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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Physics (Vasant Vihar High School (VVHS) & Junior College, Thane)

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Aashi Talwar
Vasant Vihar High School (VVHS) & Junior College, Thane
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GAET HIGH SCHOOL AND JUNIOR COLLEGE VASANT VIHAR MARKS: 80 PRE BOARD EXAMINATION 2024-25 TIME: 2 HOURS SUB: SCIENCE PAPER I-PHYSICS ROLL NO: DIVISION GRADE :10 DATE: 15-01-25 NAME: 2. Aashi NO.OF PAGES: 10 Answers to this papermust be written on the paperprovided separately. not be allowed towrite during first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. You The time given Section will at the head of this paperis A The intended iscompulsory. the time allowed for writing the answer. Attemptany fourquestions from Section B. marks forquestions or parts of questions are given brackets in l Question 1 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question, write the correct answersonly.) 1 door lock is opened by turning the lever (handle) of length 0.2 m. If the moment force produced is 1 Nm, then the minimum force [15] A a)5 N 2. The diagram below shows 0 10 (b) 10 required Ne of is (c) 20 N (d) 0.2 N the balanced positionof a meter scale. 20 30 A0 50 60 70 80 90 100 Fulcrun Which one of the following diagrams shows the correct position of the scale,when supportedatthe centre? Sa. 0 l0 20) 30 60 06 Flcrum 90 70 S0 C 0 10 20 30 40 5) 60 70 00 b. 0 TId. The kinetic Fulerurn i020 30 10 S 60 70 S0 90 Fulermn energyof a given body depends on (b) centre of gravity of the (c) momentum (d) displacement PAGE 100 the: (a) position T 23 512 is 90 100 70 80 60 50 80 90 100 Fulerun 3 0 20 30 it 1 body TURN OVER SUB: SCIENCEPAPERI- WHS & JC/GRADE 10 15.01.2025 PHYSICS done is zero. motion ofa body, the work force retards the the :When Assertion displacement. on angle betweenforce and Reason :Work done depends explanation of true and reason is the correct (a)Bothassertion and reason are 4. assertion. correct explanation and reason are true but reasonis not the (b)Bothassertion of assertion. 5. (c)Assertion is true but reason is false. (d)Assertion is false but reason Assertion (A): and the effort. Reason than 1. is a second-class In (R): Second-class levers true. between the fulcrum lever, the load is always provide a mechanical located advantage greater MA Lo a and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of (a)Bothassertion assertion. (b)Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the explanation of assertion. (c)Assertion is true but reason is false. (d)Assertion is false but reason 6. A conductor AB kept along North-South is direction of the earth correct above a magnetic needle as shown below. When the key Kis closed, then B A W IMagnetic needle D K, (a) the needle not show any deflection. will (b) the needle Yc) the needle deflect towards will East. the opposite direction i.e. towards South. (d) the needle will deflect towards West. 7. A ray of light will turn in passes obliquely from anothermedium of refractive index second, the light ray T 23 512 of refractive index 1.33 to 1.5. While passing from the first medium to the will: towardsthe normal. (c)movealong the normal. ta)bend an optical medium (b)bend away from the normal. (d)suffertotal internal PAGE 2 reflection. TURN OVER 15.01.2025 PHYSICS ISUB: SCIENCEPAPER WHS & JC/GRADE 10 on a white screen when a are the four colours formed yellow and red green, order Violet, of coloursin the decreasing is dispersed. The arrangement light porychromatic of wave lengths is : yellow and red (b)violet, green, la) red, yellow, green and violet red and yellow (d)violet, green, (c)green, red, yellow and violet 8. 9 When a cell (a) its is in use terminal voltage (b) its terminal voltage tc) its is terminal voltage greater (d) the relation internal resistance. Which two 12. Nuclide force depends on its are isotopes and Nuclide 2 2 and Nuclide 3 nuclides 3 of the Nuclide Nuclide 4 5 same element? b) Nuclide 1 81X 35 Nuclide 2 4 and d) Nuclide Nuclide 2 and Nuclide 5 5 During melting of ice at 0 C the (a)energy is released and temperature remains constant. Kb)energy is absorbed and temperature remains constant. (c)energy is released and temperature decreases. (d)energy is absorbed and temperature increases The adjacent figure shows the connecting points of a socketoutlet. Which of the following gives the correct