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ICSE Class X Prelims 2019 : History and Civics (St. John's Universal School, Mumbai)

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., - ~~ ST. JOHN'S UNIVERSAL SCHOOL First Prelims Examination: 2018-19 Subject: ff istory and Civics Class: X UNIVERSAL Marks:80 Date: 8/10/2018 Time: 2hrs Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the firs t 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this pape r is the time allowed for writing the answers. You must attempt all questions fro m Part I, any two questions from Sections A and any three questions from Section B of Part II . . Th.e intended marks f or questions or parts of questions are gwen in brackets { /. Part I (30 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Part Question 1. /. ~ ;:; k ~ 1/ [lJ How are ~~ members of the Rajya Sabha elected? Who ad m m 1sters the oath of of'ltce to the Council of Ministers? flJ How is the deadlock between the two Houses to p ass the ordinary Bill [1] removed? What is the designation of Vice - President in Rajyasa.bha? \1.\ Under what provision can a non member of Parlia m ent be made a \ll minister? How is 'the Supreme Court the guardian of the Fundamental Rights? Which is the highest civil cour t in a district? What is meant by the term 'Individual Responsibilities'? State the composition of tht Electoral College for the election of the Presiden t of India. Mention any two advantages of LokAdalat? [l} (l} (l] [1] (1] Question 2 . ~ y ;i/ / Give the m eaning of absentee sovereignty. Why was it resented by [2] Indians? Mention two objectives of the In d ian association . Differen tiate between the Early Nationalists and the Assertive Nationalis ts in their objective and methods. Mention any two factors which led to the formation of the Muslim League in India. Mention any two consent given by the Congres s in the Gandhi- Irwin Pact . (2] (21 (21 [2) f ,I Why did the Muslim League oppose the Cripps Mission? [2] Who was the founder of the Forward Bloc? What was the immediate [2] objective of it? Name any two persons who constituted the cabinet Mission. What is the composition of the International Court of Justice? Mention any two principles which form the core of 'Panchsheel'. (2] [2] l21 Part II (50 Marks) Section A Qu71y/ y r tion 4. Answer any two questions from this Section With reference to the Union Parliament, answer the following questions: Mention any four matters where the Rajya Sabha enjoys equal powers {4] with Lok Sabha. Mention any three differences between the Lok Sabha and the Rajya [3} Sabha. Three reasons to justify why the Lok Sabha is considered to be more {3] powerful than Rajya Sabha. With reference to the Emergency power of the President of India. , . . Mention the circumstances when the Pres1der:i,.t ca.~ declare a National \3) Emergency. Mention any two effects of National Emergency on the Fundamental Rights. Mention th_e circumstances when the _President can declare an [3] Emergency ma State. State any two conditions under which such an emergency can be extended beyond one year. answer the following questions: / Y j _ -:/ Question 5. a. b. c. State any four effects of Financial Emergency in a State. [4) Our Judicial system has a Supreme Court as its Apex, followed by the High Court and other Subordinate Courts. In the lights of this statement, explain the following: Mention the types of cases in which the Supreme Court and High [4] Courts exercise Original Jurisdiction. Differentiate between court of the District Judge and Session Court (3] with regards to appointment of the Judges, cases and administrative functions. How is the High Court a Court of Record? (3] Section B Answer any three questions from this Section. Although the Fir~t War of Independence failed , it had important consequences for India. In this context, answer the following questions : a. b. c. rion8. State any three changes in the administration of the British Government as consequences of the revolt. Indicate the promises made in the Queen V ictoria's Proclamation. How did the uprising give rise to nationalism in India. With reference to the transfer of power to India , answer the following: Mention any three proposal of Cabinet Mission Plan . Why did the Congress accept the Mountbatten plan? Mention any four clauses of the Indian Independence Act 1947. [3] \.4\ l3l {3] [3) [4) With reference to the given picture , answer the following questions: Identify the leaders in the picture and name the political parties formed by them. [2] How did the Treaty of Versailles lead to the rise of dictatorship in Italy [4] and Germany? State any four similarities between the ideologies of the political party formed by them . [4] J ~on9. /. y Question 10. With reference to the two major World Wars in the 20 th Century, answer the following questions: Explain briefly the causes of the First World War with reference to [31 Nationalism and Imperialism . Mention three reasons for the invasions of Poland by Hitler. [3) Briefly explain the clmsion of the world into two Power Blocs. [4] The United Nations apart from its main organs also work through its allied agencies. In this context, answer the following questions: a. Write the expanded form of UNESCO . Mention any three of its functions in the preservation of Cultural Heritage . [4] b. c. Mention any three functions of the WHO. Mention three functions of UNICEF. [3] [3] --------------000------------------

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