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ICSE Computer Applications TIPS AND TRICKS

4 pages, 24 questions, 6 questions with responses, 9 total responses,    0    0
Xavier Frost
Don Bosco School, Bandel, Hooghly
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TIPS AND TRICKS FOR ICSE COMPUTER APPLICATIONS PATTERN OF THE QUESTION PAPER The ICSE Computer Applications question paper consists of two sections: SECTION A Section A of the paper is of 40 marks and covers the entire syllabus. There are three questions and all questions are compulsory with no choice. Types of questions asked are: o Elementary Concept of Objects and Classes. o Objects encapsulate state and behavior numerous examples; member variables; attributes or features. o Classes as abstractions for sets of objects; class as an object factory; concept of type, primitive data types, o o o o o o composite data types. Variable declarations for both types; difference between the two types. Objects as instances of a class. Tokens and types (Keyword, identifier, literal, operator, separator/punctuator). Operators types and calculations using pre-fix or post-fix Data types and their size, range. Type Conversion implicit, explicit. Writing java expression for a given equation. Loops (while, do while and for), nested loops, break and continue. Simple output questions based on loops (includes nested loops) and functions. Static and non-static objects. String, Character and Math library functions Sorting and arrays SECTION B Section B is of 60 marks and consists of six programming questions out of which four questions have to be attempted. Each question carries 15 marks. Variable Description has to be given for each program. Programs are based on the topics: o Function based programs: Simple function programs where data members, and member methods are given and what needs to be done in each function is mentioned clearly in the question and also programs based on function overloading concept. o String based programs: The program can be based on character operations or word operations in a given String. o Array based programs: This involves the direct use of either linear search, or binary search, or selection sort or Bubble sort. o Patterns and Series based programs: In these program you can get to print a given pattern using nested loops or /and a series to calculate. o Special Number based programs: These programs are based on accepting a number and finding whether it is a special number or not. o Logical programs: These programs are a combination of all the concepts and requires a good knowledge of coding. TIPS FOR STUDENTS o Be confident in selecting the four questions you will attempt in Section B during the first 15 minutes of reading time before you start the paper. o Try to write short answers that are exactly to the point. No need to waste time elaborating over 1-2 marks questions. Try saving time for rechecking and giving a dry run for the outputs and your programs. o When differences are asked, try to make columns and give examples if necessary. Write in full sentences. o DON T FORGET to write COMMENTS in Section B as it carries 1-2 marks per question. If you don t know what exactly to write, try commenting at the beginning of a class or function, at the end of class or function, defining library class or functions imported and defining variables used. o Try to give at least one dry run of your program and if it is based on inputting numbers, try testing both NEGATIVE and POSITIVE numbers to reduce slightest logical errors. o Be unique in coding a program, copying from a book may cause errors. A different concept of bringing out the solution is what separates you from an average student. o Last but not the least, Stay Healthy, Take Rest, All The Best!

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