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Maharashtra HSC 12th Class 12 2016 : Chemistry

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Vivek Dixit
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Rao IIT Academy/ XII HSC - Board Exam Chemistry (55) / Paper Solutions JEE | MEDICAL-UG | BOARDS | KVPY | NTSE | OLYMPIADS XII HSC - BOARD - FEB - 2016 Date: 29.02.2016 CHEMISTRY (55) - SOLUTIONS SECTION - I Q. 1 (i) The substance which posses unpaired electrons and high paramagnetic character and when placed in a magnetic field, get strongly attracted and show permanent magnetic moment even when the external magnetic field is removed are said to be ferromagnetic. They can be permanently magntized. [1 Mark] Iron with electronic configuration Ar 3d 6 4s 2 i.e. [Ar] 3d6 4s2 There are four unpaired electron. Hence, Fe is strongly ferromagnetic [1 Mark] Topic:Solid state ; Sub-topic:Magnetic properties _ L-1_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (ii) The temperature at which vapour pressure of liquid becomes equal to one atmospheric pressure is called boiling point of that liquid. [1 Mark] Tf m Tf k f . W2 1000 M 2 W1 Where Kf Cryoscopic constant W2 mass of solute W1 mass of solvent M2 molecular mass of non-volatile solute [1 Mark] Topic:Solutions and colligative properties ; Sub-topic:Depression of freezing point _ L-1_Target-2016_XIIHSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (iii) The mathematical expression for the first law of thermodynamics is, U q w When U = change in energy q = heat absorbed by the system W = Amount of work done. Adiabatic process: A process in which heat is not allowed to enter or leave the system at any stage the process is called adiabatic process. q 0 The mathematical expression for first law of thermodynamics is, U q w [1 Mark] U w 1 1 Rao IIT Academy/ XII HSC - Board Exam Chemistry (55) / Paper Solutions Isochoric process : A process in which volume of the system remains constant throughout is called isochoric process. V 0 The mathematical expression for first law of thermodynamics is, U q W (were W p V) U q 0 q v U [1 Mark] Topic:Chemical thermodynamics and energetic; Sub-topic:First law of thermodynamics _ L-1_Target2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (iv) Consider a reaction B AC BA C T.S Potential energy Ea H [1 Mark] BA + C Reaction progress The rate of collision is given by Collision rate z[AC][B] where z is the collision frequency and [AC] and [B] are the concentration of reactants. Reaction rate p.f collision rate p.f.z [AC][B] ...(1) f is the formation of collision with sufficient kinetic energy (E a ) P is the fraction of collision with proper orientation of collision Rate of Reaction K[AC][B] ...(2) from (1) and (2) K p.f .z Since, f e Ea / RT We write K P z e Ea / RT But A Pz (frequency factor) K Ae Ea / RT [1 Mark] Topic:Chemical kinetics ; Sub-topic:Activation energy_ L-1_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (v) Haematite : Fe 2 O3 [1 Mark each] Zinc blende : ZnS Topic:General principles and processes of isolation of elements ; Sub-topic:Minerals of metal _ L-1_ _Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry 2 2 Rao IIT Academy/ XII HSC - Board Exam Chemistry (55) / Paper Solutions (vi) (a) 3 Na 2 As Na 3 As 2 (b) 2Bi 3Mg [1 Mark each] Mg3 Bi2 Topic:p-block element ; Sub-topic:Group-15_ L-1 _Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (vii) Enthalpy of sublimation sub H Gas Vaporization vap H Liquid sub H Sublimation [1 Mark ] Fusion fus H Solid The direct conversion of solid to vapour without going through liquid state is called submilation. The enthalpy change that accompanies the conversion of one mole of solid directly into its vapour at constant temperature and pressure is called its enthalpy of sublimation. It is denoted by sub H. For example H 2O s H 2O g ; subH 51.08kJ mol at 00 C The enthalpy of sublimation of ice at 00C and 1 atm pressure is 51.08 kJ mol 1. It should