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GAET GRADE 10 DATE: 05.01.2024 VASANT VIHARHIGH SCHOOL AND JUNIOR COLLEGE PRE-BOARDEXAMINATION- 2023-2024 MARKS:80 TIME: 2 Hrs SUB: HISTORY AND CIVICS NAME: ROLL N0: DIV: No of sides: 06 Answers to this Paper must be written on the answer sheet provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt llquestions from Part I(Compulsory). A totalof five questions are to be attempted from Part lI, two out of three questions from Section A and three out of five questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets l PART I Question 1 Attempt ll questions from PARTI Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options, (Do not copy the question, write the correct answersonly) (16) () Complete the following analogy. Lok Sabha: .....?.......Rajya Sabha: Council of States (a)Union of States (b)House of the People (c)Representation of the People (d)Council ofthe People. (ii)Given below are some functjons of the Rajya Sabha. P: ensuring the participationof nominated members representing various fields of expertise. Lok Sabha. Q: reviewing and providing recommendations on the money bills passed by the R: exclusively representing the interests of the states in the legislative process. between Which of these functions contributes to the institutionalisation of power-sharing different levels of the government? (a)only P (b) only Q (c) only Q and R (d) only R (ii) Below is the Newspaper Headline announcing the promulgation of Emergency on June 25, 1975, followed by press censorship, which constituted a dark chapter in the press history in free India. a G HINDU SH Proclaims T24501 -1 NGtional Enor Turn over SUB:HISTORY AND CIVICS 05.01.202 WHS & JC/GRADE 10 National/General Emergency when The President can declare a the country. (a) there isa threat to the security of country. (b) there is financial instability in the recommending an Emergency. (c) the governor gives areport proclamation. (d) the election commission recommends its (iv) If the Prime Minister of lndia resigns, this means the resignation of the (a) President of India (b) Entire Council of Ministers (c) Vice President of India (d) Chief Justice of India (v) Which of the following writs safeguards personal freedom? (a) Quo Warranto (b) Mandamus (c) Prohibition (d) Habeas Corpus (vi) Whena case comes from a Subordinate Court, the High Court deals with it under (a) ) Appellate Jurisdiction (b) Advisory Jurisdiction (c) Original Jurisdiction (d) Revisory Jurisdiction (vii) The Vernacular Press Act (1878) granted the government tyrannical rights to censor reports and editorials in the vernacular press. Ifa seditious report was published and the newspaper didn't heed an initialwarning, the press was seized, and printing machinery confiscated,violating freedom of expression. Based on the excerpt, who introduced the Vernacular Press Act (1878)? (a) Lord Ripon (b) Lord Lytton (o)Lord Wellesley (d) Lord Dalhousie (vii) Which of these was NOT an aim of the Indian National Congress? (a) To train and organise the public in the country. (b) To promote friendly relations between nationalists political workers. (c) To make the world aware of the true nature of the British. (d)To formulate popular demands and present them before the government. (ix) ldentify the Early Nationalist leader. Tilak (a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (b) Bipin Chandra Pal (c) Jyotiba Phule (d) Bal Gangadhar (x) The Lucknow Pact was signed between (b) The Congress and the Muslim League (a) The British and the Congress (c) The Early and the Assertive Nationalists (d) The Muslim League and British was one of the cause of the Quit India Movement. (xi) (a) Failure of the Second Round Table Conference (b) Rowlatt Act (d) Failure of the Cripps Mission (c) Mountbatten Plan T24501 -2 s& JC/GRADE10 SUB:HISTORY AND CIVICS 05.01.2024 (xi)Readthe two statements given below about the Civil Disobedience Movernent and select the option that showsthe correct relationship between (A) and (8). (A) Gandhij'sCivil Disobedience was based on engaging in dialogue and negotiation with the British. (B) Gandhiji believed that violence and aggression are counterproductive to achieve any goal. (a)(B) is the reason for (A). (b) (A) is the cause for (B) (c) (B) contradicts (A). (d) (A) and (B) are independent of each other. (xii)There are two statements given below on World War ll (WWi), marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and cho0se the correct option. Assertion (A): The consequences of WWIl bad a lasting impact on the socio-economic political dynamics of the current world. Reason (R): The creation of the United Nations was a significant development after wwi. (a) Ais true but Ris false. (b) Ais false but Ris true. (c) Both A and Rare true and Rexplains A. (d) Both Aand Rare true but Rdoes not explain A. (Xiv) Below is an American political cartoon about the League of Nations that was published in The San Francisco Examiner': Editorial Page on Saturday, September 11, 1920 WE'VE PLENTY OF OUR OWN, THANKS!" JUST ADORT THESEWILL YOU 9AM OLE TOP Why did Americans mention "WE'VE PLENTY OF OUR OWN, THANKS!"