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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (Hiranandani Foundation School (HFS), Thane)

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Std. X Date:1808/2022 HIRANANDANI FOUNDATION SCHOOL, THANE First Comprehensive Assessment, August 2022 Subject: English I(Language) Time: 2hrs M.Marks: 80 Note Arnvers to his pN er must be written on the paper provided separately You wi! not be allowed lo write in the first 10 minutes This tinme is to be spent in reading ihe question puper. The time given at the head of this paper is the same time allowed for writing the answers Anempt al five questions The intended marks for the questions or parts of e quesions ave given in bracket /). You are advised to spend not more than 35 minutes. answering Question I and 20minuies in answering Question 2. This paper consists of four printed pages Question I (Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this question) Write a composition (300-350 words) on any one of the following: [20] (a)While ona trip, you find yourself lost and look upon this as agolden opportunity to explore adiferent part of the town. Describe how you got lost, the sights, smells and sounds you came across in your explorations and how you found your way back to your family. (b)Write an original story beginning with - "OH MY GOD!" she screamed. "There'sSa monkey in my roonm!" (e)' Most people only pay lip-service to the environmental cause.' State your arguments for or against the topie (d)You and your friend decide to make a short film on your neighbourhood over a weekend. Narrate the experience of shooting the film. (e)Study the picture given below. Write a story or adescription or an account of what it suggesis to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it. However. there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition. Question 2 (Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question) Select one of the following: |10] (a)You have recently participated in a musical event. Write a letter to a friend describing the event and the challenges you faced while performing. (b)Write a letter to the Chief Librarian of your local library recomending a book of your choice which can be added to the library's collection, stating why other children would enjoy the book too. Question 3 (a)You are the Headboy/Headgirl of the school. Write a notice to the children of your school about an old-clothes collection drive that is being organized for charity. (b) Write an e-mail to the Chief Municipa! Commissioner requesting him to be the chief guest of the above programme. |10] Question4 (20| Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: The students fidgeted and shifted in their seats as Mrs Recta Baruah entered. She gave them a few seconds to settle down, but an air of thrill and prevailed. "Let us begin our lesson for today," she addressed an eager Class 8A. "How enthusiasm many of you are ready with your speeches on wh you would like to be when you grow up?" All forty hands went up in unison. Mrs Baruah beamed. Clearly, this assignment had not been a drudge. "Wonderful!" Mrs Baruah said. "Rementber that it does have to be a profession. You can also speak of someone whom you'd wunt to be like- maybe a tuot role model or a mentor. You may even talk of aparticular trai: or quality that you admire in a person and wish to emulate." A crackle of sheets was heard as students hurricedly the pages on which they had written their assignments. They were cager to speak in frontarranged of their classmates... The ciass listened in rapt attention as one by one the children spoke about actors, sports stars, politicians and so on. When Kabeer got up to speak, his hands shook slightly and bcads of perspiration appeared forehead. He was not accustomed to facing the entire class and speaking out loud. He knew that he did not have a flair for making speeches. he had worked hard on his assignment However, and had written it from the depth of his heart. It was different from the others as it did not focus on any one profession or quality. It was a combination of traits and people from differernt on his walks of life lshohad stirred Kabeer's Clearing his throat, he began, "When Iheart. grow up, I want to be brave like Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, the thirty-one year old National Security Guard (NSG) commando, who laid down his life fighting the terrorist in Mumbai in A hush fell over the class. November 2008," "Sandeep Unnikrishnan had made up his mind, when he was eight in class 3that he wanted to join the army. When he was older, he served two tenures with his battalion in counter insurgency and counter-terrorism operations, before becoming part of the NSG in January 2007. Major Sandeep was deployed on the 27th of Noverber to clear Hotel Taj of terrorists. On entering the hotel with his team, he engaged the terrorists in a fierce gunfight. When one of his commandos was hit in the exchange of fire, he arranged for his evacuation. Even though he knew that his life was in danger, Major Unnikrishnan chased the terrorists. A courageous Sandeep told the rest of the teamn, "Don't come up, I will handle them." He followed the terrorists who had escaped to another floor of the hotel. The gun fight went on for some time and the Major was hit by their bullets. In a last effort he tried to save his soldier Gajendra Singh, but eventually succumbed to his injuries. Kabeer paused. By now. every eye was focused on him. They wondered wh t would follow. Everyone had been allotted three minutes, and Kabeer had only spoken for a minute yet. Outside, birds chirped, cars honked and the younger children were enjoying their recess. However, Chas 8A, oblivious to everything, was all ears as Kabeer continued.. (a)Choose the meaning of each of the following words as used in the passage, from the options given below 31 (1) unison a. simultancously b. unity c. togetherness d. unify (2)emulate a. reflect c. copied b. cchoes d. mirror (3) oblivious unaware b. unassuming c. understanding d. unheard (b)Answer the following gucstions briefly in your own words. () How was Kabeer's speech different from his classnmates? What was the core quality he had chosen to speak on? (i ) Drawa character sketch of Kabeer. (ii) Describe the cnvironment inside and outside the classroom as Kabeer made his speech. (iv)Quote the sentence from the passage which shows how Kabeer instantly captured the attention of the class (c)in rot more than 50 words describe Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan's bravery. [21 |2 Question 5 (3) In the following parsagg, ill in ench of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in the brackets, Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. 