order of the connections made to which are the pins (a) Live, Neutral, Earth {c)Earth, 113. By reversing the b) gets (c) reversed increasesin (d) decreases The (a) 15. A 1:1 2 &3 respectively. current in an electromagnet,the magnetic in strength and field direction. direction. strength. strength. (b) 1 :2 converging lens has a focal length D 1, (d) Earth, Live, Neutral ratio of velocities of light of wavelength400 nm (a) - 2.5 T 23 512 in in of marked (b) Live, Earth, Neutral Neutral, Live direction producedby it (a) remains unchanged 14. and electromotive 18 a) Nuclide 11. the electromotive 38 Nuclide force. nuclides are given below: X Nuclide 1 force. electromotive terminal voltage its The symbolsfor 5 different c) than the less than is between 10. force. equal to the electromotive is (b) + 2.5D and 800 nm vacuum (d)1:3 (c) 2:1 40 cm. The power (c)- 1.5 D in of this lens is is. (d) + 1.5D PAGE 3 TURN OVER hey prodtlu pot meaning blo the of antibod 15.01.2025 SUB:SCIENCE VVHS & JC/GRADE 10 4. Assertion Reason PAPER I- PHYSICS done is zero. body, the work motion retards the fosce and displacement. of When the on angle betweenforce explanation depends is the correct Work done true and reason are reason and ofa : : (a)Both assertion and reason are true (b)Both assertion of assertion. reason (c)Assertion is true but (d)Assertion 5. is (A): Assertion and the effort. Reason than a second-class (R): Second-class levers 1. not the correct explanation reasonis is false. false but reason In but is true. lever, the load is located between the fulcrum a mechanical always provide is the and reason are true and reason (a)Both assertion advantage greater correct MALa a assertion. explanation of assertion. (b)Both the correct and reason are true but reason is not assertion of assertion. explanation (c)Assertion is true but reason (d)Assertion is false but reason 6. A conductor needle as AB is false. direction kept along North-South is shown below. When the key K is of the earth above a magnetic closed, then B A W Magnetic needle K (a) the needle will not show any deflection. (b) the needle will deflect towards East. the needle will turn the opposite direction (d) the needle will Yc) 7. A in i.e. towards South. towardsWest. obliquely from an optical medium of refractive index 1.33 to refractive index 1.5. While passing from the first medium to the deflect ray of light passes anothermedium of second,the light ray will: ta)bend towardsthe normal. (b)bendaway from the normal. (c)movealong the (d)suffer total internal reflection. T 23 512 normal. PAGE 2 TURN OVER VVHS 8. & JC/GRADE 10 15.01.2025 SUB:SCIENCE PAPER |-PHYSICS formed on a white screen wier d Viole, 8reen, red and yellow are the four colours The arrangement of colours dispersed. polychromaticlight is of wave lengths is : 9 When a and red, yellow cell is in (d)violet,green, violet red order and red and yellow use (b) its terminal voltage is equal to the electromotive force. force. greater than theelectromotive c) is less than the electromotive (a) its terminal voltage is terminal voltage its the decreasing yellow (b)violet, green, a)red, yellow, green and violet (c)green, in force. (d)the relation between its force terminal voltage and electromotive dependson its internal resistance. The symbolsfor 5different nuclides are 10. X Nuclide Which two va) Nuclide c) Nuclide 18 Nuclide 2 Nuclide 37 X X 1 given below: nuclides are isotopes of the and Nuclide 2 2 and Nuclide3 1 Nuclide 4 3 X Nuclide5 same element? Nuclide 5 b) Nuclide 4 and Nuclide5 d)Nuclide 2 and 0 C the and temperature remainsconstant. (a)energy is released remains constant. b)energy is absorbed and temperature decreases. temperature (c)energy is released and increases temperature and is absorbed (d)energy a socket outlet. the connecting points of shows The adjacent figure 12. of the connections melting During 11. of ice at order the following gives the correct marked 1, 2 & 3 respectively. which are made to the pins Which 2 413. By reversing of (c) getsreversed increases in in in strength an in the direction of current produced by it (a) remains unchanged b) (b) Live, Earth, Neutral (d) Earth, Live, Neutral (a) Live, Neutral, Earth Live {c) Earth,Neutral, and field electromagnet,the magnetic direction. direction. strength. decreases in strength. The ratio of velocities of light of wavelength (d) 14. (a) 1:1 15. (b) 1:2 converging lens has a focal (b) + (a) - 2.5 D T 23 512 length 40 A 2.5D 400 (c) nm 