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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Computer Applications (Agrasain Balika Siksha Sadan, Howrah)

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' I n hll ,.il,lt} I\,: !,!\ ' ~o ()Utl ~ so ooo 1, , 1.on.111l!l 1 B:"1' .il.,n ' 11J", 1 I 'i .'v1Ne 1ha11 1.00.00ll 1 ' i_.i~ ,l ,,il,11 ) 1,, J"r1,,, e mpl,,yc, 11,1111C I I. h.,,, .. s;tl,n: .ind . :,,, ,,il:11~ 11 l,tb11l.1 , '11:m.11 l mplo~ l.'e :J ,.JIJI' l, ru~ <;;ii:'' \ \OIJ J1,ph1 .11 I na,,, Fmpln~ ...... ll,llll l :,.x.,X,'{J\ ~:\x xxxx:-: xx x:-::< , , Also v.n11: 1he maiu(l lu ociion 11.1 crealt' 1ht> orje.: t 01 l:mplo}e,: dass ,md call 1h~ re,pectt ve methoJ, "' the 1:isL /,~~.es1ion .J I I lk1in\.' ,1 dn,, 1,, ,r.:m, h a ~h., 1 ,rter ill plll b} 1lll' 11,rr lr,,111 1h, w1 111 clm1,1,1cr< g1,,:n hd,1 \, II 11 ,, ' " m.J print the m\.'-'dl'.t' " It', a ~11,,,..,, ,,thCl\l l><' paint 1lw 111<''-' '~ 11 , , t l,ulur, u,111~ hmJr} ,, ,1r,'" 11:ehmqu, 'A' , '( . l.l 1- . ' I I', i,,, I'. I''. I{', s . ) , lJ ues liuu 5 \\'ril,: J 111,,grdm to take a squ.ire 111.,111 ~ 11r>II.C n!inr ,1 .sl"' nput 1h, m.1trl'I. dl'1nen ~ lrom 11-cr. prm1 he matm, Jl ong "1th ~um ol bo und,,r\ dcm<'llh .mJ ,um ,,1 ..:omi:r l'lc:m<'n', .,, 1,1110", l or <':>.Mnpk if l11p111 r1=3 and }.l:i1n:-- ck 111cn1,:: :,_ 3. .i. 5. 0 , ~- 8. IJ. I Output ., 3 ..i :J1bk 5 6 7 ii IJ I Sum of 13ound:ir> l: kmcnt, :!~ h 4 7~ I , CJ t 8-rt!>" 1 , ~ 1 of C' omcr H, 1111.'nts: :, l t 1-,~ I - I~ ~ u.es1iu11 (, Dcliu.: J d.1s, Ill 11,.:, r1 ,1 ~, nll'n, c L ,111111,u 1d d1,pla~ 1h.: 11u111h, r ot , '"' d, numb,:r ,,t eon,un.1 r! nun1b-, ,,t digit anJ numhcr ,1 "h11, ,p.1,c p1,:-. nl 111 1h, " m trn, t: Example 111p1n: " I-kil o haH a 111,..: D,I\ 202:i" Output Nurnb<.:r ul' \o,, d :S :-iumbl'r t,r consonJJ1t:CJ Nurnbcr of digit:4 .-/ Number of whi te sp:1.:c S )l\ll'Sliun 7 Design 1 , 1.>-s 11" m ,:rk .iJ ., hm,:ion d1,pl,1~ I I as foll," ' s }11 'vU1d displa:,1 1111,1, 1111 11) lo 1111111 1tw s11111 " ' f,J ll ow111gs..:ni:s. 1 %J s.:..o. . a2 1u -a 1-1 :i ,o,<l d1~play(m1 nr 1,1 ,hc.:1-. JllJ p1in1111s prim,: numbe r or 11111 l A numh<.:r ~called pn mc ii 11 " J1, ,, h!c b} l anJ th, n11111b~r 11,;dtl (.iill \\>1d d i, playl ). i. , pm,; 1hc i'<, Jl11wi11g p,,11, in 11smg ""' led 1,,np ::, 'ii $ i s, s . ~ s t ion II / o_':~'.'l' .1,la~~ 1,, accc p~;111111nl~r.:1'.1d dw,~ the 1111mb, t ,, 1' 1 11 1 ' R'-O N 11111 nhn "' 11,,1 1\ n111 nht:r 1, ,a lkd PETI- R",( IN m1111 i>,1 if 1hc: ,11111, ! l.1, 1, 11111 " I 11, ,li ~11 , ,:,111,11'" 11!, n,11 11 b1"r 11sd1 r,.ampk l11pu1 I I~ -;u m ,,f fJu ,,riJI ot .t1.:,i-, I-< , I ~ , ,l J 1I 2 I 4 , ,- -1 ~ ,.