be noted that whether the conversion of solid to vapour takes place directly in one step or in two steps, first melting of solid into liquid and then its vaporization, the enthalpy change is the same because enthalpy is a state function. For example, H 2 O s H 2 O l , fus H 6.01kJ mol 1at 00 C H 2 O l H 2O g , vap H 45.07 kJ mol 1 at 00 C Overall H 2 O s H 2 O g , sub H 6.01 45.07 kJ mol 1 at 00 C 51.08 kJ mol 1 at 00 C It, therefore, follows that sub H fus H vap H the relationship between sub H, vap H and fus H [1 Mark] Topic:Chemical thermodynmatic; Sub-topic:Enthalpy of reaction_ L-1 _Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (viii) Ellingham diagram : The Ellingham diagram is the plot of free energy change G against temperature for the reaction of metal and other elemenets with one mole of oxygen at 1 atmosphere. [1 Mark] Features : (i) The graph for the formation of a metal oxide is straight line with an upward slope. (ii) There is sudden change in the slopes for some metal oxides, like MgO, ZnO and HgO [1 Mark] Topic:General principles and processes of isolation of elements ; Sub-topic:Ellingham diagram_ L-1_ _Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry 3 3 Rao IIT Academy/ XII HSC - Board Exam Chemistry (55) / Paper Solutions Q. 2 (i) Density of Ag 10.51 g / cm3 [1/2 Mark] Vol. of unit cell = ? Mass of one atom of silver = molar mass of silver NA 108 6.022 1023 17.93 10 23 g Mass of unit cell of silver 71.72 10 23 g 4 17.93 10 23 [1 Mark] Density of Ag = mass of unit cell vol.of unit cel Vol.of unit cell = mass of unit cell density of Ag [1 Mark] 71.72 10 23 10.51 vol.of unit cell 68.27 10 24 cm3 [1/2 Mark] Topic:Solid state ; Sub-topic:Density of unit cell L-_1_ _Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (ii) Molar Mass of benzene C6 H 6 6 12 6 1 10 3 kg mol 1 p10 640 mm Hg . p 600 mm Hg W1 39 10 3 kg W2 2.175 10 3 kg M 1 78 10 3 kg mol 1 M2 ? p10 p W2 M 1 M 2 W1 p1o 640 mm 600 mm 2.175 10 3 kg 78.0 10 3 kg mol 1 640 mm 39.0 10 3 kg M 2 4 4 [1/2 Mark] Rao IIT Academy/ XII HSC - Board Exam Chemistry (55) / Paper Solutions M2 2.175 10 3 kg 78.0 10 3 kg mol 1 640 mm 39.0 kg 10 3 40 mm 69.6 10 3 kg mol 1 [2 Marks] Molecular Mass 69.6 g mol 1 [1/2 Mark] Topic:Solution and colligative Properties ; Sub-topic:Relative Lowering of vapour pressure_ L-1 _Target2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (iii) H o 104 kJ CH 3Cl g + Cl 2 g CH 2 Cl 2 g + HCl g H o H oreactant bond H oproduct bond [1 Mark] H o 3 H Co H H C Cl H Cl Cl 2 H C H 2 H C Cl H H Cl 104 1242 243 H C Cl 828 2 H C Cl 431 104 1485 H C Cl 1259 2 H C Cl 104 226 H C Cl H C Cl 226 104 [2 Marks] 330 kJ / mol Topic:Chemical Thermodynamics ; Sub-topic:Bond Enthalpy L-_1_ _Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (iv) Cell constant is defined of the ratio of the distance betwen electrode and cross sectional area of electrode. b l a [1 Mark] H2(g) at 1 atmosphere pressure and 298 K Copper wire Glass jacket Hg contact Platinised platinum foil + Solution of H ions of unit activity (1M) [2 Marks] Standard hydrogen electrode Topic:Electro chemistry ; Sub-topic:Reference Electrode_ L-01 _Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry 5 5 Rao IIT Academy/ XII HSC - Board Exam Chemistry (55) / Paper Solutions Q. 3 (A) (i) At ordinary temperature, nitrogen is gas while other elements of the group are solids. (ii) Nitrogen exist as diatomic molecule (N2), while phosphorus and the other elements exist as tetra atomic molecule As4 , Sb4 , P4 etc. (iii) Nitrogen does not form penta halides, while all other elements of the group form penta halides. (iv) Nitrogen shows wide range of oxidation states viz from 3 to +5. The other elements of the group show only a limited number of oxidation states. [1/2 Mark each] Interhalogen ClF3 possess T-shaped or trigonal bipyramidal structure. It is formed by sp 3d hybridization of the central atom Cl in its first excited state. [1 Mark] 3s 3p 3d Ground state Cl First