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CLAT Exam 2025 : Legal Reasoning

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai
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lJilla ~bert_sa ~igb ilcbool Pre lim inar y Exa m - Dec emb er 2024 Subject - EN GIJ SH LANGUAGE Gra de: 10 Date:16.12 .2024 Answ etS to this Paper mus t be written Time: 2 hou rs Ma rks: 80 on the paper provided separately. 15 minutes. You will not be allowed to write during the first paper. This time is to be spent in reading the question the time allowed for writing the answers. The time gitlen at the hea d ofthis Paper is I Attempt all jive questions. [ ]. parts of questions are given in brackets The intended marts for questions or minutes in 30 minutes in answering Question 1 and 20 lbu a r e ~ to spen d not more than answering Question 2. II Question 1 (Do not spen d mor e than 30 min utes on this question.) (20] on any one of the follo wing : Write a com posi tion (300 - 350 wor ds) r." "I walk ed back hom e, sadd er but wise (i) Write an orig inal stor y endi ng with from you r peri od of one' s life. Narr ate an inci dent (ii) It is said that chil dhoo d is the best t. chil dhoo d days to just ify this statemen r expe rien ces and conv ersa tion s mun icate with animals. Des crib e you (iii) You are give n the abil ity to com lear n from them ? with diffe rent crea ture s. Wha t did you succ (iv) 'Fail ures are the step ping ston e to ess'. Discuss. of wha t it e a story or a desc ripti on or an acco unt (v) Stud y the pict ure give n below. Writ may take sugg estio ns be abou t the subj ect of the pict ure or you may tion posi com r You you. to ests sugg r com posi tion . r conn ectio n betw een the pict ure and you from it; how ever , ther e mus t be a clea Question 2 (IO] on this ques tion .) (Do not spen d mor e than 20 min utes Sele ct any one of the follo wing : nizi ng a d you for you r advi ce, rega rdin g orga (i) Wri te a letter to you r friend who had aske leme nt them . imp to Sug gest som e idea s and advi se her how them e part y for her youn ger brother. . How ever , the p from a well - know n elec tron ics store (ii) You have rece ntly purc hase d a lapto plai ning abou t the issue. Write a letter to the store man ager , com devi ce has turn ed out to be defective. Contd ....2 I ' r j l -2- Question 3 (i) Your_school is organizing an Annual School Exhibition, showcasing the students' a:twork'. proJects and innovations. Write a notice to be put up on your school notice board mfonnmg the students about the event. (ii) Write an e!Jlail to the Princip~I of a neighbouring school re.questing her to send twenty students from grade 9 and IO to view the exhibits. Question 4 [20] Read the following passage and ans""'.er the questions that follow: The little hill town ofDehra always seemed quiet, but not to the inhabitants of the ~prawling mansion whe~ the Pr~t,(ghost). had made his home,.Pret was mischievous, not sinister. He enjoyed moving furniture, turning lights on and off, and rearranging books on shelves. Most of all, he liked to _watch pe~pl~ ~et frustrated with his pranks. The house belonged to Mr. Das, a retired lawyer who believed in logic, not ghosts. Despite the disturbances, Mr. Das insisted there was a rational explanation. His wife, however, was convinced that the house was haunted. "It's the Pret! I feel his presence," she would say, clutching her shawl tighter whenever the lights flickered. Their children, Tara:and Ravi, found the idea of a ghost fascinating. While their parents argued, they tried to communicate with the Pret by leaving notes and sweets. Much to their delight, the sweets would disappear overtiight, and tbe notes would sometimes be answered with scrawled messages like, "Thank you. Nice laddoos." One night, during a family dinner, the chandelier started swinging wildly. Plates clattered, and Mr. Das finally admitted, "Perhaps there is something unusual here." But even then, he refused ~ ~ ~J '! /.?1 ,1 _~ (&, 8 . .. to believe it was a ghost. 1 - -g I, ~~~i~ S t, 3 I '-' village. He priest from-a an expert~n old to consult familylodecided r+he>-'\ Eventually 2.6 ._,_ V. ... ~ ~~ ~c, ,o -..1 31 31. 31 .... ~ 2.;1'.t~ amved w1fh incense and pray~rs; chanting to "drive avyp.y t9; Sijitit." However, the Pret didn't seem to mind. In fact, he played his biggest prank yet-he made the priest's turban fly off, 'i i. 