~: . / r,.;----- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rl.1,, ' - it d j \ \ \ ) :,,,11n nc1 l' I.i~, 1~ 1 ~~ ) n1cdd 11 It J 1k111 <.'d . (bl p1 11111t1vc l I .J r I 1 1.11 \\ntP ~ 1 . , rlw 1111 1 ll ..u, uc1 rsl fppc r(.'ase()? l) \'1 I \Vh:it d.11,11 ~pt :irgumt. 111 p.,~~ct1 111 tJl , <1 Plpu,11,: thl S11inl;! It:) d1.1r ol !Ji .. / l,1~ h{x,k:11~ . !', ,II,;\, 111g i~ llw corrc, 1 n111r1 11 f LR/\,IIN1\ TION".substrntgt2.6}" !y 11\\\ lmh1 l t lc ) 1 1 1-~ l N11n , 11l1lwsc t,11 I 11 R:-.1 ihl 1 ~R~I 1' .,_. of:1 cor~ -:ons 11ucior'' <., yi'li I\\ l11d1 Pl the li,ll~\\1111,! IS 3 Jt'llll :)1~:[l~~ h.11 Nun~ o l 1he ,t' ( ,I / \llld (b) u~JCCI . ( n h<t\\ C1 11 l\\ n . . ."') '"rr t 11n1 (A ): -i 1,pcr,111,1 c,111 11111 he: 11' 11 1, )"' ~id t\\, 111.. 11.: :-ill ini; t l,1,~ llbJer1 ~ ,I h i ' l l1t11111 tu :, It \ ,h H1 11,1111 t I< ) ,~ a b111a n op, rn rnr 11 ' ,rrrrt . . . (,11 B,,1h Rc,1,,111( ll l ,111J /\ :-:-l'Jll\11l 1.\) ' ir(c,ot , ,,,.,. , t l')tu't: 11 ..:, t it) Un1 l1 .\ ,~crlh II 1,\ 1am.I l{c.1, ont' ') . ,..,11 ,11 , . 1 5 r,) ,,~. 1111111( \ I 1, l'l JH ;~ I h111 lk,1~0 111 R1 s )~ '- 1 11\:t t \d I .'\ssc:11io11(:\ I b 111rnm:c1 bul I{ l',I!>' -,' 111 d1p1111 ' '"'' r, t:y0 R.1k:i Wflllls 11, dl'\lgn :1 user deli m:d mcihol If ,L>1) Pe hav111 .,.. , a uc. "1n 11er v, ,1,g rnclh oJ name col \\ith lwo ime11cr argunu:111-. u11d r< tums II d1J1:ic1c1 t).-. .c ~ct 1 . (a l cal(11 1H.:l!cr u 1111c11er hl (c) ch:ir c~l(int a.- 1111 'b ) ., l . lf I ,1 11 t 1c corrt t t mtlhod proto1ype ca1[1111.1. 'J td) 1111 ' 1111 b1 Jlt1 1l 1 1' a.. 1 1111 / Qm's liun :! ,kl) Payc.:I \\,IIII S to cJlcu la1e the square 1ov1 of .i ~umb1:, argumrn1 r b) :i user defi ned func1ion bd0,\. \\ nh: n singlcJH\ a st111cmcn1 in the llll'lillltl bod) Ill du thc wni k - i111 ,qua r..:_root(int p)( 12/ I ()() Co11; 1J, 1 1hi: f,,lluw111g s tnn~ unJ aMwt:r 1he fo llL,,, i11g Strini; .1 ""-INC ,... h="K INGI ISHr lf'. <A \\'h,11 i~ !Ill' , aluc J1~pl a~eJ b~ lht' t:xpn:ssivu S),h.'111.out pnmlntb stJn~ \\ uh(a) )'.' (yi \\'h.11i, 1hi: l':tlut' 1, 111111n l h) 1h1: 111i:1hod calI :, rnmpur\: l u(b )'! t ~ Rt'\\ ri1t' 1he given bclo" n Jc 11~111g ,1 swili: h statL'llk'lll' Strin,:? p (S - - r, '.' "trnc" "fab c" . (~ \\ h.11 .111 1h..