks not of our purposes; For, look, he smiles, and, Caesar doth not change, what is he doing? (a) He is reassuring Cassius. (b) He is instigating Cassius. (c) He is showing his jealousy. (d) He is showing his fear. (ii) Which term does Antony use repeatedly in his speech at Caesar s funeral to make a mockery of Brutus? (a) judgement (b) fault (c) honourable (d) funeral (iii) who is torn by the mob for his bad verses ? (a) Cinna, a conspirator (b) Brutus, a friend (c) Cicero, a conspirator (d) Cinna, a poet (iv) Antony says about his nephew, He shall not live; look, with a spot I damn him. Which trait does he display here? (a) Envy (b) Affection (c) Ruthlessness (d) Enmity (v) Cassius accuses Antony of robbing the Hybla bees. Which of the following conditions has he not left the bees? (a) sightless (b) honeyless (c) stingless (d) soundless (vi) Which philosophy taught that men should bar all suffering with patience and courage? (a) Epicureanism (b) Stoicism (c) Roman Honour (d) Superstition (vii) Which of the following options contains the same figure of speech that appears in the line Wander our thoughts above the dark abyss from H W Longfellow s poem Haunted Houses ? (a) Ten thousand saw I at a glance, tossing their heads in a sprightly dance. (b) The storm clouds angrily gathered overhead. (c) The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas. (d) I wandered lonely as a cloud that floats on high o er vales and hills. (viii) Which of the following is NOT done by the mite in the poem A Considerable Speck ? (a) It smelt the ink. (b) It ran in fear. (c) It crept with cunning. (d) It flew off the page. (ix) Collectivistic regimenting love is a belief that (a) The needs of an individual are important, not a group. (b) Love is delicate and tender. (c) The needs of a group are important, not an individual. (d) Man needs a collection of feelings. (x) The Great trees is an extended metaphor for (a) Giant rocks (b) Great souls (c) Small creatures (d) Sterile air (xi) After a period, peace blooms. It means that (a) Peace is a flower. (b) Small animals recoil into silence. (c) There is silence after trees fall. (d) Healing follows grief. (xii) Choose the option that lists the sequence of events from Stephen Leacock s short story With the Photographer in the correct order. 1. No, he went on, I don t care for it. I like to get the hair clear back to the superficies and make out a new brow line. 2. He unfolded the proof of a large photograph, and we both looked at it in silence. Is it me? I asked. 3. Go on, then, with your brutal work. Take your negative, or whatever it is you call it, -- dip it in sulphide, bromide, oxide, cowhide, -- anything you like. 4. The photographer rolled a machine into the middle of the room and crawled into it from behind. (a) 4,2,1,3 (b) 1,2,3,4 (c) 3,1,2,4 (d) 2,3,4,1 (xiii) Select the option that shows the correct relationship between statements (1) and (2) from Ama Ata Aidoo s short story The Girl Who Can . Statement 1: Yes, I have won every race I ran in for my school, and I have won the cup for the best all-round junior athlete. Statement 2: Nana is right now carrying me on her knee, and crying softly. Muttering, muttering, muttering. That saa , thin legs can also be useful. (a) (1) is true and (2) is false. (b) (2) is true and (1) is false. (c) (1) is the cause for (2). (d) (1) and (2) are independent of each other. (xiv) How does William Sleator s short story The Elevator end? (a) on a positive note (b) in a cliffhanger (c) in an expected manner (d) in a shocking manner (xv) The atmosphere in the short story The Pedestrian is (a) stifling (b) cheerful (c) dark and foreboding (d) encouraging (xvi) The themes of the short story The Last Lesson are (a) Emancipation of women, Patriotism (b) Patriotism, Non-conformity (c) Language: a symbol of identity, Education (d) Education, Appearance Versus Reality SECTION B DRAMA (Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare) (Answer one or more questions from this Section.) Question 2 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Antony: O pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth, That I am meek and gentle with these butchers! Thou art the ruins of the noblest man That ever lived in the tide of times. Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood! Over thy wounds now do I prophesy, (i) Who is Antony addressing in this extract? Who are the butchers? Why is Antony apologising? [3] (ii) Earlier, what does Brutus allow Antony to do? How does Cassius feel about this? What does this tell you about Cassius? [3] (iii) What conditions does Brutus lay before Antony to follow during his speech at Caesar s funeral? [3] (iv) Antony earlier says Here wast thou bay d? What is the comparison implied in the expression? To what custom of the hunters does it refer? Why is the comparison made here? [3] (v) What does prophesy mean ? Discuss the prophesy made by Antony. [4] Question 3 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Brutus: Well, to our work alive. What do you think Of marching to Philippi presently? Cassius: I do not think it good. Brutus : Your reason? Cassius: This it is: Tis better that the enemy seek us; (i) Where are Brutus and Cassius? What are Cassius reasons for not wanting to march to Philippi immediately? [3] (ii) Does Brutus think that the people between Philippi and Sardis will support them? What does he say about them? [3] (iii) To whom does Brutus say Our legions are brim-full, our cause is ripe ? What does Brutus mean by this? [3] (iv) Describe the circumstances of Portia s death. [3] (v) Brutus and Messala say that have both received letters. What have they learnt from them? [4] Question 4 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: When the photographer came out at last, he looked very grave and shook his head. The face is quite wrong, he said. I know, I answered quietly; I have always known it. He sighed. I think, he said, the face would be better three-quarters full. (i) Where did the photographer come out of? What did he roll into the middle of that place? What did the narrator want him to do with it? [3] (ii) Why did the photographer look very grave? When he says that the narrator s face is quite wrong, what is the narrator s reaction? What does it tell us about the narrator? [3] (iii) Does the photographer give the narrator exactly what he wants? Justify your answer. [3] (iv) Name the processes the photographer uses in his line of work and explain them. [3] (v) Discuss the conflict in the story With the Photographer with reference to the photographer s and the narrator s perception of beauty. [4] Question 5 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Hello, in there, he whispered to every house on every side as he moved. What s up tonight on Channel 4, Channel 7, Channel 9? Where are the cowboys rushing, and do I see the United States Cavalry over the next hill to the rescue? The street was silent and long and empty, with only his shadow moving like the shadow of a hawk in mid- country. (i) Who does he refer to? Where was he headed that particular evening and in what direction? What was the weather like that evening? [3] (ii) What does the extract tell you about the activities of the people in the houses on that street? Give specific details. [3] (iii) Describe his experience with the lone police car. [3] (iv) He in the story The Pedestrian is a non-conformist. Justify. [3] (v) How are the houses he passes described as against his house? [4] Question 6 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: The leap was quick, return was quick, he has regained his place, Then threw the glove, but not with love right in the lady s face. By God! said Francis, rightly done! and he rose from where he sat; No love, quoth he, but vanity, sets love a task like that. (i) Who has regained his place? Where is he? Name two other people who were with him. [3] (ii) Describe what they were all watching. [3] (iii) What do the lines tell you about the people/ animals they are talking about? [3] (a) And the ladies in their pride. (b) They bit, they glared, gave blows like beams, a wind went with their paws. (c ) Then threw the glove, but not with love. (iv) Why did the lady throw her glove? [3] (v) How does King Francis justify the theme of the poem True Love and Vanity ? [4] Question 7 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: All houses wherein men have lived and died Are haunted houses. Through the open doors The harmless phantoms on their errands glide, With feet that make no sound upon the floors. (i) Where are the harmless phantoms seen in the haunted house? [3] (ii) Explain the line : There are more guests at table than the hosts invited; How do these guests behave? [3] (iii) What does mortmain mean? How do the ghosts in the poem do this? [3] (iv) The narrator refers to little lives . Whose lives are referred to? In comparison to whom are they little and why? [3] (v) How do the spirits in this poem have a reassuring presence as compared to the usual ghosts? [4]

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