'i i "~ 'i 1 ~ 31 , 0 sending everyone into fits of laughter. ol .J1> ~5 11 o i, ~ ~e ~~ ro In the end, the family decided to make peace with their spectral housemate. "As Jong as he's harmless," said .Mrs.. Das,. "we might .as well let him stay." Life in the Das household became quite lively with the Pret around. He.wasn~t malevolent, just mischievous. He enjoyed light hearted chaos-like hiding Mrs. Das's knitting needles or flipping pages of books while someone read. Tara and Ravi grew quite fond of him and even gave him a name: "Chhupa/' meaning "hidden one." One day, Chhupa surprised them all. During a stormy evening, when the lights went out, Tara acc.identally knock~d.o~eJ a lamp, ca sing a small fire on the rug. ~y~ryonc panicked, but before the flames could spread; a gust of wind swept through the room, extinguishing the fire. "Chhupa saved .us!" Ravi exclaimed; his eyes wide with amazement From that day on, the family began treating Chhupa as a part of their home. Mrs. Das set aside a small b~wl of sweets for him e:vewevening, while Tara and Ravi told him stories about their school adventures. Even Mr. Das, though sceptical, sta1ted talking to the Pret whenever he misplaced his glasses or files, saying, "Chhupa, give them back!" More often than not, the missing items would reappear in the oddest places. .An extract from "Pret in the House" by Ruskin Bond Contd ... 3 ,r, , . ( t')For each word given bet ~ from the options provided: ow choose the correct meaning(~ used-in the passage) 1. sinister [2] (a) evil (b) forbidding (c) venomous (d) morbid 2. haunted (a) cursed (b) possessed (c) attacked (d) reconditioned (fi) Which word in the pas"sage is the opposite of 'dangerous'? [I] (a) i~nocuous (b) benevolent (c) gentle (d) harmless (iii) Answer the foll~.',V~~~ questi~-~s _briefly in your own words; .,.. _ . (a) In what way does the Pret first reveal his playful nature in.the s~ory?.. .[2] ......... , -. . (b) In _what way does Mr. Das react to the disturbances in his house, and what convinces . him of the Pret's presence? [2) (c) What made Tara and Ravi try to communicate with the Pret, and what were the results ..... .. __ . of their communication? . .. , . [2] . ,. (d) Which event made the family to begin to treat the Pret as a part ohheir home? .. [2] [l] (e) How would you handle the situation if a Pret resided in your house? (iv) Why does .the family decide to consult an expert about the disturbances, and what is the outcome? Answer in not more than fifty words. [8] Question 5 (i) Fill in each ofthenutttbered bll'inks'With the correct'from ofthe word given in the brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word of phrase appropriate to the blank space. The concept of climate change (0) _ (become) increasingly -important in recent years. Answer: (0) has becomf~ .... . ,...... As the Earth's t~mperat r_e Q)._.{ri:;e), _we (2) _ (experience) more fi:equerit and.severe weather events. The main cause ~f climate change (3) _ (be) the increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These gases (4) _ (trap) heat from the sun and (5) _ (prevent) it from being released back into space. As-a result, the Earth's temperature (6) _:(continue) to rise, leading to devastating consequences: To mi tfgate the effects of climate~charige,.~e (-7) _.. reduc_e our car~on footpri_rit !1:1.d'(~) :_J~n~es!) in rene~able_~ergt'so~ces: " (need) to " [4] -4(ii) Fill in th~ blanks with appropriate words: a. She is doing a degree course ___ a university. b. The athlete is struggling _ _ _ a: knee injury. c. The touri.sts were thrilled _ _ the opportunity to visit the ancient ruins. . . ... ' ., . . d. Who looks_ _ _ _ _ you when your parents are out of town? e. They had to climb ____ the steep pathway to reach the top. f. She should not g e t ~ - - - with such rudeness. g. The company has invested heavily ._ _ research and development:, h. I went _ _ _ _ everything in the drawer but found nothing ... (iii) Choose the correct option t~' ~ake. one ~omplete sentence :without using and, hut or so. [4] 1. Anil is a football coach. He was here a little while ago. here a (a) Anil, football coach; was little wh1le ago . (b) Anil, who was there a little while ago, is the football coach. ( c) Anil, who was here . a little while ago, is a football coach; (d) Anil was here a little while ago who is a football coach. 