excited state F F F Hybridized state sp3d 3d [1 Mark] According to the formula k Conductivity 1 R Resistance k Length of electrode R a l a Area of cross section According to question k 6.23 10 5 ohm 1cm 1 R 13710 ohm 0.7 cm a ? a 0.7 cm 2 5 1 1 0.823cm R k 13710 ohm 6.23 10 ohm cm Area : Cross-sectional area of electrode is 0.823 cm2 Molality = [2 Marks] Number of moles of solute Mass of solvent in Kg As both number of mole and mass of solvent are independent of temperature, so molality is also independent of temperature. [1 Mark] Topic:p-block element, Electrochemistry, Solutions and colligative peoperties ; Sub-topic:_Group-15 , Conductivity, Concentration of solution _ L-2_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry 6 6 Rao IIT Academy/ XII HSC - Board Exam Chemistry (55) / Paper Solutions (B) There are oxides which are neither acidic nor basic such oxides are known as neutral oxides. For example : NO, N 2O & CO ZnO is amphoteric oxide as it reacts with acids as well as bases to form salts. [1 Mark] ZnO 2 HCl ZnCl2 H 2O ZnO 2 NaOH Na2 ZnO2 H 2O [1 Mark] Molar conductivity is defined as the conductance of a volume of solutions containing 1 mole of dissolved electrolyte when placed between two parallel electrodes 1cm apart and large enough to contain between them all the solution. If sum of the exponents to which the concentration terms in the rate law are raised is zero then it is called zero order reaction. [1 Mark each] A product d A 0 K A dt According to the integrated rate law of first order reaction 1 A K 2.303log 0 t A t [1 Mark] Accoriding to question t = 45 min = 45 x 60 sec = 2700 sec A0 100 A t 40 K 1 100 1 2.303log sec 2700 40 [2 Marks] 0.053sec 1 Topic:p-block elements, Electrochemistry, Chemical kinetics; Sub-topic:Group 16 elements, Molar conductivity, First order and zero order reaction_ L-2_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry Q. 4 (i) (b) Thiosulphurous acid [1 mark] S HO S OH Topic:p-block; Sub-topic:oxo-acid of sulphur _ L-1_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (ii) (c) nonpolar molecular solid I2(solid) [1 mark] Topic:Solid state ; Sub-topic:Molecular solid _ L-1 _Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry 7 7 Rao IIT Academy/ XII HSC - Board Exam Chemistry (55) / Paper Solutions (iii) (a) Measuring heat capacity of substance at various temperatures. The value of ST can be determined by measuring heat capacity of the solid at various temperatures and using the expression. T S ST S0 ST Cp dT T 0 [1 mark] Topic:Chemical Thermodynamic ; Sub-topic:Entropy _ L-1_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (iv) (c) Ebullioscopy [1 mark] Topic:Solution of colligative property; Sub-topic:Colligative property_ L-1_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (v) (d) Hall s process Al2O3 2 H 2O s Na 2CO3 aq 2 NaAlO2 aq CO 2 g 2 H 2O l 2 NaAlO2 aq 3H 2O CO2 2 Al OH 3 ppt Na 2CO3 2 Al OH 3 Al2 O 3 3 H 2 O [1 mark] Topic:General principles and processes of isolation of elements; Sub-topic:Leaching process _ L-1 _Target2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (vi) (b) 2 q t I 840 2 7 60 [1 mark] Topic:Electrochemistry ; Sub-topic:Electorlytic cell _ L-1_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (vii) (b) 1.1 10 4 s 1 1 R K A K R 6.6 10 5 0.6 A 1.1 5 10 4 s 1 [1 mark] Topic:Chemical kinetic ; Sub-topic:Rate Law _ L-1 _Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry 8 8 Rao IIT Academy/ XII HSC - Board Exam Chemistry (55) / Paper Solutions SECTION - II Q. 5 (i) Sc 21 Ar 4s 2 3d 1 Sc 3 Ar 4s o 3d o No unpaired electrons present It is colourless [1 mark] Ti 22 Ar 4s 2 3d 2 Ti 3 Ar 4 s o 3d 1 Ti 3 ion has unpaired e present in empty d-orbital available for d-d- transition [1 mark] It s coloured. Topic:d and f block elements ; Sub-topic:Colour complex_ L-1_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (ii) Each point carries 1/2 marks Complex compound Double salt 1. They contain two simple salt in equimolar proportion. 