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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (Queen Mary School (QMS), Mumbai)

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Rinku Dedhia
Queen Mary School (QMS), Mumbai
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OMS Queen tlarp School (ICSE) V. P. Road, Mumbai400 004 Preliminary Examination Sub: English Language (ENGLISHPAPER-1) Maximum Marks 80 Time allowed Two hours. 16/12/2024 Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You willnot be allowed towrite during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time ingiven at the head of the Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all five questions. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets. [ ). You are advised to spend not more than 30 minutes in answering Question 1 and 20 minutes in answering Question 2. auestion-1 (Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this question.) Write a composition (300-350 words) on any one of the following: [20] () Write an original short story in which an unwelcome visitor, your house - help, your pet dog and you form the main characters. (i) Your teacher has asked youtoform agroup and work on a celebration planned to be held two weeks later. Write an account of how you worked together as a team and what each of you learned from the experience. ( Y Advertisementspromoting junk food especialy targeting youngsters need to be banned. Express your views either for or against this statement. iv) A new park has been inaugurated in your area. Give details of the facilities provided and the landscape. What do you especially like about the place? (v) Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account of what lt suggests toyou. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition. HELP alestion-2 (Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question.) [10) Select any one of the following: for not meet the deadline, which was set could vou circumstances unforeseen Dueto letter to your History teacher requesting an a Write project. board ICSE History your the extension, citingyour reasonfor delay and apologising for not submitting project on time. you enjoyed the stay at her place last (0) Write a letter to your aunt stating how wellcare and cooking. Do request her to share vacation. Elaborate on how you miss her the recipe of the scrumptious and flavourful biryanishe prepares. Question -3 () AChildren's Book Festival is being organi_ed by your school. Drafta notice announcing the event and attractions like Meet the Author' The event is open to (5) the Middle school and Secondary section. email (iWrite aleter to an author inviting him to inaugurate the exhibition and be the chief guest at Meet the Author'. (5) Qdestion-4 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: In fact, in memory of former days he had brought, wrapped up in paper, a few almonds and raisins and grapes, obtained somehowcarefully a countryman, for his own little from fund was dispersed, Isaid again, There is a today. ceremony in the house, and you will not be able to see anvone The man's face fell. He looked wistfully at me for a said, 'Good morning' and went out. Ifelt a little sorry, and would have called himmoment, back, butlfound he was returning of his own accord. He came close up to me holding out his offerings and said, 'I brouaht these few th ngs, sir, for the little one. Willyou give them to her?" Itook them and was going to pay him, but he caught my hand and said, "You are very kind, sir! Keep me in your recollection. Do not offer me money!... You have a little girl, I too have one like her... Saying this, he put his hand inside his big loose robe, and brought out a small and dirty piece of paper. It bore the impression of a little hand. a Not The impression of an Not a drawing. hand laid flat on the paper.photograph. ink-smeared This touch of his own little daughter had been always on his heart, as he had come year after year to sell his wares in the Calcutta, to streets. Tears came to my eyes. Iforgot that he was a no what was Imore than he? He also was a poor Kabuli fruit-seller, while Iwas...but father. That impression of the hand of his Iitle Parbatiin her distant mountain home reminded me of my own little Mini. 2 Isent for Mini immediately from the inner apartment. Clad in the red silk of her wedding day, with the sandal paste on her forehead, and adorned as a young bride, Mini came, and stood bashfuly before me. The Kabuliwallah looked a little staggered at the apparition. He could not revive their old friendship. At last he smiled and said, Little one, are you going to your father-in-law's house?" not reply But Mini now understood the meaning of the word 'father-in-law,' and she could bride-like her to him as of old. She flushed up at the question, and stood before him with face turned down. floor. The idea When she had gone, Rahmun heaved a deep sigh, and sat down on the long time, and this in grown had suddenly come to him that his daughter too must have that he would have to make friends with her aneW... daughter., Itook out a bank-note, and gave