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COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (Theory) (Two Hours) Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. This paper is divided into two Sections. Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or part of questions are given in brackets[]. SECTION A (40 Marks) Attempt all questions Question 1. a) What is compound statement? Give example. [2] b) Differentiate between methods and constructors. [2] c) Write the prototype of the function named count which takes a sentence and a character and returns the frequency of the characters in the sentence. [2] d) i) Name the keyword that makes the variable constant in a program. ii) Name the keyword that returns to function call [2] e) Write the java expression for c= (a2+5b5)/(7a3) [2] Question 2. a) Give the output of the following segment double x=7.3, y=8.1, z=-2.4; 1 ICSE (Grade : X) | COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (Theory) | Pre Board Exam-1 [2]