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ICSE Class X Question Bank 2024 : Computer Applications - Constructor

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Ayushmaan Chowdhury
Delhi Public School (DPS) Megacity, Kolkata
10 science
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Question Bank (Term 2) Subject Computer Applications Class X CONSTRUCTOR 1. Choose the correct answer. 1) Which unit of a class gets called when the object of the class is created? i) function ii) constructor iii) access specifier iv) instance variable 2) What is constructor in Java? i) It is an object ii) It is a recursive block of code iii) It is a block of code like method iv) An instance variable 3) The default constructor is used for i) Calling default method ii) Initializing default values to instance variables iii) Differencing default objects iv) Calling static method 4) What is true about constructor i) It must have return type. ii) It can take any number of parameters iii) It has name other than class name iv) Constructor cannot accept any parameter 5) If constructors are overloaded, what differentiates it? i) Parameter list ii) Return type iii) Both a and b iv) None of these 6) Among the following Statements, which are true about Constructors? (I) a new operator automatically calls them. (II) they cannot be private (III) they cannot be virtual i) I & III ii) I & II iii) II & III iv) All of the above 7) Default constructor requires how many parameters? (i) 3 (ii) 0 (iii) 2 (iv) 1 2. Predict the output of the following program: class T { int t = 20; T() { t = 40; } public static void main(String args[]) { T t1 = new T(); System.out.println(t1.t); } } 3. Consider the program given below and answer the given questions. class academic { int x,y; void access() { int a,b; academic student=new academic(); System.out.println(Object Created ); } } Now answer the following questions based on the above program. a. What is the object name of the class? b. Name the instance variables used in the class. c. Write the name of local variables used in the program. d. Give the type of function being used and its name. 4. Read the following text and choose the correct answer: Java constructor overloading is a technique in which a class can have any number of constructors that differ in parameter list. The compiler differentiates these constructors by taking into account the number of parameters in the list and their type. Why do we use constructor overloading? To use different types of constructors. Because it's a feature provided. To initialise the object in different ways. To differentiate one constructor from another. 5. Define a class SalaryCalculation described as below: Data members: name (String data type) basicPay, specialAlw, conveyanceAlw, gross, pf, netSalary, annualSal (double data types) Member methods: SalaryCalculation(): void salaryCal() : A constructor to assign name of employee (name), basic salary (basicPay) of your choice and conveyance allowance (conveyanceAlw) as Rs. 1000.00. To calculate other allowances and salaries as given below: specialAlw = 25% of basic salary pf = 11% of basic salary gross = basicPay + specialAlw + conveyanceAlw netSalary = gross pf annualSal = 12 months of net salary void display() : To display the name and other calculations with suitable headings. Write a main() method to create object of the class and call the required member methods. 6. Define a class BankAccount with following details: Data members: String name to store name of the customer. long accno to store the account number. double bal to store the account balance. Member methods: BankAccount() default constructor BankAccount(String n, long accnumber, double b) parameterized constructor void deposit(double amt) deposits the amount to the account and displays the amount deposited as well as the final balance. void withdraw(double amt) displays amount to be withdrawn, deletes the amount from balance if sufficient balance is available and displays the final balance otherwise displays the message Insufficient Balance . void display() Displays the name, account number and final balance. Write a main() method to create object of the class and call the required member methods. ****************

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