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ICSE Class 8 Prelims 2024 : Chemistry (Bombay Scottish School, Powai, Mumbai)

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Sottish Shool, Powai ASSESSMENT (2023-2024) Grade: 8 Date: 13.09.2023 Bombap FIRST TERM CHEMISTRY MM: 80 No. of Qs: 5 Time: 2 hours General Instructions: Answers to the given No. of Pgs.: 6 must be written on the papel provided separately. You will allowed to write duringquestions not be the first 15 minutes, on is to be spent the This time of reading the paper. The time given at the head of this to write the:answers. question allowed time the is paper questions from Section Aand Section B Attempt all The intended marks for questions or parts of auestions are given in braCKets | | Questionl. all questions from this section) (Attempt SECTIONA a) Choose the correct answer from the options A, B, C, D i) Which of these will have similar chemical properties but a different set of properties and mass number? A) Isobars B) Elements D) none of these A Potassium atom becomes a Potassium ion when it. A) gains one electron C) loses one electron B) loses one proton D) loses nine electron i) The subatomic particles of an atom include all of the following EXCEPT A)protons C) elements iv) Aluminium oxide is a/an A) acidic B) amphoteric V) vi) D) electrons oxide. C) basic D) neutral Washing soda is the common name for C) Sodium bicarbonate A) Calcium carbonate D) Sodium carbonate B) Calcium bicarbonate How many protons does an Aluminum atom have, if it has atomicnumber of 13 and mass number 27? A) 27 B) 13 vii) physical C) Isotopes ii) B) neutons [10] C) 40 D) 14 An element that does not form anegative ion is : C) Sulphur A)Potassium B) Nitrogen D) Oxygen 1 forthe reaction between Aluminium and equatlon ) Which is the comewt balancedl hythnchlorie avid? ()2Al+3HCCI ALClh, +31| A) A 3HC)AlCh +31 D) Al +ollC] AbClh +3H B) 2A1+oCl 2AlCh +312 The maximum number the varlous.shells of clectrons, shows i) he illowingdiagram In the Mshell is: ofcleons whichcan be necommodated N Shell M Shell L Shell K Shell Positvely charged Nucleus M N A) 2 B) 18 C)9 D) 32 Inwhich of the following types of glass willyou pour IHCIsuch that you can use it later? A. Silver glass C) Iron glass D) None of the above. B. Copper glass b) Fill in the blanks, with suitable words from the options given in the bracket. i. Ammonium salts when heated with an allkali liberate Ammonia, Sulphur dioxide] i. Metallic radicals can be detected easily by adding (5] gas. [ Nitrogen, solution. [ Sodium Oxide, Sodium Hydroxide] ii, Sodium lodide reacts with Chlorine to liberute gas. [ Chlorine/ lodine/Sodium] IV. Aninsoluble salt can be prepared using the Neutralization] method. [Precipitation/ Colourless Nitric oxide combines with colourless Oxygen at room temperature to form fumes of Nitrogen dioxide. [reddish brown, brown] 2 c) Wite the chemi c al Sodium bicarfboonatrmuleag of the Manganese dioxidee CalPotacssiiumumphosphat permanganate Cuprous bromide i) ) iv) v) d) following: Match the columns: Column A ) Mass of an atom is the of number number protons and Column B a) electron ) The sub-atomic negligible mass. particle with a b) Argon iii) An atom having a electronicconfigurationstable c) Nitrogen iv) A molecule fomed by the sharing of electrons d) Sodium v)A metallic atom having e [covalency] unstable electronic configuration neutron Complete the given table: Name of the radical Represent the radical using appropriate sign i) Ammonium Q ) Nitrite i ) Ferrous iv) Fluoride ) Sulphate a) b) c) d) e) Naethe followinp ionie compounds uslng Linai humerals wherever necessary. | ] 1) iv) V) My N) (omplete the followiny table: Precipitate Colour ) Calci) Hydoxide ) Zine lydroxide 4) b) |i) Copper lydrozide C) iv) Ierrous Ilydroxide v) erric Hydrozide d) C) SECTION-B (Attempt all questions from this section) Question 2. a) Give rcasons: ii) Leadcan displace Silver from a solution of Silver nitrate. Ammonium chloride on heating doeS not form any new products. Iron spoon dissolves in Copper sulphate solution. On heating sugar strongly,a black residue is left behind. Cutting of a picceof Sodium metal is classified as aphysical change. b) Define the following: i) ii) Synthesis rcaction Decomposition reaction Double decomposition reaction i) Is the cquation given belowbalanced? If not, then what would you change to make it halanced! X, +4Y - 4XY i) ldentify the type of reaction given below: 4 Questlon3, ..YM I the 4) the questlonssymbolle that follow; representation Caleulate the of an atom ofan clement, Study t canelly ad aSNA of electrons and neutrons present in th s atm downthenumber of this atom. electofronithisc atom. Drawthe structure eoni g urat i o n What type of bond will this atom form with tself? What wil be the compound formed between ron (11) and this atom? molecular formula of the Write II) ili) Iv) v) Define radical, Give an example of b) radicals given below by giving their forula. (31 (Specify with positive or negative charge) i) divalent ii) trivalent ATheatomic number and the mass number of phosphorus is 15 and 31 respectively. (2] i) What information is conveyed by this statement? ii) Draw the atomic structure of phosphorus,. Question 4. ldentify the reactions given below as synthes s react on, displacement react on, a) decomposition reaction or double decomposit on react on. (i) Fe+CuSO4FeSO,+Cu (ii) P20s + H20 - 2H3PO4 (iii) CaCO3 CaO +CO2 (iv) NaOH + HCI NaCl+ H,0 b) (i) Define Precipitation reaction. of sulphate ion (S04) and (i1) Name the chemicals that can be used to detect the presence chloride ion (C) present in a compound. (Do not write the reaction) BI Complete and balance the following equations: c) (i) Cu (OH)2 + CuCIL + + HCI PbCl2 J+ (ii) AIC,+ (iii)AlO + Question5. a) b) (2] and the activity series of metals chart solubility the knowing State one advantage of for the following word equations: Write balanced molecular equations oxide (() Nitrogen + Oxygen Nitric Carbon dioxide +Water (i1) Ammonium carbonate Ammon a + Hydrogen (iii) Zinc + Steam Zinc oxide + Hydroxide +Hydrogen (iv) Sodium + Water Sodium 5 c) Balance the following equations: [4] (i) KCIO3 KCI + 02 (1ii) CO2 + + O2 H20CoH1206 (i1i) Pb (NO3)2 + HCI-PbClz +HNO3 (iv) Al + N2 AIN 6

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