1. They contain a complex of salt which may or may not be in equimolar proportion 2. In aqueous solution, they dissociate completely into ions 2. In aqueous solution complex ion does not dissociation into ions. 3. They are ionic compound and contain 3. They may or may not be ionic complex part always contains coordinate bonds. ionic bonds 4. Properties of the salt is same as its constituent compounds. 4. The properties of the compound are different from its constituents due to complex formation. Example: Potash alum Example: Potassium hexachloroplatinate (IV) K2[PtCl6] K2SO4.Al2SO3.24H2O Topic:Coordination compounds; Sub-topic:Coordination compounds _ L-1_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (iii) + NH2 NaNO2,HCl Cl N2Cl Cu2Cl2 + N2 [1 Mark] Aniline Benzene diazonium chloride Chlorobenzene Primary amines react with nitrous acid to give diazonium cation. Which is then treated with cuprous chloride gives Chlorobenzene. 9 9 Rao IIT Academy/ XII HSC - Board Exam Chemistry (55) / Paper Solutions Cl ether + 2Na + 2NaCl [1 Mark] Chlorobenzene Biphenyl Aryl halides also give analogous compounds when treated with sodium in dry ether, in which two aryl groups are joined together. It is called fittig reaction. Topic:Halogen deivatives of alkanes and arenes ; Sub-topic:Haloarene_ L-1_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (iv) The property in which ethers have same molecular formula but different alkyl groups in their structures is called metamerism and the isomers obtained are called as metamers. [1 Mark] Examples: e.g. C 2 H5 O C 2 H 5 Diethyl ether; CH 3 O C3H 7 Methyl n-propyl ether In the above example both ethers are having same molecular formula i.e. C4H10 but different alkyl groups in their structure, so they are metamers of each other. [1 Mark] Topic:Alcohol, Phenol and Ether; Sub-topic:Isomerism of ether _ L-1_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (v) Ketones : Ketones are those carbonyl compounds in which two alkyl or aryl group are attached to carbonyl O group. They are represented as R C R Definition: Ketones may be defined as the first oxidation product of secondary alcohol. OH R CH R ' Secondary alcohol O R C R ' H 2 O [O] Oxidation [1 Mark] ketone Ketones are classified into two groups: Simple Ketones : Ketones in which two same alkyl groups or aryl groups are attached to carbonyl group are called Simple Ketones. O O eg. CH 3 C CH 3 ,CH 3 CH 2 C CH 2 CH3 Mixed Ketones : Ketones in which two different alkyl groups are attached to carbonyl group are called mixed ketones. eg. O H 3C C CH 2CH 3 [1 Mark] Topic:Aldehyde, ketones and carboxylic acids ; Sub-topic:Classification of keton _ L-1_Target-2016_XIIHSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry 1 01 0 Rao IIT Academy/ XII HSC - Board Exam Chemistry (55) / Paper Solutions (vi) Aldoximes and ketoximes on oxidation in presence of trifluoroperoxy acetic acid gives primary & secondary nitro alkanes respectively. H O H + trifluoro peroxy aceticacid CH 3CH 2 C N OH O CH 3CH 2 CH 2 N O CH 3CH 2 C N OH + O [1 Mark] 1 Nitropropane CH3 CH 3 C N OH O CH3 O O CH3 + + trifluoro peroxy acetic acid H C N CH 3 C N OH O CH3 2-Nitropropane [1 Mark] Topic:Aldehyde, ketones and carboxylic acids ; Sub-topic:Chemical reactions _ L-1_Target-2016_XIIHSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (vii) The chemical substances which retards the action of oxygen on food and help in the preservation of food are called antioxidants. Examples : the most common antioxidant used are, Butylated hydroxy toluene (BHT) and butylated hydroxylanisole (BHA) [1 Mark] Butylated hydroxy toluene (BHT): Molecular formula : C15H24O OH C(CH 3 )3 (CH 3 )3 C [1 Mark] CH3 Topic:Chemistry in everyday life; Sub-topic:Antioxidants_ L-1_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (viii) Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy aldehydes or polyhydroxy ketones or those compounds that can be hydrolysed