? (a) Opposition to the League of Nations and preference for American isolationism. (b) Advocacy for international cooperation. (c) Support for local issues. (d) Emphasis on economic policies. Judges. (xv) The International Court of Justice has (a)5 (b)10 (c) 12 (d) 15 (xvi) Which of these leaders was an architect of the Non-Aligned Movement? (a) Joseph Stalin (b) Abdel Nasser (c) Winston Churchill (d) Franklin Roosevelt T24501 -3 Turn over WHS &JC/GRADE 10 SUB:HISTORY AND CIVICS 05.01.202A (14) Question 2 ()Read the given news carefully - tells SC: The legality of the 2019 CAA may not be within the scope of judicialreview, govt review since Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) may not be within the scope ofjudicial matters of citizenship and foreign policy fall squarely within the domain of parliament, the Union government told the Supreme Court on Sunday. O Hin ustan Times - Thursday, Nov 30, 2023 Court uses this What does Judicial Review mean and give an example of how the Supreme power? (1). Ms. Reema intends to seek a resolution for her case by approaching the Lok Adalat. Mention anytwo advantages she wll have by taking her case to Lok Adalat. (ii) State two reasons Lord Curzon gave to justify the Partition of Bengal. (vi)Name the two Presidents under whom the first two sessions of the Indian National Congress were held. (v)On what assurances did Gandhiji withdraw the Civil Disobedience Movement? (vi) Explain two measures taken by Subhash Chandra B se to establish aSocialist Society. (vi) Giveany two similarities between the ideologies of Nazism and Fascism. PARTI SECTION A Attempt any two questions from this section: Question 3 With reference to the powers of the Union Parliament, state the following: (a) Three of its Legislative Powers. (b) Three of its Financial Powers. (c) Four of its Administrative or Executive Powers. (3) (3) (4) Question 4 The Executive Power of the Indian Union is vested in the President. In this context, answer the following: (a) How is the President of India elected? State the composition of the Electoral College (3) that elects him. President. (3) (b) Explain any three Discretionary Powers of the (4) (c) Mention any four Executive Powers of the President. Question 5 With reference to the powersof the High Court, briefly describe the following: (a) What is meant by the Original Jurisdiction of the High Court? Mention two types of cases (3) in which the High Court exercises Original Jurisdiction. (3) Executive? and the (b) Howdoes the High Court control the power of the Legislature (4) (c) Mention two types of cases in which the High Court exercises Appellate Jurisdiction. T24501 -4 05.01.2024 Question 6 By 1857, Attempt any threeSECTIONB questions from this section: conditions were ripe for a mass uprising in this context, the form of the Great (a) Any three explain the following: causes for the revolt of 1857. (b) Any three Economic Military (c) Any four Political causes. causes of the revolt. Revolt of 1857. In (3) (3) (4) Question 7 In the second phase of the movement, there emerged a newyounger group or leaders within the Congress national who disagreed with the old leadership. In this context, the following questions: answer (a) Differentiate between the Early Nationalists and the Assertive Nationalists in their objectives and achievements, stating one objective and two achievements of each wing of the Congress. (3) (b) Name the Assertive leader known as the forerunner of Gandhiji. Why isthe person known as the forerunner of Gandhiji? (3) (c) What were the four methods adopted by the Assertive Nationalists in the freedom struggle? (4) HS Question 8 Read the excerpt given below and answer the questions that follow World War llreshaped history. The Axis powers crumbled, paving the way for the Cold War between the USA and the Soviet Union. In response, the United Nations emerged, aiming to foster globalcooperation and prevent future conflicts. With reference to the Second World War, explain the impact on the following: (a) The Axis powers. (3) (b) Origin of the Cold War. (3) (c) The formation of the UN. (4) -5 Turn over 05.01.2024 WHS &JC/GRADE 10 SUB:HISTORY AND CIVICS Question 9 PICTURE STUDY Study the picture and answer the following questions: the (a) ldentify the persons in the picture. Name organisation with which these persons were (3) associated. (b) State any three objectives of this organisation. (3) (c) How did our first Prime Minister envision and (4) contribute to this organisation ? Question 10 With reference to the United Nations and its specialised agencies, answer the following questions. (a)Mention any three functions of the International Court of Justice. (3) (b)State the composition of the General Assembly. (3) (c)State any two functions of the UNICEF ahd any twofunctions of WHO. (4) ********* T24501 6