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ICSE Class IX Board Exam 2024 : English Paper 1 (English Language)

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Taronish Mullan
Villa Theresa High School (VTS), Mumbai
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11illa VJ;beres11 J;i gb s,cbool Std. IX Da te: 27 .2. 20 24 Time: 2 hrs. Marks: 80 20 24 Final Examination - Fe bru ary Subject - ENGLISH LANGUAGE Question 1 [20] the following: Wr ite a cor npos itio n (300 wo rds ) on any one of I th'rrteen, my s1'bl'mg brok e : "When he wa s nea r y c. low mg hne th 'th be 101 e naJ story gm run g WI 0 ~ (i) Wr ite an orim his ann ... " ge a book by its cov er'. truth of the proverb 'Do n't jud the out (ii) gs brin ich wh nt ide Na rra te an inc the traditional ortant life lessons compared to (iii ) 'The sports fie ld provides a better setting for learning imp classroom. ' or against this statement. Ex pre ss you r vie ws eith er for deal for you, the pro ces s new. Describe why it was a big ing eth som d rne lea you en wh (iv ) Wr ite abo ut a tim e ceeded. erienced when you finally suc of lea rni ng and the joy you exp ts to you. Your an account of what it sugges or tion crip des a or ry sto a . Write tions fro m it; however, there (v} Stu dy the pic tur e bel ow picture or you may take sugges the of t jec sub the ut abo be y com pos itio n ma position. we en the picture and your com mu st be a cle ar con nec tion bet r .. ~ .l. , - __..,~-~~ -:- --~ :.::,-.-.~ --:.lfll!. ' . . l>f . .. , t::, . . .'-r," ,:;_-. . .__ . . '' ~ C ., ..,_ _,__ . - ~~; ~~:=ei1f/ Niit_ ~-- ' .. ' . : . -. . [JO] Question 2 . with the elderly residents . ow ing : day a f hal nt spe you ere wh S lec t any one of the foll e age hom wa y you hav e las s wa s tak en to vis it an old _e y saw, how you felt and in wh at you at wh her ing tell end _fri (i) ;;: :/a lett er to yo ~ cha nge d sin ce the V1s1t. reasing num ber of g you r concerns abo ut the inc sin res exp r one issi mm Co l ipa edy .. W . a lett er to the Mu nic share you r ide as on how to rem the causes for this illness and lain Exp . gue den h wit k sic g nteleg ettin (n} peo p thi s pre ssin g issue. . g student s . .Ihn . n. D raft a mV B ook exhib'1tio 3 cum t Fes Question . th ol is org ani sin g a Literary . . . ho pate m e event. 1c1 part to s uon sec / a) Yo ur scthe ary ond Pri ma ry and Sec ting him to be the Gu est of gat, a ren ow ned aut hor, req ues Bha n eta Ch . Mr to ail em fr~lll b an n Bo ok Exh1 1t1on. l b) Wn te cw t Fes ry era Lit this at r Ho nou Cootd ....2 [SJ (SJ Pagel of 4 ~ ~ Ji} ~ ~ 'a iii m lat ~ ~ til ~ ~ ~ a &I I I i i I i 1 j -~ -2- Question 4 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: 1 is no way to strictly limit the effects 'I . )Th 1 /~ 8 S , 'f '1 J (1n1 all h I eliminate the . ere I.,!. e effects of plastic bags on the environment are qwte devastatmg. of plastic bags on the environment because there is no disposal method th at WIii re Y e p problem. are not durable enough to f th . While reusmg them is the first step most people don't do it, because mo st O d E'th em 1 clfills or are bume 1 er d ' dfil) . an m up en either and discarded are they used, being After use. multiple SUTVIve s Jan while tmosphere h h th . 1 so utron ts very poor for the environment. Burning emits toxic gases at ann t e a hold them indefinitely as part of the plastic waste problem throughout the globe. One of the greatest problems is that an estimated 300 million/.lastic bags end up in the Atlantic Ocean alone. ammal can h ti ) i f'. 1 1, 21 :i J,J :l4 l'f 18 ,, " tr '" 11. b 13 rTh ~ ese ags are very dangerous for sea lite, especially those o the mantmal vanety. Any un ng m 2, e8fi1Y mistake the size, shape Jland textureJ] of J',the plastic bag for a meal and find its airway cut off.(Needless Jo -?/ l~. deaTths frt8 om plastic bags ate mcreasing every year) J8 17 J1 3' Jf' The enviro.nrnental balance of the waterways is being thrown off by the rate of'-lastic bags finding their way ~ ',,f 1,5 . l,f l,~ ',J l,i. . ',O <,1 mto tlie mouths ana intestinal tracts or sea mammals)As one species begins to die off at an abnormal rate, every other living organism in the waterways is impacted. While it's a noble thought to place plastic bags in the recycling bin every week, studies have proven that there are very few recycling plants that actually recycle them. Most municipalities either bum them or send them off to the landfill after sorting. This is because it can be expensive to recycle this type of plastic. It doesn't melt down easily and is often not fit to be reused in its original form. The premise of recycling these bags is nice. Yet funding for the upgrading of the recycling units just has not happened and thus less than one per cent of all bags are sent to recycling plants worldwide. Most are left to become a pollution problem in one way or another. There are always alternatives to plastic bags and the search for more alternatives continues. Paper bags are a possible option but they also take their toll on the environment. The use of trees to increase the production of paper products will also have a negative environmental effect. Of course, the reusable cloth bag is fast becoming a favourite among environment supporters. (i) For each word given below choose the correct meaning (as used in the passage) from the options provided: 1. devastating (a) overwhelming (b) destructive (c) shatter (d) shocking [2] 2. eliminate (a) reject (b) reduce (c) abolish (d) eradicate (ii) Which word in the passage means the opposite of the word 'harmless'? [I] (a) durable (b) emits (c) toxic (d) premise (iii) Answer the foJlowing questions briefly in your own words. (a) Why is it challenging to limit the environmental effects of plastic bags? (b) How are the current disposal solutions detrimental to the environment? (c) What are the effects of plastic waste disposal on marine life? (d) How is the environmental balance in oceans impacted by plastic pollution? (e) Which alternative solution to plastic bags is not sustainable? Why? Contd .... 