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ICSE Class IX Mid-term 2024 : Biology

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Naman Jain
Sophia High School, Bangalore
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II _,.,., r -) Ul'stion ~t . ,nropri ntc 111 column B. (ll) Mlltch thr lh. 1w1 iu ru\1111111 A with thllt whlc.I1 Is mos "I l5) Ori)f Uw tnhk 1u11I rcwdtr tlui 11111lchlnl( 11alr~. Ji) Jii) _(iii )_ (L,~) ~- 5 th (b) Dmw n 1w11t di11gn11u of 11 bisexua l f. l ower. Label a(?Ssi xparts. Explai n e { 1 followinit terms. (i) Peri:Ulth (ii)Plac cnta. Quc.stion 6 {51 ~~w a flow chart of sumnuuy of plw1t tissues ? (b) [5] Answer br--i~fly the followi ng: '---- What arc cl.;;()rilc:>SOmes? ' . .:. '4:'Mi~ Give one differen ce bet:\.:vee n organ and organe lle. ,a!JtW.14:-- :'.'.. , .:-:;'.:,_ Write the foll fom1 of DN~ . :.:,~ .:::;_fit:/i-"''' . s- ' .. ..;_ What is the functio n of a~;~~s of centr~ ?~ -:I:tYJ:i '. . . ~\Vhy are the sepals of salvia ca,ll_~~etaloid? t. ~- YR IV. .,.:{~- ~-t~t ~-;.._ n ~w a neat and well labelled diagJBID of: ~ :l, Give the bio\og ica\/te ~~ . .~ . ().) (ii) (iii) (i.v) (v) ~~i).. -rne .c ateg.~ry ~" C0t, -- , .. , - ',:!J.T,; --~ .. [2] {31 ""~~~- l term for !?:lef 'ollo~-,f~,_,_; ' ~--~- . . .:./ .. 1.~:..~: of plaht_ti~!~-~-.~t _h~v~ lost their_~tii:i~ to multiplty : D Part oft4e cell concerne_d ~~-11Utiatton of cell d1V1s1on? Q ' Tissue l{)cated at the tip 'o(~ hose and ears. A.Iiihl~tti~$,F.f in which cells p~~~~~~d pour out chemic al substan ces. When the peWs of a flower um@! to form a tube. @ are Condition whCni;f\.~' and sep~lire undifferentiated. (c) . ~ e r the following ' ,.\ :_ , . {5] .. i~~1e the Iastid and pigm .. ' f ~ likely to be found in the c e l l o ~ 1. P.e,tal:s of sunflow er . ii. Ripe tomato p. 2.FmJ fie,bla . nks[l] . , ' a) A pl~t 1hich has Both male and female flowers in called ...... b)The c~l1: membra ne is made up of. ...... .... .... . r,( _ ,.\ - / ;0 l/ 17 Y 3.What does the term DNA stands for? p1 , 4. Match the items in column A with t1. #~ n Column B.[2] ~A i. ~;~====~===h;-;;-;;;~~~~~~~~~_Jl___;?k . i7\1 Cristac ttcuolcs-l Nucleolus sm 4 77 Xylem nod phh1l'lll Cnr11l11 ~ 11nd hnnc f\) mpkl l' n11 d incnmpl ole flower l iii) \IV) ( V) (2J (h) I. II I I' f' n plnnt cell. nrnw n ncnl nnd well lube cc c. 111!!rn111 o OR . I II Dmw n neat and lnbdlcd clingrnm of u boctcnn ce ii. Nome t.hc three kind :, ot'nn1:-1c IC/1 f OUIIC I 111 . hum ,n body. Nume L . (3J one region _ ~ where lhcy u.-c lbund. [51 Question 3. 1 the Study the diagram given below and then answer (a) m uestlons that follow.Ph oe q ' :) ~~~fli;:;~ (t) tdent,fy the tissue and -.Qive reason to (ii) (b) Name the parts "f'!1:"":-'< ' . Sl,!pPor:t"Y-9" .~nswer . la~~;~!:1f; 1,2,3 and 4 ~Ad write o~'e;fW~~ct1on of each part. (~ridli:;'::!~~fi~r~!~.'reticWum?g) ~~ (ii) (iii) 151 ~ ~~totoplasm cannot . .:' ~sed c~emically.How is it different fro~ -, _ , .,,,./'' -~ytqpl~P,~;J2) a)<;::;p:iyflorets of sunflo ... al.led neuters. (1) b) Why ' Chlii~,:;rpse stamens ~t~\b'hlled epipetaloid. (I) . !::t;;(~\-, : 1~- ,,.,.,,{ [5] b c:. d -----e (a) Study the diagram and answer the following questions. i. ii. iii. Which major organ of a flower does this figure represent? h t th collective term for this organ? w a is e Label the parts a,b,c,d&e Are the contents of the figure male or a female? Wh t . . . . a 1s its function? (b). Ni~mc tAbc lhdnd of tissues found in the following places. 1. t t e 1ower surface of the leaf ii. At th~ joint _betw~en two l?ng bones iii. As .gnt_ty_ Mctsses m the skm of Pear. (~ -, \ iv. Inner lmmg of the windpipe ~ , v. In the walls of the veins of the leaves. -!J1 1 8 \ 3 @)(5] IV J IJl v \A .:. IJ 0 1 ) 1, dlJ t.; f/ ' , l ll dl IJ !, ljl > A. B. Ri ho11omc 1 Mll oc.:hondrfo ('. l.y UO/inrl'iC tl C'cnt ro11omc D. fl/''- )'"''"''" J J , , , ,, , .,- ,.,~ ' , ISi Mntch th e UcmN in Column I with thoJtt: h1 Col umn JJ (<l) Column I ' C-Olumn ff l .Polyndclphou~ . A.Polypctalol)..,_,; 2.Pollen grains ! D.Calyx and corolla I C.Ncctar 3 .Frce petal s I . I flit, ~.f~-~_,._i:):JI!", ., D.Bombax 4.Non-essential -:#]:..f/~ . ~p=-....