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CBSE Class 10 Question Bank 2022 : Biology - Set 12 (Mother's Public School, Bhubaneswar)

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MOTHER S PUBLIC SCHOOL BIOLOGY REVISION TEST (CLASS-X) DATE : 25.9.2021 Grade X-Biology-Chapter- Life Processes-Revision test set 12 I.Read the following and answer the questions from 1 to 5. We need energy to perform various activities. This energy is derived from the catabolism of various components of food, e.g. proteins, carbohydrates, fats, etc. Oxygen is required for catabolic processes and carbon dioxide is released in the process. So, the body requires a continuous exchange of gases, oxygen from the atmosphere is taken inside and carbon dioxide produced is given out. In human beings, respiratory pigment called haemoglobin present in RBCs has very high affinity for oxygen. In tissues, exchange of gases occurs between oxygenated blood and tissue cells. 1. The rate at which oxygen moves from the alveoli of our lungs into our blood: (a) depends on the difference in oxygen concentration between the alveoli and the blood. (b) depends on the colour of the alveoli. (c) depends on the availability of energy to transport gases across the membrane. (d) none of the above 2. The given graph illustrates the changes in lung volume during the process of breathing.The change from II to III indicates the (a) movement of diaphragm away from the lungs (b) expansion of the thoracic cavity (c)movement of air out of the lungs (d) expansion of ribs. 3. Which process occurring in human body does notinvolve energy from respiration? (a) Contraction of heart muscle (b) Diffusion of oxygen from the alveoli into the blood (c) Digestion of bread (d) Maintaining a constant body temperature 4. Refer to the given figure and answer the following question. Which of these parts (I) are the actual sites of respiratory gas exchange? (II) is the common passage for air and food? (III) is provided with incomplete cartilaginous rings? (IV)relaxes and gets back to its original shape during expiration? (V) moves upwards and outwards during inspiration? (a) (I)-s, (II) - p. (III) - q. (IV) - r, (V) - t (b) (I)-r, (II) - p. (III)-q, (IV) - s, (V) -t (c) (I)-t, (II) - 9, (III) - r, (IV) - s, (V) - P (d) (I)- p. (II) - q. (III) - r. (IV) - 5, (V) t 5. Which of the following sequences is correct to initiate inspiration? (I) The contraction of intercostal muscles raises the ribs and sternum (II) Volume of thorax increases (III) Air pressure of the lungs decreases (IV)Diaphragm contraction (V) Air rushes into lungs (a) (I), (II). (IV), (V), (III) (b) (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V) (c) (I), (IV), (II), (III). (V) d) (V), (I), (II), (III), (IV) 6. Which one of the following is a possibility for most of us, in regard to breathing by making a conscious effort? (a) One can breathe out air totally without oxygen (b) One can breathe out air by closing both nose and mouth (c) Lungs can be made fully empty by forceful exhalation (d) One can consciously breathe in and out by moving the diaphragm alone, without any rib movement. II.Read the given passage and answer the questions from 7 to 11. Sanjana is suffering from a frequent stomach pain and vomiting. She went to the Doctor. The doctor asked her to go for an ultrasound. In the report, a stone was found in her gall bladder. Doctor asked her to remove the gall bladder by operation. But she was reluctant to go for the operation. 7. The role played by gall bladder in human body is (a) To store bile (b) To secrete bile (c) To emulsify fats (d) To digest fats 8. Removal of gall bladder (a) affects the person's health (b) Has no effect on the person's health (c) Effects the secretion of bile (d) Effects the digestion of proteins 9. Which of the following statement is correct about bile? (a) It helps in emulsification of fat. (b) It helps in digestion of carbohydrates (c) It helps in absorption of digested food. (d) It helps in egestion of undigested food. 10. Which part of alimentary canal receives bile from the liver? (a) Stomach (b) Small intestine (c) Large intestine (d) Oesophagus 11.Name the digestive juice that lacks enzyme buthelps in digestion. (a) Bile juice (b) pancreatic juice (c) Ptyalin (d) pepsin 12. Lactic acid is produced when muscle contracts. Muscles contract in the absence of oxygen and lactic acid accumulates and fatigue sets in. On returning to aerobic conditions the lactic acid is metabolised. Which of the following is the best interpretation of this observations? (a) Lactic acid is produced only in anaerobic conditions. (b) In anaerobic conditions, lactic acid is produced faster than it can be removed. (c) In aerobic conditions the muscle will not fatigue. (d) Formation of lactic acid is oxygen dependent. III. Read the following and answer any four questions from 13.to16. Our body needs to remove the wastes that build up from cell activities and from digestion. It these wastes are not removed, then our cells can stop working and we can get very sick. The organs of our excretory system help to release wastes from our body. The excretory system consists of a pair of kidneys, a pair of ureters, a urinary bladder and a urethra. Each kidney is made up of nearly one million complex tubular structures called nephrons. The formation of urine involves various processes that takes place in the different parts of the nephron. Each nephron consists of a cup-shaped upper end called Bowman's capsule containing a bunch of capillaries called glomerulus. Bowman's capsule leads to tubular structure-proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle and distal convoluted tubule which ultimately joins the collecting tubule. 13. A person who is not taking food will have ______________in urine. (a) little glucose (b) less urea (c) excess urea (d) little fat 14. Which part of nephron allows the selective reabsorption of useful substances like glucose, amino acid, salts and water into the blood capillaries? (a)tubule (b) glomerulus (c) Bowman's capsule (d)Ureter 15. The given figure represents a single nephron from a mammalian kidney. Identify the labelled parts, match them with the options (I-IV) and select the correct answer. (I) The site of ultrafiltration (II) Collect the urine and make it more concentrated (III) The main site for the reabsorption of glucose and amino acids (a) (I)-A, (II)-E, (III)-C (c) (I)-B, (II)-A, (III)-C (b) (I)-A, (II)-B, (III)-C (d) (I)-E. (II)-B, (III)-D 16. Figure given below is representing the dialysis machinefor removing nitrogenous wastes in patient with akidney failure. Which substances out of the following in the dialysisfluid should be at a lower concentration than in theblood of patient? (a) Glucose and urea (b) Glucose and amino acids (c) Salts and urea (d) Glucose and salts 17. The initial glomerular filtrate is 180 litres, but the urine excreted is 1 litre, this is due to? (a)Reabsorption (b)Filtration (c) secretion (d) retention 18.Which blood vessel carries blood to the kidneys? (a) renal arteries (b) renal vein (c) Both a and b (d) only a (c) exc 19. The amount of urine output per day by a normal human being is (a) 4-5 litres (b) 3-4 litres (c) 1-1.8 litres (d)5- 6 litres 20.Amount of water reabsorbed is determined by availability of (a)Amount of glucose (b) Amount of waste (c)Amount of water (d) Both b and c.

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