3 [I ] [2] [2] [2] [2] I I I , t I tI -3(iv) In not more than SO words . mention why plastic has becomes a pollution problem. [8] Question 5 (i) A) Fill 10 . each of the number ed blanks with the correct fonn of the word given in brackets iate othnotbcolPY the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropr t o e ank space. Exampl e: D [4] (wait) in my seat .. . (0) When the concert was over I Answer : waited e _ _ _(I) (leave) and the When tbe concert was over I _ _ __ (0) (wait) in my seat until the audienc Then I _ _ _ _ (3) (lean) over membe rs of the orchest ra were busy _ _ _ _ (2) (pack) their instruments. her eyes. When she gave a politely the railing and called out her name. She looked up, _ _ _ _ (4) (narrow) to my surprise, she recognised me, puzzled smile, I knew immediately that she _ _ _ _ (5) (see) me. Then, and her face _ _ _ _ (6) (light) up and she waved. you outside. _ _ _ _ _ (7) (point) to the exit she mouthed the words: I _ _ _ (8) (see) (ii) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (a) He congratulated me _ _my achievements. (h) ( c) ( d) ( e) The poor man is afflicted _ _arthritis. She is not aware _ _the danger the structure poses. In the absence of light, it is difficult to tell black ___ white. The Principal will preside _ _ _ _ _ the PTA meeting. (g) Chitra stand s_ every word she says. A ray of sunlight shone _ _ _ the dark clouds. (h) The soldier displayed tremendous courage __ the face of danger. (t) [4] and, but or so. (iii) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using Choose the correct option. I. I attended a wedding ceremony. It took place in a synagogue. (a) I attended a wedding ceremony this took place in a synagogue. (b) I attended the wedding ceremony that had taken place in the synagogue. (c) I attended the wedding ceremony that took place in a synagogue. (d) I attended a wedding ceremony as it took place in a synagogue. [4] 2. She is ill-behaved. People ignore her. (a) People ignore her ill behaviour. (b) People ignore her as she ill-behaved. (c) People ignore her for she is ill-behaved. (d) People ignore her ill - behaving. 3. Her eyes were closed. She heard everything we discussed. (a) Hearing everything we discussed, she just closed her eyes. (b) Though her eyes were closed, she heard everything we discussed. (c) Her eyes were closed and she just heard everything we discussed. (d) Her eyes were closed so she heard everything we discussed. 4. Put your tools away. People may fall over them. (a) Put away your tools lest people may fall over them. (b) People may fall over the tools, lest you put them away. (c) Put your tools away lest people should fall over them. (d) Lest you put away your tools, people may fall over them Contd . ... 4 -...... (iv) Choose the correct option to rewrite the following according to the instructions given after each sentence. [8] 1. We did not have a good time at the picnic because it was too hot. (Begin with: If....) (a) (b) (c) (d) If it had been so hot we would have had a good time at the picnic. If it had not been so hot we would have had a good time at the picnic. If it had not been so hot we would not have had a good time at the picnic. If it had not been so hot we could have had a good time at the picnic. 2. Samson is not the cleverest boy in class. (a) Some boys in class are more cleverer than Samson. (b) Some boys in class are not as clever as Samson. (c) Some boys in class are not cleverer than Samson. (d) Some boys in class are cleverer than Samson. 3. Although she was too young, they appointed her. (Begin with: In spite...) (a) In spite of her not being young, they appointed her. (b) In spite of she being too young, they appointed her. (c) In spite of her being too young, they appointed her. (d) In spite ofbeing too young, they appointed her. 4. Of what use is this book to you? (End with..... you?) (a) Is this book not of any use to you? (b) Is this book of any use to you? (c) Is this book ofno use to you? (d) Will this book be of any use to you? 5. The idea of venturing out by herself fills her with fear. (Use.... scary.) (a) The idea of venturing out by herself is scary. (b) If she ventures out by herself the idea is scary. (c) The idea of her venturing out by herself is scary. (d) The fearful idea of venturing by herself is scary. 6. Try harder and you will succeed. (a) Unless you try harder you may not succeed. (b) Unless you will not try harder you will not succeed. (c) Unless you don't try harder you will succeed. (d) Unless you try harder you will not succeed. 7. Salomi was unable to return to school until the following year. (Begin: Not until) (a) Not until the following year Salomi is able to return to school. (b) Not until the following year was Salomi able to return to school. (c) Not until the following year Salomi was able not to return to school. (d) Not until the following year Salomi is not able to return to school. 8. The fans rushed to the stage the moment the concert ended. (Begin with: No sooner) (a) No sooner has the concert ended than the fans rushed to the stage. (b) No sooner did the concert ended than the fans rushed to the stage. (c) No sooner had the concert ended than the fans rushed to the stage. (d) No sooner had the concert ended then the fans rushed to the stage. ******************* P:,op .1 n f .1

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