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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Geography (All Saints Church School, Kharagpur)

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Yadnesh Bhosale
Horizon Academy, Nashik
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ALL SAINTS CHURCH SCHOOoL KHARAGPU BOARD EXAMINATION 2023 PRE GEOGRAPHY CLASS-X PART-1 (30 marks) Question-1 Study the extract of the surveyofIndla Map Sheet No.G43 S/10 and answer the following questions: What do you mean Vve the four by the following of the following: figure grid references of transt 1)Village Mahabbatgarh i) Dam with height of 10 meter. State two important sources of in On. What inference do you draw from this about the main occupation of the people In the region. irrigation d) What is the meaning of the following conventional signs: s r In grid square 6642 ) Causeway in grid square 6743 Explain the drainage patterm given in grid square 6639and 6843. (2) Question-2. (10) On the outline map of India provided The longitude 82 E vi v Mark and name the Karakaram pass Shade and name the Wular lake. Mark and label the Malabar coast. Shade and mark river Cauveri Shade and mark the Andaman sea. A region rich in iron-ore Mark and name Kochi. Mark a coal producing The Vindhya Range. region of North-East India. Question-3. Choose the correct optlon: J The driest place in India is a) Leh b) Barmar Soil Erosion in desert a) Strip ploughing Which of the a) Mahogany area can be d) Bikaner prevented by: b) Using manure c)Afforestation following is not a species of tropical moist Sal Complete saturation a) Alkalinity c) Jaisalmer c)Shisham of the soll with water may b) Soil erosion d) Teak glve d) Shifting cultivation deciduous forests? rise to- c) Soil fertility d) swamps irrlgation. Overhead irrigation is the other name a) Sprinkler given to Tank c) Canal d) of Trimming overgrown branches of a is a a) vi) Vii) b) The first steel plant a) Odisha b) Jharkhand centre of the silk Ratooning c) Ginning India at D of feorunlng d) Pruning8 was set up in is a a) Mysore- Karnataka G u l a r a t d c)Raurkela c) nedabad- Gujarat industry. b) Pune Maharashtr d) Amritsar Punjab *) plant Retting during w a t e r w a y s 7 Why most of the south Indian rivers are not used for a) Most of usenal rive seasonalrive perennial rivers 0) m o s t of inland c) not rainy season d) highly congested in cties Which is the most serious pollutant in the air a) Sulphur dioxide b) Lead became n t t upy yd gas ob T0W rv betslugst isocynate muddy bi d) d) co, CoM ogalliV Methyl lo3iaian 19t9m 199 0 ilfiw i n s a f rsoarni ow nutia tiGm nlla 931uo nolEqusso to silt I1 (S0 marks) anif 2lz6 ardt to gninssm bhg nlhe p from this part) 973u00 PART (Attempt any five questions n y Thve questions Shod osup2 ( bhg ni VaWs2U ETO s16upa srif nielg m5)7Eq 58 (2) State any two factors which influence the climateo India. Question-4. Delhi has high annual range what is "October Heat"? i a of (2 temperature"- Give reason There isa great variations in the climate of the Indian sub-continent .S-noit29u0 State any reason. rit n0 for this raln. S E months of India. Also mention the winds responsible month Station A EMA M 0.1 0.1 Station B emp C24.4 24.4 Rain (cm.) |0.2 0.3 26.3 0.5 26.7 0.3 29.2 29.7 27.5 25.1 245 24.825.5 22.520.5 1.5 2.7 11.4 16.7 9.0 13.4 9.0 2.7 0.3 28.3 30.0 28.9 27.2 27.2 1.7 1.9 50.2 61.0 |37.0 27.2 27.0 JCalculate the annual range of temperature of station A. HCalculate annual rainfall of station B p Presuming that both stations are located in West India, state the two lies on the leeward side of the western Ghats. Question-5. Nbsr D t90 TempC21.0 22.6 Rain (cm.) (3) icaata provided below and answer the questions thnatto | (3) 28.3272430 |4.8140. E-noitesu :noilgo13s7109 st1 s20or giving a reason as to which of 16mmE ( d s l( yd balnavog ad nEa ss16 T929b nil riciaon3 lio What is transported soil? Give an 91UEm gniau (d Write any two methods which example. E 10n ai gni help in soil conservation. What is leached soil? Name one ls2 (d idguolg qit2 (s srisio binw ynsgodsM(6 Mention any two (3) advantages of black soil. Mention two 91slqmo3 states where it is found.(3)AG region where it is found in India? Q u e s t l o n - 6 Distinguish between afforestation and deforestation, Why are trees grown around the ironand steel industries? (2) (2) Where is xerophytic vegetation founar Name tO ways in which it is adopted to the climatic conditions of that area. (3) Mention three steps which have been tdken by the government of India to protect forests.(S) Question- 7. What is catchment surface? (2) On which rivers the following multipurpose river projects have been constructed. (2) ) d Hirakud il) Bhakra Nangal Why there is ned for water conservation? (3) Give reasons: (3) in North India. irrigation i) Tank irrigation widely prevails in Tamil Nadu. Y Lined and unlined wells suit well irrigation. Wells are main source of Question-8. a) Write three differences between intensive and extensive farming. (3) ) Explain-i) Ratooning (3) d) What are the major problems of Indian agriculture? State any two reasons. Why cotton is a labour intensive crop? (i )Retting )jGinning (2) (2) Question-9. Mention any two factors which are responsible for the growth of cotton textile industryY a in and around Mumbai. (2) Which is the largest mineral based industry in India? Why it is called basic industry? (2) ) Distinguish between sugar industry of north and southern India. What are minl steel plants? (3) (3) Question-10. Roadways are always considered more important than any other means of transportationGive two reasons to supports the statement. (2) What is North-South corridor? (2) Which is the cheapest means transport? Mention any two advantages of that ) State one difference between an expressway and a highway. transport. (3) ) State a reason why the northern rivers are more suitable for navigation than the Deccan rivers. Question- 11 a) Explain -Reduce b) (3) as a method of waste management. examples. What is biodegradable waste? Give two State any two limitation of segregation. How has composting proven to be a great help in managing waste. (2) (3) (2) (3)

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