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ICSE Class X Board Exam 2022 : Computer Applications

14 pages, 50 questions, 50 questions with responses, 50 total responses,    3    0
Ranajoy Saha
Adamas International School (AIS), Kolkata
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SEMESTER 1 EXAMINATION COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Maximum marks: 50 Time allowed: One hour. You will not be allowed to write during the first IO minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. ALL QUESTIONS 1RE COMPULSORY. .The marks intendedfor each question are given in brackets [] Select the correct option for each ofthe Joliowing questions. Question 1. Choose the correct answer: (i) The blueprint that defines the variables and the methods common to all ofa certain [ 1] kind is termed as: (a) class (b) object (c) package (d) method Answer: _ _ _ _ _ __ (ii) A data type which contains integer as well as fractional part and occupies 32 bits [I] space is: (a) float (b) char (c) . double (d) byte Answer: _ _ _ _ _ __ (iii) What is the final value stored in variable x? [l] double x=Math.ceil(Math.abs(-7.3)); (a) 7.0 (b) 8.0 (c) 6.0 (d) 9.0 Answer:....,...-----. This paper consists of 14 printed pages. T22 861 S1 Turn Over (iv) Which of the following keyword is used to create symbolic constants in Java? (a) final (b) Final (c) Constant (d) Const Answer: (v) [1] ------- Name the type of error in the statement gi:v~n below: [1] double x;y;z; (a) Logical error (b) Syntax error (c) Runtime error (d) No error Ariswer: ------- Question 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct options: (i) The keyword to create an object of a class is _ _ _ __ (a) create (b) new (c) New (d) NEW [I] Answer: _ _ _ _ _ __ (ii) The operator which acts on one operand is known as -=----(a) binary (b) ternary (c) unary (d) relational Answer: T22 861 SI . ------2 [1] (iii) The ASCII code of' B' is (a) 67 (b) 66 (c) 98 (d) 99 [I] Answer: _ _ _ _ __ (iv) A _ _ _ _ method needs to be called with help of an object. (a) void (b) class (c) non-static (d) static [l] Answer: _ _ _ _ __ (v) [l] Parameters used in the method call statement are _ _ _ _ __ (a) Actual parameters (b) Informal parameters (c) Formal parameters (d) Void parameters Answer: _ _ _ _ _ __ Question 3. Name the following: (i) The concept of having more than one constructor with different types of parameters: (a) Copy constructor (b) Method overloading (c) Constructor overloading (d) Overloaded methods [l] Answer: _ _ _ _ __ T22 861 S1 3 Turn Over (ii) The keyword which indicates that the method returns no value: (a) public (b) static (c) void (d) abstract [I] Answer: _ _ _ _ _ __ (iii) The process of binding the data and method together as one unit is called as: {a) Encapsulation (b) Inheritance (c) Polymorphism (d) Dynamic binding [1] Answer: _ _ _ _ _ __ (iv) The jump statement that is used inside a switch case construct to terminate a [I] statement sequence: {a) continue (b) break (c) return (d) goto Answer: _ _ _ _ _ __ (v) The program code written in any high-level language to solve a problem is: (a) object code (b) source code (c) machine code (d) bytecode Answer: _ _ _ _ _ __ T22 861 SI 4 [I] Question 4: State whether the statement is True or False: (i) [I] char is a non - primitive data type. (a) True (b) False Answer: _ _ _ _ _ __ (ii) [I] Multi.line comments in Java start with/* and end with*/. (a) True (b) False Answer: _ _ _ _ _ __ (iii) [I] = is an assignment operator. (a) True (b) False Answer: _ _ _ _ _ __ (iv) Java compiler automatically creates a default constructor in case no constructor is [I] present in the java class. (a) True (b) False Answer: _ _ _ _ _ __ (v) System.exit(O) tenninates the program from any point. (a) True (b) False [I] Answer: _ _ _ _ _ __ Question 5. Choose the odd one: (i) (a) >= (b) % (c) I (d) * [I] Answer: T22 861 Sl 5 Turn Over (ii) (a) double (b) int (c) char (d) String [1] Answer: (iii) (a) if else (b) if . (c) switch case (d) while() [l] Answer: (iv) (a) nextlnt() (b) nextDouble() (c) nextString (d) next() [l] Answer: (v) (a) Robust (b) Platform Independent (c) Inheritance (d) Multi threading [l] Answer: Question 6. Give the output of the following: . (i) [l] int x=2, y=4, z=l; int result= (++z)+y+(++x)+(z++); (a) 11 (b) 12 (c) 10 (d) 9 Answer: T22 861 St ., I 6 (ii) int x; [1] for ( x=l; x<=3; x++ ); System.out.print (x); (a) I23 (b) 1234 (c) 4 (d) I Answer: _ _ _ _ _ __ (iii) int f= 10,m=9; [I] String e=(m%f==9) ? "YES" : "NO"; System.out. print(e); (a) YES (b) NO (c) YESNO (d) NOYES . Answer: (iv) ------[I] switch(x){ case 'M': System.out.print("Microsoft Teams"); break; case 'G': System.out.print("Google Meet"); default: System.out.print("Any software"); break; case 'W': System.out.print("Web Ex"); break; } T22 861 S1 7 Turn Over t, Whenx='g' (a) Google