2. The teacher explained the concept clearly. The students were able to understand it easily. (a) The teacher explained the concept clearly, which the students were unable to understand easily. (b) The teacher expfairied the concept clearly so that the students we're able to understand it easily. ( c) The students were able to understand the concept easily becau~e the teacher e~plained i~ cl~,~rly. (d).T he teacher explained the concept clearly and the students were able to understand it easily. 3. Bella is still very weak. She cannot go for her morning walk. (a) Bella is still very weak to go for her morning walk. (b) Bella is still too weak to go for her morning walk. (c) Bella is still weak aria cahno'f'go for her inorning walk. .(d) Bella is still too weak for morning walks. 4, Let us hop~ your parents.wtifag're~.--if so, we shall go out for a party. (a) Provided your parents agree, we shall go out for a party. (b) I hope your parents agree to go out for a party. (c) As soon as your parents agree, we go ouffor a party. ( d) When your parents a gree; th'en we go out for a party. ... .. (iv) Choose the correct option and rewrite the sentence according tothe instruction -< given after each. . ... ., .,. . .. ': ... .... .. . ,, ,. . . ,.,:. ,. . ' .. .. -.... .,-. [8] 1. The boy hid behind _the curtai_n so that no one could see him. (Use: Lest) (a) The boy hid behind the curtain lest no one saw him. (b,) The boy hi4 b1;\:}jn~J.the_~ rt~jp J~~t h~ m~ght be seen. (c) The boy hid behind the curtain lest he would be seen. (d) The boy hid behind the curtain lest someone saw him. , ' ., : ,I ~ '' ' I .. .,_ "I , 2. The captain said, "It gives me great pleasure to be here this evening." (Begin: The captain .. .. ) (a) The captain said that -it was giving him great pleasure to be t~ere thi~ evening. (b) The captain said that it gives me great pleasure to be there this eve~mg. \i c) The captafn said !f!a} it gr~~! P!~~sllr~d ~im to be prese~t-~ha~. ~v_e~1~g. The captain said that it gave him great pleasure to be there that'evenmg. ( ) . . ,,.. . .... .. .. .. ... . .. , .., .. " Contd ... 5 ,,..... J ! -53. The damaged road made it .. . 1mposs1ble to drive. (Use: prevented) (a) The damaged road prevented d . . (b) Th d nvmg. ( c) The damaged road prevent the driving of vehicles. ( d) The amaged road pr:vented driving further. e damag~d road was preventing vehicles from being driven. . 4. As soon as the teach t th . . . . er en ers e c1ass, she checks 1f students have carried their books to class. (Begm with: No sooner. .. ) (a) No sooner did the teacher enter the class, then she check if students have carried their books to class. (b) No sooner does the teacher enters the class when she checks the students for their books. (c) No sooner had the teacher enteted the class, she checked if students.have carried their books to school. ( d) No sooner did the teacher enter the class than she checked if students have carried their books to class. > 5. He has applied for the job many times. He has never been selected. (Begin with: In spite .. . ) (a) In spite of applying many times, he has never been selected. (b) In spite applying for a job many times, he's never been selected. (c) Jn spite of applying for the job many times, he has never be~n selected. (d) In spite of many job applications, he was never been selected. 6. The artist drew a beautiful painting for the.guests at the hotel. (Begin with: A beautiful. . .) (a) A beautiful painting was drawn by the artist for the guests at the hotel. (b) A beautiful painting has been drawn for the guest by the artist at the hotel. (c) A beautiful painting was drawn by the artist for the hotel. (d) A beautiful painting will be dr_awn by the artist for a guest at the hotel. 7. The Nile is the most important river in Africa. (End with .... Nil~.) (a) Very few rivers in Africa are as imj,ortanfas the Nile. (b) No other river in Africa is as important as the Nile. (c) The Nile is most important than any other river in Africa. (d) No other river in Africa was as important as the Nile. 8. The child disappeared as -s0on as the car stopped. (Begin with: Hard!Y .. ) (a) Hardly had the car stopped when the child disappeared. (b) Hardly did the car stdpp ed, the child disappeared. (c) Hardly the car stopped when the child disappear. (d) Hardly had the car stopped than the child disappeared . . ,.. . ' **************************

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