- - ./-~/ , 5.Sweet fragrant fluid : ~.Poll~1:\ :.d~i(.::~:." _, - -~ Which of the following statement au'tRlfE or FAL8.E. Correct the &Ju statement: _._., ~;:::k, t -;;..,~ ~ ~ .... _.-:-, (e) .. ,~C- 'Perikaryon is the ~leus of a nerve cell.~ ~- (ii) Sc\erenchyxna of actively '_!-,iy/&ni/~; Animal cells ~ a r g e vacuoles. . ( .~,.. . (iv) (v) -~_~ (~3/:"' . .. ,- -~:({j_: "<?&:. '-\f S:--:. p;;:~OOfO~f; ' -r . Chromo~ines ':-J.~:. Companiori'~lls~~::.~ Inflorescence - -~: :);; -:' - -~-<~.i r /~ :,~;i. q.,';/ :fN -~ . '-~ y) [5] , 7.,/J ;:. ,- , Fm in~Jl1e..blanks: (g) ~ . (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (iv) (h ) Volvox is an exampif1fsing)ecelled organis~j/ A flower typically has su(lloral whorls. . Define. C) (:i) (iij:-) ~) - ._ , co~E . (f) ,_--;,r,v;,,'"' K;.-. -. (i) (.ili) ISJ [5] ~.1'-c ,,..._ ~ 11.;j ', th.i ~~rlof floral leaves outside the sepals is called ,,,.-:?....._ . Plastid ffiit ,stores starch is - - - - - _ _ _ _._ is the fluid surrounding the body cells _ __ _ _ cells are flat, cuboidal or columnar, forming pro tecti ve layer. - - - - - gives rise to the fruit of the flower. 1Q \ \..::2 I. Name the cell organelle .con~~ ed with the following functions. A) Production of energy. I B) protein synthesis (jJ} JI Give the function ~f the following A) Golgi bodies . B) lysosomes C) sugma [2 ] @ rZ...1 /?-. ~ Section - B (40 Marks) (Answer any Four questions from this section) {) . r\ i~tiatc between the following (one difference each) ~ . ___ (iJ ,,,,P-rokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell. ,,~ -, (ii} Nucleolus and nucleus ,.. , . i: iv \ \ .[3} ' . [S J HUTCH INGS HIGH SCHOOL AND JUNIOR COLLEGE TERMINAL EXAMINATION 1 2022 -2023 BIOLOGY CLASS IX MAX MARKS: 8 0 Answer:-: tn th is f'npc1 11 111s t bf' w1ltt1 n orl thr 1wpcr provided ~aporota/y.You w/11 not be a/lowed to write dP1ina rlw (71s t }S 11111111 1,, , . !his time Is to be spenr In reading th e ques tion poper. Th e time glv1'11 nr ( h t' h,-od o( th /., Poper is //1 c tirne allowed f or writing the an swers. ~ ~11pt ,;fl questions fro;11 Section A ania;;y-fo-:i--;ques t'i;ns from Section 8 . The intended marks fo r ques tions or parts of questions are given In brackets [ /. Total number of printed sides: 4 Section - A (40 Marks) .,, /{~f;; , , f i.y, Quc..,.tion J. (a) _/f ;t,..,~' . ' JJ-i"' ~ , Give one word for the following. ._:.-1.J;.., eel! ~omponcnt visible only in cell djvision st~~S'~~'{l" .. .-: '..:-,, 1 h~ ltvmg substance cont~ined in.a cell. " ,r._: , '"::-,% F ' ' (111) Elongated cells that are tluckened at the corn.e'ts. (iv) The liquid part of blood. (v) The tissues found in the inher itti{~ :,of the intesti~ .. .. , _. , s :. ~ (~! (~~! _,: t t.. (b) ttntio~ ~~e (c) ,- exact location of the follo~i~ ~:~rjd give th;~~ ;:h ~~ion ~\~) i~C:'::s '. fi : ./''; ~ Cardiac muscles ,. -7i't;,~\;_ .:,~:::. ;~,1:-:}1,~-:-. Thalari:ms ' 1':ii~;,;,, (iv) (v) w ~ ~0Yt . .. :::;:;t Plant ,, .. - ,. _)' "- (ii) .~f .. -' C. D. ~h one of the following statements is false about the trachea? ; 8:_~s C-shaped rings It 1s covered by epiolottis It splits into the right and left lun s None of the above g Which one of the fi II . o owmg pairs is correctly matched A. TJ. C 1) (iv) -": ' Cellufos~< Fatty acids ~ ~- (iii ) c~ifh~Jtcell wall m~~:: fit?".:- ~- ::~~t;; C. D. . . . Meristems- actively d" "d ' f' r r . IVI mg cells >apaya-monocc1ous plant 1 hl oem-transport of t C . wa er art1l agc~ has bloo cI vessels The fo llowin1, , , connects u muscle to a bone A. B. C. D. Cartilage Tendon Ligament Interstitial fluid [5] . Choose the:~}"~ ect alternativ~_,,~~l:Jhe c~.oices .given below: Ci) (5] [51

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