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ICSE Class IX Mid-term 2022 : Biology (The Frank Anthony Public School (FAPS), Bangalore)

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Aditya Chakraborti
The Frank Anthony Public School (FAPS), Bangalore
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CLASS 9 BIOLOGY SCIENCE PAPER -3 MARKS-80 TIME -2 H0URS Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separetly. You will not be allowed to write during the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given att the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answer. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Attempt all questions from Section I and any four questions from Section II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION I (40 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Section Question 1 [5] (a) Name the following: (i)The region of the axis between the point of attachment of cotyledons and the plumule. (ii)Energy currency of the cell. (iii)The plant tissue which is seen in the shells of coconut. (iv)The cell in animals which do not have nucleus. (v)The plastid which stores starch. (b) Given below are sets of five terms each. Rewrite the terms in correct order in a logical sequence beginning with the term that is underlined. (i) Pollen tube, Stigma, Ovary, Pollen grain, Embryo sac. (ii) Nuclear membrane, Cell wall, Cytoplasm, Nucleolus, Cell membrane. (iii) Mitochondria, glucose, CO2, pyruvic acid, energy. (iv) Axon, Dendron, cyton , dendrites, axon endings (v) Egg, ovary, embryo sac , ovule , nucellus (c) Differentiate between the following pairs on the basis of what is given in the brackets: [5] (i) Ligament and Tendon (function) (ii) Staminate and pistillate flower (definition) (iii)Autogamy and geitonogamy (definition) (iv) Anaerobic respiration in plants and anaerobic respiration in animals( end product) (v)Anemophily and entamophilly ( nature of pollen) (d) Mention the exact location of the following: i) Nectaries ii) centrosome iii) Aleurone layer iv) meristematic tissue v) Adipose tissue (e) Choose the correct answer from each of the four options given below:[5] (i) The term neuter is given to a flower in which both: A. Calyx and corolla are present B. Calyx and corolla are absent C. Androecium and Gynoecium are present D. Androecium and Gynoecium are absent (ii) In maize pollination takes place by the agency of: A. Water B. Wind C.Birds D. Insects (iii)Coloured, large , papery structures found in Bougainvillea are called A.Sepals B. Petals C. epicalyx D. bract (iv) Anaerobic respiration normally occurs in A. Grass B. cactus C. coconut D. Baker s yeast (v) Parenchyma found in aquatic plants A.chlorenchyma B. collenchyma C. Aerenchyma D. parenchyma (f) Match the items given in Column A with the most appropriate ones in Column B and rewrite the correct matching pairs. [5] SNO. COLUMN A COLUMN B 1. Polyadelphous a.rough 2. Polypetalous b. Bombax 3. Exine c.cellulose 4. cytology d. free petals 5. Cell wall of cell (g) Choose the ODD one out from the following terms given and name the CATEGORY to which the others belong: [5] (i) Gram seed, Pea seed, Rice, Bean Seed (ii) Cell wall , chloroplast, centrosome, vacuole (iii) Areolar tissue, nervous tissue, adipose tissue , fibrous tissue (iv) Ovary , anther, style and stigma (v)Rose, sunflower, vallisneria , lotus (h) Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that Follow. [5] (i)Identify the above structure and mention its location in a flower. (ii) Label the parts numbered 1 and 2. (iii) Explain the term Double Fertilisation . (iv) What is the fate of the calyx and corolla after fertilisation? (v) Draw a neat, labelled diagram of a pollen grain. SECTION II (40 Marks ) Attempt any four questions from this Section Question 2 (a) Given below are four structures . Study the same and answer the questions given below: (i)Name the structure A,B,C & D. (ii)State the living cell in structure D. (iii)Name the fluid in which structure B is present. (iv)What is the function of structure C ? (v)What are the other cells found in the fluid mentioned in (iii) above. (b) (i)Draw a neat and labeled diagram of neuron. [3] (ii) What is a nerve? [1] (iii)Name the organs made of neurons. [1] Question 3 (a)Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that Follow [5] (i)Name the structure shown and label its parts 1 and 2. (ii)Is the given structure albuminous or non-albuminous ? Give reason for your answer. (iii)Name the protective coverings of part labeled 3&4. (iv)Name the protein rich layer of endosperm. (v)Why is the given structure called a grain ? (b) (i) Draw a neat and labeled diagram of an animal cell . [5] (ii)Based on the diagram drawn above in (i) give a suitable term For each of the following descriptions: 1.The site of protein synthesis. 2.The structure that is semi permeable in nature. 3.The supporting framework of cell. 4.The suicidal bags of cell. Question 4 (a) Study the experimental setup given below and answer the following questions [5] (i) (ii) What is the aim of the experiment ? What is the purpose of keeping soda lime in the conical flasks A and B ? (iii) What is the purpose of keeping boiled peas soaked in a disinfectant in flask B ? (iv) Why is there a rise in the water level in the delivery tube connected to flask A? (v) Which of the two flasks A or B is a control? (b)In Aerobic respiration oxygen is used to break down the food. [5] (i) What are the two steps of aerobic respiration ? (ii) Write the site of the two steps mentioned in the question above. (iii)Write the complete balanced equation of aerobic respiration. (iv)Write the full form of ATP. QUESTION 5 (a)The diagram below shows a vertical section of a flower. Answer the questions that follow. [5] (i)Label the parts 2 to 5. (ii)What is the function of part 1? (iii)Which are the essential parts of a flower ? (iv)Define the term inflorescence. (i) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of a bean seed. (2) (ii) Differentiate between epigeal and hypogeal germination. [2] (iii)Define viviparous germination with example. [1] Question 6 (a) Copy and complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks( i to x) with appropriate words. [5] Ovule is destined to become the(i) __________and the ovary to become the(ii) __________containing the seeds inside. Each ovule has one or more protective coverings the (iii)_______.The integuments leave a small opening the(iv) ____________ at one end. Enclosed by the integuments is the(v) _____________(the mass of food laden cells), and further inside is the embryo sac .The embryo sac contains seven (3+3+1) cells: 3 cells at micropylar end- one(vi) _____cell and two (vii)___________. 3 cells at opposite end , called(viii) ___________cells, and 1 large(ix)_________cell, which contain two nuclei called (x)_____________nuclei. (b)The diagram given below represents a process that takes place in green plants. Answer the questions that follow [5] (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) What is the aim of the experiment ? Why is the bell jar covered with black cloth ? What is the function of soda lime in this experiment ? What change, if any, would you observe in the lime water in Flask A & flask B ? In each case give a reason for your answer. (b) Give reason for the following [5] (i) Mitochondria is called the powerhouse of the cell. (ii) Cardiac muscles show similarity to both voluntary and involuntary muscles. (iii)Seeds of maize is called grain. (iv)Some plants have cleistogamous flower. (v)In a pollen grain exine is not continuous, there are pores in between. Question 7 (a) Given below is a diagram of an experimental setup. Study the same and answer the following question. [5] (i)What is the aim of the experiment ? (ii)What changes will you observe after a few days? Give reason for your answer? (iii)What is the role of water in germination of seed? (iv)Name the structure through which water enters the seed. (v)What is albuminous seed? (b) Answer the following questions (i)Who proposed the cell theory? What does the cell theory states? [3] (ii) With reference to androecium define the terms [2] 1. Monoadelphous 2.Polyadelphous

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