- 1, ,1lut'~ ~ton: d 111 ,.,ri:ihlt , k1 Jlld k~ ii'1 I- I :,. la1lq ,011( t-. lath abs(:,. l:Hh.111111(-5.--IJ). ~): \~ k::- ~ la1h.cb11t i\ lath .abs( I\ lath.tloori -6103 Jll. ~ PrcJ1.:11hc ,,111pu1:- ,~1 121 121 (show 11 orkin g) d1Jr c: int p= I 'i: 1u hl ti nd tdn ubk 11) : Strin gs= S1nng., aludJf(aJ: int I s.11.c ng!hl ): c=, .char..\t ( 1): p- c.,.p: S;vstem ou1.println fp1: Syslt'lll.out.priml n (c):} \\'hen tin<l1) 1unctil.l111s .:alleJ 1'10111111J i111) \.\ ith (/4 \\'h,tt \1111 b1 1h.: 0111pu1,,f 1hc 11.i 1,1111c1c1 ,.due ,, 34~J 5 following. String p="C.:Ot-. lPLTER ,\ PPLI CAT IONS" ~ ="131- .-.\l' fY" , (a) Syst.:m.ou1.prin1ln(p.i11lk >.Of(k.charAii-111 ). {bJ S~ s1em.ou1.println(p sut:>string(~ !cngth i ,. 1: 11: [::!] / ~ ,~ -- - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X = - b + ~ ~ ~ n c 2n I I ' fl ~[arrJ' ._Jri.ihk 1<-r.~111 , 1n,1bl~ ' J . 1riahk IL 1 arrJ' - ' J rrJ~ SEC"I 10\ II I M \ l :11 I,,) -\11c111p1 /'he (tll'H 1. r, o tn,, ,my fin:, ., ,, s11,,n, fr,1111 lh" ',c,!< n sl . :rolr .,hor,fd ,,:on, ., OJ II:&. l'r"K' '" "' in eitltt r 8/11(' J ~ 11 virolllllt'II I with Ja, ., as th~ bu,c . L,1t i1 pr,,g,-,1111 ,lz.,ultt h~ ,, 11; .-.. 11 111111R i ,iriablt' de~c:,ipri1J11 , /.\l11t 111011i, C11dl's ,r,1 I, rhu1 th<' !oga u/ :hi program ,, cf, or,. Jep,cretl Flou -( hw1., u,:d . ;1 :oruhm, or, 11111 rt11111i rcd. 1 or tlll) JJF1Jt:t1u11 t'l11 ir,111111t_ 111 Q ues1io11 J \\ 'rite .i prurr,1111 ...-uh tnc: ,!lc, .-ir.g 'l1<'<1f1,,,i", , 1 Cl,1% 11.11,11;: :.mpl,1)cC Daw 1\ k mba . Srnng f mp_11:1me 5J in1 [m p1J Jouok t>_~., ,r~ . i::_,,1l.11') :\rkmber 111e1hod, nj.,,,,,.(Siriii" , rt.Jill r.! Jouhk b,1 Ill 111,11.1! /c 1 mp n,1m, . I rnn1.; .,,,.! 1, , 1, r, b, ti [lll ,. , ." " 1 . le param~1cr, ,u1,I <,1lculatc:1' 1,, c.1k11!Jlt' .111d , ,or.: th, ~'''" ,alar~ ,,f 1hi: , rnpl,,~e.: u~ing ih~ t"oll~"llll! fom1~l.1,: 1 ,ru~- -al.ii\= 11,,s!C ,:,lar . - [) \ ~I IRA -I f [),~= 21n:, ~r na~i.: ,,1l<10 I IR.-\ = 15% ,,r Ll:i~ic ~:,

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