2:1 and 800 nm in vacuum is (d)1:3 cm. The powerof this (c) - 1.5 D PAGE 3 lens is. (d) + 1.5 D TURN OVER VWHS & JC/GRADE 10 QUESTION 15.01.2025 SUB: SCIENCEPAPER I- PHYSICS 2: Complete the following by choosing [6] the bracket the correct answer from energy. a. heat energy to electrical classl) (class /classl/ converts A (geyser/battery/thermocouple) body weight on b. Raising toes is an example of lever. If a lens placed is in of air its A,B,C versustimegraph for three substances d. The temperature shown below. f heat supplied to all of them capacity then the substance with lowest heat heat than The f. lens is (A/B/C) Time () Which of b. At present by dual image on the retina. switches. Observe the inverted) control [2] B A a. B at equalrates produces used in correcting hypermetropia erect/ real and (real and erect/ virtual and The diagram below showsa bulb connected diagram and answer the questions: ii is (less /more/equal) 0 C contains 1g of ice at 0 C 1g of water at e. (increases/decreases/ focal length same) remains is water instead lemperature(T) c. above circuits the will be able to switch ON or switch OFF the bulb using both the switches? ii A transformer which in is circuit is the bulb glowing? used to change a high alternating e.m.f to a low alternating e.m.f of same frequency. a. ldentify the type of transformer b.State whether the turns ratio used for the for the [2] ns above purpose. above transformer will be =1,>1or<1 ns. Question 3 1. Two forces F1 =F2 are applied on a wheel of 1.5 m radius, such that moment of couple is (2] 30 Nm. Calculate the magnitude of each of the force. B20 T 23 512 PAGE 4 TURN OVER 15.01.2025 VVHS SUB:SCIENCEPAPER & JC/GRADE 10 Awalnut can be broke cracker, the length of Z. calculate the a.Name 3. I-PHYSICS of 54 by applving a direct force is nut cm and whose.handle is 18 minimum kgf. If the placed walnut is placed a nut in 2 cm from the pivot, [21 force required to crack the nut. plants, the age of very old trees, the technique used toestimate wood and other (2] such specimens. Name b. 4. Two the isotope thatformsthe basis wires A andB of copper are of the n then state true or false for each a. resistance of A< resistance ofB. F of A and B is the same.T b. resistivity if thistechnique.C of same length of the having r and radii and (2] two statements ri< [2] the image formed by a converging The diagram below represents 5. 2 respectively object lens O principal axis R P image a. the focal length of the lens? Which distance represents type of imageformation one application of the above b. Give 6. State the function of 7. Avibrating tuning fork is rings in a d.c. shown in the diagram. (2] motor. placed over the mouth opened and the water level very from the tuning fork becomes the burette sound split as is of a burette filled with water. It The tap gradually starts falling. of water loud for a particular length phenomenon the sound become does (b)Why column? water (a) Name the T 23 512 when [3] column. Tuning Fork -Air taking place of is found that the cotumn this happens. of very loud for this length Burette PAGE 5 TURN OVER 15.01.2025 SUB:SCIENCE WHS &JC/GRADE10 PAPER I-PHYSICS SECTION -B four questions (Attemptany QUESTION 1. =BC =CD =h. 4 A ball of from this Section) AB A. It is given that freely from point be its is dropped will is g, then what the given place massm If the to gravity at accelerationdue at point A? energy (a) potential point C? at energy (b)kinetic B +C h 2 Observe the figure a. ldentify 3. shown below and State the frequency range c. Give one property which A person later. [3] questions : the device. b. produces answerthe of the waves used in the above device makesit suitable for its use in the device stated by you in(a) standing between two vertical clifs and 640 m away from the nearest cliff, sound. He hears the first echo after 4 seconds and the second echo 3 seconds (4] Calculate: a. the speed b. the distance of sound in air between the 220ns cliffs 260 m |120 T 23 512 PAGE 6 TURN OVER WHS & JC/GRADE 10 SUB: SCIENCE PAPER I-PHYSICS 15.01.2025 QUESTION 5 Acoin kept in a beaker is not visible when seen from point P on one side. But,when water is poured in the beaker, the coin becomes visible from point P. a.Which is the physical quantity represented by M AC: AB? b. What difference will you (3] b 1. ratio observe in height AB if replaced by glycerine? C. Write your observation when the coin is viewed from pointQ. water is B C 2. a.A block and tackle