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ICSE Notes 2016 : Geography (Lakshmi School, Veerapanchan, Madurai)

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Mira Sree
Lakshmi School, Veerapanchan, Madurai
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Some Common Questions Based On Toposheets Sourced from :- B R Hector If you get these questions, look for these points in the toposheets and can write these answers: 1.Mention ay two features seen in the map extract which indicate the region has seasonal rainfall.Seasonal streams/ Broken ground/open scrub/seasonal tank/cart track motorable in dry season/narrow perennial channel in the dry bed of the river(after looking for these features, select any two features that you find on the topo sheet and write this way) Ans: Open scrub and seasonal streams are two features in the map that indicate the region has seasonal rainfall. Rivers, steams and ponds/tanks are dry in nature. Barren land shown in white colour also indicate tht the region has seasonal rainfall. 2.Mention any three features seen in the map extract which attract holiday makers.(look for various tourist destinations like temple, water falls, lakes, park, sunset points, etc and then write answers) 3. Which is the chief form of irrigation shown in the map extract? Give somE evidences to justify your answer.(look for perennial wells first, then the rivers, lakes, tanks, etc and give answer. For example, if you find the presence of many blue circles in the map, then you can write your answer this way.) Ans: The chief form of irrigation is perennial well-irrigation. Presence of blue circles scattered all over the map . 4. Give one reason to explain why the steams in grid square ......... do not join a river. (look for sandy soil , rainfall, etc)Ans; Reasons for streams not meeting the main river due to:* presence of sandy soil which is porous * poor rainfall * high rate of evaporation. (any two ) 5. State two reasons for the absence of human habitation in some region of the map extract.( check for any features that is not suitable for human habitation like dense forest, open shrubs, steep hills, deserts, lack of roads, etc)Ans: The region is densely forested, many streams with very steep hills. Expensive to build roads. 6. What is the small white patch in the river?Ans: Barren island

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