14 Example: (0: unlocked He 0 (uniock) his bedroom door and closed it quietly behind him-- and then 1 (stand) frozen to the spot. 2 (sit) on the narrow bed was the last man that Evans 3 vernor or 4 (want) to see. "It's not worth 5 (try) anything." said the ly as Evans' eyes 6 (dart) around the room. "l have got men swiniy all around the place." (Well, there 1 (be) only two: but Evans didn't know that.) He let the words sink in. "Women oo. Didn't you think that the blonde girl at the reception was rather sweet?" Evans was visiblv 8 (shake).He sat down slowly in the only small chair the room had to offer (b)Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word: (i)The police caught sight the fugitive. (i) Miss Nora's plan is devoid (ii) *Will you stand commo sense. me and watch the parade?" asked the Prince. (iv) Mr. Shaw has been ordered to bund (v) The workers have been laid (vi) Owing. 141 charge to Mrs. Daniel. without notice. unpredicted weather conditions, the flight is now cancelled. (vii) Mithila was let by her friends in her hour of nced. the opposition to his new age ideas. (viii) Prasoon managed to wear (c)Join the following sentences to make one comnplete sentence without using and, but or so: [4 (i)The man has a factory of his own. He can carry out his production undisturbed. a. Having a factory of his own, the raan can carry out his production undisturbed. b. The man has a factory of his own where he can carry out his project undisturbed. The man has a factory of his own where he can carry out his production undisturbed, d. The man, having a factory of his own, can carry out his production undisturbed. (i) My grandfather is very old. He possesses a sharp memory. a. Although my grandfather is very old, he possesses a sharp memory. b. My grandfather is very old, still possesses a very sharp memory. c. My grandfather being old, possesses a very sharp memory. d. Besides being old, my grandfather also possesses a very sharp memory. (1) Many are interviewed. Few are chosen. a. Many people are interviewed few are chosen. b. Many people are interviewed, not everyone is chosen. c. Though many people are interviewed few are chosen. d. Few people are chosen even many people are interviewed. (iv)Wise people listen. Fools love to talk. a b. Fools love to talk as wise people listen. Wise people listen because fools love to talk. c. Wise people only listen while fools continue to talk. d. While wise people listen, fools love to taBk. to the instructions given after each. (d)Rewrite the following sentenees according not change the meaning of each Make other changes that mav be necessary. tut do (8 Sentence. up. (i)Mother found us missing and began fantically calling people (Rewrite using 'finding") alling people ip a. Mother finding us missing. started frantically frantically calling pcopl: up. b. Finding us missing. mother startcd up c. Finding us missing, mother began frantically calling people up people d. Mother, finding us missing, frantically heyan calling severity of the challenge. (i) The team successfully climbed M1. Everest despite the (Begin: Notwithstanding..) despite the severity a. Notwithstanding the tearn clinbed Mt. Everest successfully of the challenge. Notwithstandine the severity of the challenge, the team climbed Mt. Everest b. succcssfully. M1. Evetest Notwithstanding the challenge's severity, the team climbed successfully successfullv the team clinbed M. d. Notwithstanding the severity of the challenge, Everest. (iii)Only the closest relatives were invited to the wedding. (Begin-None...) wedding. a. None except the closest relatives were invited to the b. Nonc other than the closest relatives were invited to the wedding. c. None but the closest relatives were invited to the wedding. d None only the closest relatives were invited to the wedding. (iv)l did not win the lottery and therefore failed to buv the mansion. (Begin- If...) a. Ifl had won the lottery, I would have bought the marnsion. b. IfIdid win the lottery. I would not fail to buy the mansion. c. Ifl could have won the lottery, I would have bought the mansion. d. Ifl could buy the mansion, it is because ] won the lottery. (v) As soon as the footballers reached the stadium, the fans besieged them. (BeginHardly. a. Hardly had the footballers reachcd the stadium, than the fans besieged them. b. Hardly did the footbaliers reach the stadium that the fans besieged them. c. Hardly the footballers reached the stadium than the funs besicged them. d. Hardly had the footballers reached the stadium whe the fans besieged them. (vi)Do not skip your meals As you may harn you health. (Rewrite using lest) a. Do not fast, as you lest harnm your health. b. Do not skip your meals, lest you should harm your lealth. c. Do not skip your meals, lest you may harm your health. d. Do not skip yOur meals, you may han your health lest. (vii)The protestors were beaten up. They were kept in lock-up. a. (Join the wo sentences beginning with-Not unly...) Not only were the protestors beaten up. but also kept in luck up b. Not only were the nrolestors beaten up, but were also kept in lock up. c. Not only were the protestors kept in lock up. but were also beaten up. d. Not onlv the protestors were heaten up, but sere also kept in lock up. (vii)lt was tco late to find a laxi for our ride back home. (Rwrite using so...that) n. b. It was late so that we could not ind a taxi for our ride back home. It was so late that no taxi could be found for our ride back home. c. It was so late. not to be finding a taxi for our ride back home. d. It was so late that we could not tind a taxi-ride home.

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