system has velocity indicating the points of application 3. b. If a. The diagram below shows the the effort end moves a and distance of 3. Draw a labelled diagram of the system the direction of load L and effort 60 cm, what distance ray angle 429. Complete the diagram A emerges out of the [3] E. does the load move? path of light passing through a right angled prism of critical b. ratio [4] till the prism. Name the face ofthe prism that behavesas a reflecting surface QUESTION 6 1. The graph of voltage vs current for four materials is shown below. different 3] (V) B Difference a.Which of these four materials would have more conductance? D Potential VIR R Electnc T 23 512 PAGE 7 curent ) TURN OVER b. 15.01.2025 SUB: SCIENCEPAPER I- PHYSICS vVHS &JC/GRADE 10 to find current He wante Roan connected a circuit as shown in the figure. difference when the resistors are connected in parallel. and potential -) K ldentify the fault in 2. the connections made by Roan and rectify it by redrawing the figure The hammer throw is an athletic event. The athlete throws a heavy metal a wire to a handle. ball attached by (3] Anticlo kwise Fig 1 Fig 2 The hammer throwerswingsthe hammer round in a circle before letting go. He swings the hammer slowly atfirst and then faster. The Figure 2 shows an overhead view of a hammer throwerswinging the hammer anticlockwise in a circle. ()In which direction, A, B, Cor D does the centripetal force act on the hammer? (ii) Complete the following sentence by correct word The centripetal force is provided by the.......(Tension in (ii)At the instant shown in the diagram above, the athlete direction, A, B, Cor D, does the the wire/stress lets in the wire) go off the handle. In which hammer move? mas 120 kg is moving at a speed of 18km/h and it 54 km/h in 5 seconds. Calculate: a.the work done by the engine A car of accelerates to attain a speed of the power of the engine b. T 23 512 PAGE 8 TURN OVER [4] ES and y oroA p aning the bl antiboc na The s which ant SOnous yp omY VVHS & JC/GRADE QUESTION 1. 10 SUB:SCIENCE PAPER 7 The lengths of AB and PQ are equal. anobject and PQ is its real, inverted image. the object and its image. Completethe ray possible when a lens is present between AB is 3] lens. alongside an the given diagram In This IS diagram using suitable Z. 15.01.2025 |-PHYSICS arrow shows the towards the motion of the bar magnet 3J sOLENOID solenoid. MAGNET (a) State the pole (b)State (c) 3. A Name in formed at the end A which direction the galvanometer(G) to come to the conclusion. deflects, the law used convex lens of focal length 20 cm formsan inverted left to right or right to image at a distance left? 60 cm from the [4] lens. i. far is the lens kept How ii. front the object? in of the image. Calculate the magnification QUESTION 8 1. The diagram below shows a 3] cooling curve for a substance: temperature (a) State the temperatures at which the substance inwhich the substance condenses. (b) The temperature in liquid (c) range 150 is state. Why do we prefer ice to ice-cold water 60 for cooling a drink? 10 (0,0) T 23 512 C PAGE 9 time TURN OVER 2 at sunrise Whydoes the sun appear red a. 15.01.2025 SUB: SCIENCEPAPER I PHYSICS VVHS & JC/GRADE 10 (3] and sunset? of the sky? blue colour of light is responsible for the b. What characteristic property in a calorimeter contained g of water to cool 150 Calculate the mass of ice needed 3. 50 g at 32 C such that the final of mass 4] temperaure is 5 C. = 0.4 J/g C Specific heat capacity of calorimeter Specific heat capacty of water 4.2 J/g C = Latent heat capacity of ice =330 J/g QUESTION 9 1. A radioactive nucleus A to the sequence : [3] X3 the mass number and atomic number of X3 are mass number and atomic number 180 2. series of decays according B X If undergoesa 172 and 69 respectively, what is the X? of mixture of radioactive substances gives off three types (3] of radiations. ()Name the radiation which travels with speed of light. Y (i) Name the radiation which has the highest ionising power. (i ) Name the radiation that attracted towards the positive plate when is subjected to an electric field? 3. Three resistors82, 12and 62 are connected to a 12V battery as shown in the figure below. Find: 12V 12 S2 8S2 () the current thrOugh (ii) 62 8 N resistor. the potential difference across the parallelcombinationof6 (ii)the current through the 23 512 T |5 6 2 resistor. aD PAGE 10 2and 12 2 resistors.6 [4]

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