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ICSE Class X Question Bank 2023 : Computer Applications : Computer

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Akshay C K
Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Bangalore
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PRACTICE PROGRAMS I. Based on Data Members and Member functions:1. Define a class with the following specifications:Class Name:- Tax Member variables:String name stores the customer s name int a stores the water consumption in gallons int rate stores the tax rate Member methods:(i) Tax () default constructor to initialize the data members with default values. (ii) void input () accept details for name and water consumption in gallons. (iii) void compute () find the tax rate based on the following criteria: Water consumed (in Gallons) Tax Rate in ` More than 45 but 75 or less Rs. 475 More than 75 but 125 or less Rs.750 More than 125 but 200 or less Rs.1225 More than 200 but 350 or less Rs.1650 More than 350 Rs.2000 (iv) void display () print the customer s name, water consumption and the tax rate. void main() to create an object and call the above member methods. 2. Define a class with the following specifications:Class Name:- Taxi Member variables:String n stores the customer s name int km stores the distance travelled in kilometres int bill stores the amount to be paid. Member methods:(i) default constructor to initialize the data members with default values. (ii) parameterized constructor to initialize the data members n and km. (iii) void find () calculate the bill amount to be paid based on:Distance (in Kms) Amount in ` First 5 kms `250 [fixed] Next 5 Kms `100 per Km More than 10 Kms `150 per Km (iv) void print () display the details. void main() to create an object and call the above member methods. 3. Define a class with the following specifications:Class Name:- Conversion Member variables:double f stores the temperature as Fahrenheit value double c stores the centigrade value int m stores the number of metres int cm stores the number of centimetres int ft stores the value as number of feet int in stores the value as number of inches Member methods:(i) void get_data () accept values for f, m and ft (ii) void convert () convert the following:5 Fahrenheit to centigrade = ( 32) 9 Metres to centimetres [1m = 100cm] Feet to inches [1feet = 12 inches] (iii) void output () display the values in centigrade, centimetres and inches void main() to create an object and call the above member methods. 4. Define a class with the following specifications:Class Name:- Employee Member variables:String name stores the employee name basic stores the basic pay da stores the dearness allowance sa stores the special allowance gs stores the gross salary [Declare the variables using appropriate datatypes] Member methods:(i) void accept () accept employee s name and the basic pay (ii) void compute () calculate da, sa and gs based on Basic Dearness Allowance (DA) Special Allowance (SA) Up to 10,000 15% 5% 10,001 20,000 20% 8% 20,001 30,000 25% 10% 30,001 and above 30% 12% Gross salary = Basic + Dearness Allowance + Special Allowance (iii) void display () display the details. void main() to create an object and call the above member methods. II. Based on Method Overloading:1. Define a class to overload the method print () as follows:(i) void print (int n) prints all the factors of n, excluding itself. (ii) boolean print (int x, int y) returns true, if square of x is equal to y, otherwise returns false. (iii) void print () display the following pattern ABCDE CDEF EFG GH I 2. Define a class to overload the method display () as follows:(i) void display () display the given pattern by initializing the word "FRAME" F FR FRA FRAM FRAME (ii) int display (int n) returns the sum of the first and the last digit of n. Example: If n is 183, sum=4 (1+3) (iii) void display (double income) Calculate and display the tax as 5% on the income if income is beyond `50,000, otherwise display the message as "No tax". 3. Define a class to overload the method perform () as follows:(i) void perform () display the following pattern 1 34 567 78910 (ii) boolean perform (int n) to check whether the input number is abundant number or not. An Abundant number is a number for which the sum of its proper factors is greater than the number itself. Example: Consider the number 12. Factors of 12 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 Sum of factors = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 = 16 As 16 > 12 so 12 is an Abundant number. (iii) void perform (int a, char ch) which accepts one integer and one character argument finds and displays the square root of a if ch is 's' or 'S' otherwise finds and displays the cube root of a. 4. Define a class to overload the method output () as follows:(i) void output () display the following pattern 98765 8765 765 65 5 (ii) void output (int n) to check whether the input number is the number n is pure EVEN number or not. A number is called pure EVEN if all the digits in a number n is divisible by 2, otherwise display appropriate error message. For Example: Input value for n: 2468 Output: Pure EVEN (iii) void output (int a, int b, int c) a, b and c are the 3 sides of a triangle, check and display the message "triangle is possible" if sum of any 2 sides is greater than the 3rd side, otherwise display the message "triangle not possible". 