to polyhydroxy aldehydes or polyhydroxy ketones. e.g. glucose,sucrose,starch. [1 Mark] Nylon - 6 is prepared from a monomer , caprolactum ( monomer). The monomer is obtained from amino caproic acid. CH 2 C O H 2C NH CH 2 H 2C O Inert atmosphere of N 2 ,533K Heated for 4 hours H C CH 3 5 N [1 Mark] CH 2 1 11 1 Rao IIT Academy/ XII HSC - Board Exam Chemistry (55) / Paper Solutions caprollactum, (monomer) Nylon-6 It is a linear polyamide, it is also called parlon - L polycapropactum Topic:Biomolecules and Polymers ; Sub-topic:Carbohydrate, Preparation of polymer _ L-1_Target2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry Q. 6 (i) The element in which differentiating electron enter into f-orbital are called f-block element. [1 Mark] Lanthanoids Actinoids (1) Differentiating electron enters if 4f orbitals Differentiating electron enters in 5f orbitals (2) Belong to sixth period and form a part of the Belong to seventh period and form a part of third transition series. They constitute first inner the fourth transition series. They constitute transition series second inner transition series (3) Lanthanoids show less tendency to form complexes Actinoids show greater tendency to form Complexes. (4) Contraction is relatively less Contraction is greater in this series due to poor shielding of 5 f electrons [each point carries 1 mark] Topic:d and f-block elements; Sub-topic:Lanthanoids and Actinoids_ L-1 _Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (ii) Definiations : (a) Optical activity The property of certain organic compounds which rotate the plant of plane polarised light towards right (clock wise) or towards left (anticlockwise) is called optical activity. [1 Mark] (b) Ligand The molecules or ions which are coordinated to the metal atom or iron in a coordination compound are called ligands [1 Mark] (c) Interstitial compounds The compounds which are formed , when small atoms like H , C or N are trapped inside the interstitial spaces in crystal lattice of transition metals are called interstitial compounds. [1 Mark] Topic:Halogen derivatives of alkane and arene, Coordination compound, Solid state ; Sub-topic:Optical activity, Ligand, Defect _ L-1 _Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (iii) Formula Pt NH 3 Cl2 Cl2 4 [1 Mark] CH 3 CH CH 2 HBr CH 3 CH CH3 Propene Br 2 Bromopropane Propene on addition of Hydrogen Bromide gives isopropyl bromide as major product according to Markownikoff s rule. [1 Mark] Peroxide CH 3 CH CH 2 HBr CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 Br Propene 1-bromopropane Propene on addition of Hydrogen bromide in pressure of peroxide gives 1-bromopropane as major product according to a Anti-Markownikoff s rule. [1 Mark] Topic:Coordination compounds, Halogen derivatives of alkane and arene ; Sub-topic:Nomenclature, Methods of Preparation_ L-1_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry 1 21 2 Rao IIT Academy/ XII HSC - Board Exam Chemistry (55) / Paper Solutions (iv) The antibiotic which is effective against a wide range of gram positive and gram negative bacteria known as broad spectrum antibiotic [1 Mark] Preparating polyethene : The monomer used is ethene. It is an addition polymer. It is of two types. n CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 n [1 Mark] Preparating of Neoprne : The monomer used is chloroprene (2-chlorobuta-1,3-diene). It is superior to natural rubber and resistant to chemical action. It is used in the manufacture of chemical containers , conveyor belts, gaskets etc. [1 Mark] Topic:Chemistry in everyday life, polymer; Sub-topic:Antimicrobil compound, Methods of preparation _ L-1 _Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry Q. 7 (A) Esterification Mechanism : The mechanism can be written in two steps : (i) Acid catalyzed addition of alcohol to carbonyl group of carboxylic acid. [2 Marks] (ii) Acid catalyzed dehydration. [2 Marks] Dehydration of 1 , 2 and 3 alcohol (i) Dehydration of Primary