it to him, saying, 'Go back to your own good fortune Rahmun, inyour own country, and may the happiness of your meetingbring tomy child!' could not have the Having made this present, I had to curtail some of the festivities. I feast was all wedding electric lights I had intended, nor the military band...but to me the again with his only the brighter for the thought that in a distant land a long-lost father met child. (i) For each word given belowchoose the correct meaning (as used in the passage) from the options provided: [21 1.dispersed. (a) sprinkled. (b) gathered. ey distributed. (d) strewn 2. revive. (a) resuscitate. (b) re-establish. (c) bring around. (d) vitalize. ( ) Which word in the passage is the opposite of "future"? (1) (a) accord. (b) impression. cformer. (d) distant. (i) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words: (aWhat had 'he' brought? Why? (2) (bThe man's face fel!.' What had '" said or done to cause this reaction.? (2) (cY Which place did he visit year after year? Why did he visit the place? (2) .(d) Why did "" give him a bank-note? What did he wish? (e Why didn't ' not mind having to curtail some of the festivities? -3 (1) A) In not more than 50 words express the reaction and thoughts that crossed Kabuliwallah's mind after meeting Mini? (81 Question -5 4 Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in the brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space: Example: He had been [o]- sitting (4] (sit) on the bank of asmall irrigation canal. (gaze) at a couple of heron (fish) in the muddy water, (2) (3) (feel) something bump his elbow. (4) (look) around, he (5) (find) at his side a little goat, jet black and soft as velvet with lovely grey eyes. Neither her owner nor her, mother (6) (to be)around. She continued to (7) (nudge) Mukesh, so he (8) (look) in his pocket for nourishment. He was (1) when he i) Fil in the blanks appropriate words: (a) Someone is knocking (b) Spread the carpet (c) The tiger pounced (d) A dispute arose the door. the floor. (4) the deer. the landlord and the tenant. being fined, they were imprisoned (e) (f) He cut the tree an axXe. (9) We shallnot be there (h) Mother put a blanket 6 o'clock. him. (ii) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so. Choose the correct option: 1. Raj is poor, Raj is happy. a) Raj is happy but poor. b) In spite of his poverty, Raj is happy. c) Though happy Raj is poor. ty In spite of his being poor, Raj his happy. 2. She saw me. She came running to me. a) She saw me. She came running to me. b) She saw me, she came running. c) No sooner she saw me, she ran to me. As soon as she saw me, she came running tO me. 3. You helped Tia. She will always be thankful. a) Tia will always be grateful for your help. b) Tia will always be greatful for your help. e Tia will always be thankful for your help. d) Your help will always be remembered with thanks by Tia. 4. Iheard you won a prize. Iam very delighted. a) Iam very delighted to hear that you won a price. b) Iam extremely delighted to hear than you won a price. c), Iam very much delighted to hear that you won a prize. lam very delighted to hear that you won a prize. (4] (iv) Choose the correct option to rewrite the following according to the instructions given after each sentence. [8) 1. Youhave never been to Delhi. (End with a question tag] a) You have never been to Delhi, haven't you? a You have never been to Delhi, have you? c) You haven't ever been to Delhi? d) You have never been to Delhi, did you? as ....) 2. No s0oner did the tutor come than the girl's began to study. (Begin with: As soon .a Assoon as the tutor came, the girls began to study. b) As soon as the tutor came, the students began to study. c) As sOon as the tutor arrives, the girls began to study. d) The girls began to study, as sOon as the tutor came. 3. Mary is baking acake. [End:....Mary.] a) A cake is baked by Mary. .byA cake is being baked by Mary. c) d) Acake is been baked by Mary. Mary bakeda cake. 4. "Ilove playing the guitar", said Sam. aSam said that he loved playing the guitar. b) Sam says that he loves playing the guitar. c) Sam said that he loves playing guitar. d) Sam said that he lovedthe guitar. with 'rat] 5. She opened the cabinet and a rat ran out. [End .Y She opened the cabinet and out ran a rat. rat. b) She opened the cabinet door and out ran a c) She opened the cabinet to see a running rat. d) It was a rat she saW running out. 6. Mia is too tall to crawl under the table. [Begin: Mia is so...] table. a) Mia is so tal that she will not crawl under the table. b) Mia is so tal to crawl under the c) Mia is so tallthat she won't crawl under the table. dy Mia is so tall that she cannofunder the table. 7. The bouquet of roses wonderful. (Supply a verb which agrees with the subject) a) is smells. b) smelled. Lssmells. d) are smelling brother....1 8) Arjun was a better speaker than his brother. [Begin: His Arjun. a) His brother was a better spokesperson than bHis brother was not as good a speaker as Arjun. c) His brother spoke better than Arjun. d) His brother spoke well than Arjun.

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