5. Define a class to overload the method execute () as follows:(i) void execute () display the following pattern *@*@*@*@*@ *@*@*@*@*@ *@*@*@*@*@ (ii) void execute (int n) to check whether the input number is a neon number or not. A number is called neon, if the sum of digits of its squared value is equal to the input number n. Example: 9 is a neon number, because sum of digits of its square 92=81(8+1) is equal to the input number. (iii) void execute (char c1, char c2) - Convert the characters to uppercase if both c1 and c2 are in lowercase and vice-versa, otherwise display the characters in two different lines. III. Based on String methods:1. Define a class to accept a string and display the count of uppercase alphabets, lowercase alphabets, uppercase vowels, lowercase vowels, uppercase consonants and lowercase consonants. Example: Input String: ICSE Year 2023 Examinations Output: Count of uppercase alphabets=6 Count of lowercase vowels=7 Count of lowercase alphabets=14 Count of uppercase consonants=3 Count of uppercase vowels=3 Count of lowercase consonants=7 2. Define a class to accept a string and convert to uppercase and display the new string by replacing each vowel by immediate next character and every consonant by the previous character. The other characters remain the same. Example: Input String: IMAGINATION New String : JLBFJMBSJPM 3. Define a class to accept two strings and convert both the strings to lowercase and check whether both the strings have even number of characters, If so, then reverse both the strings and frame a new string by joining the first reversed string followed by the second reversed string. Example: Input string1: exam Input string2: exit Output: maxetixe 4. Define a class to accept a string and a character and convert both the string and the character to uppercase and find and display how many times the character is repeated inthe string. If the count is odd, then display all the characters at the ODD index positions. Example: Input String: Good Food Output1: Frequency of o is 4 Input character: o Output2: Character at odd index: O,D,F,O 5. Define a class to accept a string and display the absolute difference between characters. Example: Input String: Timer Output: Absolute difference between T and i is 21 Absolute difference between i and m is 4 Absolute difference between m and e is 8 Absolute difference between e and r is 13 IV. Based on Arrays calculation based:1. Define a class to accept 10 integers in an array. Display all the negative numbers followed by the positive numbers without changing the order of the numbers. 2. Define a class to accept 20 integers in an array and display the list of integers that are perfect squares. 3. Define a class to accept 20 characters in an array and count the number of letters, digits and special characters. 4. Define a class to accept and store N students marks out of 100 in a subject in an array and display the subject average, highest and the least score. 5. Define a class to accept 20 integer values in an array and find and display the sum of first 10 values, product of last 10 values, first value, middle value and the last value. V. Based on Arrays Searching concept:1. Define a class to accept and store N product names in an array and search for a product input by the user and display the position if it is found in the array, otherwise display appropriate error message using Linear search technique. Also display all the products that begins with a vowel. 2. Define a class to accept 10 cricketer s names and their corresponding runs scored in two different single subscripted variables. Search for a cricketer s name and display the corresponding runs along with the cricketer s name if found in the array, otherwise display the message "data not found" using Linear search technique. 3. Define a class to search for a number from the list of numbers given below and display the message "Search Successful" if found in the array, otherwise display "Search unsuccessful" using binary search technique. 100, 87, 76, 70, 67, 63, 62, 51, 32, 23, 13, 3 4. Define a class to accept and store 20 characters in an array and search for a character input by the user and display the position if the character is present in the array, otherwise display appropriate error message using binary search technique. (Assume the characters in the array are in alphabetical order) VI. Based on Arrays Sorting concept:1. Define a class to accept 20 float datatype values in array and arrange them in ascending order using bubble sort technique. Display the unsorted and the sorted array. 2. Define a class to accept 10 book names in an array and arrange the book names in reverse alphabetical order using Bubble sort technique. Display the unsorted and the sorted array. 3. Define a class to accept 10 students names and their corresponding percentage marks in two different arrays and arrange the percentage marks in ascending order along with the names using bubble sort technique. Display the sorted arrays as Name Percentage . . 4. Define a class to accept 10 characters in an array and arrange the characters in ascending order using bubble sort technique. Display the unsorted and the sorted array.

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