Alcohols: Primary alcohols like ethyl alcohol on heating with 95% H2SO4 at about 443 K undergoes dehydration forming an alkene like ethene or ethylene. H H 95%H2 SO4 443K CH3CH2OH H C C H H 2O Ethane Ethanol 1 31 3 [1 Mark] Rao IIT Academy/ XII HSC - Board Exam Chemistry (55) / Paper Solutions (ii) Dehydration of Secondary Alcohols: Secondary alcohols like Isopropyl alcohol on heating with 60% H2SO4 at about 373 K undergoes dehydration forming an alkene like propene or propylene. H H H H H C C CH 3 H OH 60% H 2 SO4 H C C CH 3 H 2O 737K Propene [1 Mark] Iso propyl alcohol (iii) Dehydration of Tertiary alcohols: Tertiary alcohol like tert, butyl alcohol on heating with 20% H2SO4 at about 363 K undergoes dehydration forming an alkene like 2-methyl propene or isobutylene. CH3 CH3 20% H 2SO4 CH 3 C CH 2 H 2O 636K CH 3 C OH 2 Methylpropeneor iso butylene CH3 [1 Mark] Tert-butyl alcohol Topic:Aldehyde, Ketone and Carboxylic acids, Alcohols, Phenols and ethers; Sub-topic:Mechanism of nucleophilic addition, Mechanism of dehydration_ L-1_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (B) Vitamins are organic substances that must be supplied to permit proportionate growth in living beings or for maintenance of structure. [1 Mark] Deficiency of vitamin A causes Night blindness, dryness in skin and hairs and retardation of growth. Structure of Nucleoside and Nucleotide : [1 Mark] [2 Marks] Primary Nitroalkane like 1-Nitropropane react with nitrous acid to form blue coloured nitroso- nitroalkanes which dissolve in NaOH to give red solutions. O O H H C2H5 C N + HO N O C2H5 C N O NO (Nitroform) O H 1-Nitropropane ONa H2O + C2H5 C NO (Red solution) OH NaOH N C2H5 C O NO N O (Blue solution) 1 41 4 [1 Mark] Rao IIT Academy/ XII HSC - Board Exam Chemistry (55) / Paper Solutions Secondary Nitroalkane like 2-Nitropropane reacts with nitrous acid to form blue coloured nitroso-Nitroalkane which no more contain - hydrogen atom hence are insoluble in NaOH. O O CH3 CH3 CH3 C N + HO N O CH3 C N [1 Mark] O O H NO 2-Nitropropane (Blue solution) Tertiary Nitroalkane like 2-methyl 2-nitropropane do not react with nitrous acid since they have no - hydrogen atom. O CH3 CH3 C N + HO N O No reaction O [1 Mark] CH3 2-Methyl-2-nitropropane Topic:Compounds containing nitrogenNitrogen ; Sub-topic:Identification of primary, secondary and tertiary amines_ L-1 _Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry Q. 8 (i) (C) Conversion of alkyl halide to alkyl fluoride using AgF is Swarts Reaction [1 Mark] Topic:Halogen derivative of alkane; Sub-topic:Preparation_ _ L-1_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (ii) (D) OH O + H+ [1 Mark] NH2 NH2 + R effect of NH2 group. Increase the ve change on oxygen atom which decreases the stability of conjugate base of p-aminophenol. Topic:Alcohol, Phenol, Ether; Sub-topic:Properties _ L-1_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (iii) (D) O H 2O CH CH C N H OH CH CH C NH CH CH COOH [1 Mark] 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 Propanentrile Propionic acid Topic:Aldehyde, Ketone and Carboxylic acids,; Sub-topic:Preparation of acid _ L-1_Target-2016_XIIHSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (iv) (A) Primary amine like ethylamine gives carbylamine test forming foul smelling product [1 Mark] Topic:Compound containing nitrogen ; Sub-topic:Reaction of amine_ L-1_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (v) (D) Uracil is present in RNA [1 Mark] Topic:Biomolecules ; Sub-topic:Nucleic acid _ L-1_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (vi) (C) PHBV is a copolymer of 3-hydroxybutanoic acid and 3-hydroxypentanoic acid [1 Mark] Topic:Polymer ; Sub-topic:Preparation_ L-1_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry (vii) (D) Phenylzine is an antidepresent [1 Mark] Topic:Chemistry in everyday life; Sub-topic:Drugs _ L-1_Target-2016_XII-HSC Baord (55) Exam_Chemistry 1 51 5

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