Meet (b) Any software (c) Google Meet Any software (d) WebEx Answer: [l) int v=5; (v) while (--v>=0 ) { System.out.pri~t(v); } (a) 43210 (b) 54321 (c) 543210 (d) 4321 Answer: Question 7. Given below is a class with following specifications: class name void Display(int n) - Number To extract and print each digit of giveri number from last digit of the first digit on separate lines. Example: n=674 Output 4 7 6 void Display() - To print numbers from 0.5 to 5.0 with updation of 0.5. Fill in the blanks of the given program with !!ppropriate statements. class (i) _ _ __ { void Display(int n) { while((ii) _ _ _ ___J T22 861 S1 8 { int rem= (iii) System.out. println(rem); n={iv) }_ } yoid DisplayO { x<= (vi) for(v) ; x+=0.5) System.out.println(x); } } (i) (a) Number (b) number [I] (c) NUMBER (d) NUM Answer: (ii) (a) n<0 (b) [I] n>0 (c) n=0 (d) n=0 Answer: (iii) (a) n%100; (b) n/10; [I] ( (c) n%10; (d) n/100 Answer: (iv) (a) n%10; (b) n/10; [I] (c) n/100; (d) n%100 Answer: T22 861 S1 9 Turn Over (v) (a) double x=0.S (b) Double x=0.S (c) double x=0.0 (d) Double x=0.0 [11 Answer: (vi) (a) x>=S .0 (b) x<=S.0 (c) X (d) x=S.0 [11 5.0 Answer: Question 8. A school is giving away merit certificates for the students who have scored 90 percentage and above in class 10. The following program is based on 't he specification given below. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Java statements. class name Student Member variables: String name To enter name of a student double per To enter percentage obtained by the student String cer To store the message Member method void input() To acceptthe detail void merit() To check the percentage and award the merit void display() To display the detail void main () import java. (i) To create an object of the t;lass and invoke the methods ---- * class Student { String name; double per; String cer; void input() { Scanner obj= new Scanner (; System.out.println(" Enter name , Percentage").; name= obj .next(); 1T~22is8'6ii1ss11---------~10~ - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - per= (ii) _ _ __ void merit() { if ((fii),_ _ __ { cer="A WARDED"; else cer=(iv)_ _ __ void (v),_ _ __ System.out. println(name ); System.out.println(per); . . :1 : - - System.out.println(cer); I } . void main() { Student ,s = new (vi)._ _ __ s.input(); s. merit(); s.displayq; } } (i)' (a) utility (b) Util (c) util (d) UTILITY [I) Answer: (ii) (a) obj.nextDouble(); (b) nextDouble(); (c) obj.nextFloat(); (d) nextFloat() [I) Answer: T22 861 SJ 11 Turn Over (iii) (a) per>=90 (b) per<=90 (c) per>90 (d) per==90 [I] Answer: (iv) (a) NOT A WARDED; (b) "NOT AWARDED"; (c) "AWARDED"; (d) "NOT A WARDED" [I] Answer: (v) {a) displayO (b) Display() (c) Print() (d) DISPLAY() [I] Answer: (vi) (a) StudentO; (b) STUDENT() (c) student() (d) Student() [I] Answer: Question 9. The following program segment checks whether number is an Abundant number or not. A number is said to be an Abundant number when the sum of its factors (excluding the number itself) is greater than the number. Example: Factors of number 12 are 1,2,3,4,6 Sum of factors is 1+2+3+4+6 = 16 Fill in the blanks with appropriate java statements void abundant(int n) { int s=0; for((i) _ _ __ { if((iii) T22 861 Sl (ii)_ _ _ _ ;i++) 12 s=s+i;} if((iv)_ _ _ System.out.println(" ~bundant Number"); else System.out.println("Not Abundant Number"); } (i) (a) infi=l (b) int i=0 (c) int i=2 (d) Int i=I [l] Answer: (ii) (a) i<=n (b) i<n (c) i>n (d) i>=n [1] Answer: (iii) (a) n%i=0 (b) n%i=l (c) n%2=0 (d) n/2=0 [ l] . Answer: (iv) (a) s<n (b) s>n (c) s=n (d) s=n [1] Answer: Question 10. Read the following case study and answer the questions given below by choosing the correct option: Java compilation is different from the compilation of other high-level languages. Other high~level languages use interpreter or compiler but in Java , the source code is first compiled to produce an intermediate code called the byte code, this byte code is pl~tforrn independent and is a highly optimized set of instructions designed to be executed by Java T22 861 Sl ' 13 Tum Over II in the run time system, called JVM (Java Virtual Machine), JVM is a Java interpreter loaded in the computer memory as soon as Java is loaded. NM is different for different platforms. (i) (a) Java Visual Machine (b) Joint Vision Mechanism (c) Java Virtual Machine (d) Java virtual mechanism Answer: (ii) [l] Full form of NM is: ------- JAVA code is: [I] (a) Cotnpiled and interpreted .(b) Only compiled (c) Only Interpreted (d) Translated Answer: (iii) ------- JAVA source code is compiled to produce: (a) Object code (b) Byte code (c) Final code (d) Machine code Answer: ------- (iv) ,NM is an/ a _ _ _ __ (a) Interpreter (b) Compiler (c) Intermediate code {d) High level language Answer: T22 861 SI ------- 14 [l]

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