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ICSE Class IX Board Exam 2024 : English Paper 2 (English Literature)

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Taronish Mullan
Villa Theresa High School (VTS), Mumbai
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Std: IX Date: 26/2/2024 l.1illa l:bereia 1'igb iPcbool Final Examination - February 2024 Subject-LITERATURE IN ENGLISH Time: 2 Hours Marks: 80 'fhe paper has four Sections. Section A is compulsory -All questions in Section A must be answered You must attempt one compulsory question from Section B. C and D and any one other question. The intended marks for questions or parts ofquestions are given in brackets {}. SECTION A (Attempt all questions from this Section.) Question 1 Read the following questions and choose the most appropriate response from the choices given below (Please do not copy the question - simply write out in correct serial order the appropriate word or phrase.) [16] 1. Why is Brutus awake in his orchard? a. Because of the stormy weather. b. Because of his inner turmoil. c. He is suffering from insomnia. d. Because of his fear of being a co-conspirator against Caesar. 2. Brutus justifies his act of joining the conspirators to assassinate Caesar by defining it as a. moral and necessary. b. spiritual and purifying c. worldly wise and needful d.cleansing and moralizing 3. "and let us swear our resolution." Who says these words? a. Brutus b. Cassius. c. Casca. d. Cinna 4. Which of the following is not true about Portia? a. She is Brutus' wife. b. She is Catos daughter. c. She too is stoic,like her husband. d. She is frivolous. 5. Calphurnia tried to convince Caesar to stay home by a.getting angry with him. b.begging him on bended knees. c.crying loudly. d.barring his way. 6. "your wisdom is consumed in confidence".Whose wisdom is referred to? a Calphurnia b. Brutus c.Caesar d.Cassius 7. Artemidorus wants Caesar not to trust a. Lucius b. Cassius. c. Trebonius d. Metellus Cimber 8. Who came and sat on the log when the boys were about to push it? a. Bishamber b. Makhan c. Phatik d. The owner of the log 9. Phatik's mother had lost her husband while her brother was a. studying in London. b. doing business in Bombay. c. working in Calcutta. d. earning in a foreign country. 10. Who ran out of the barber's shop with one side of his neck still unshaven? a. Deep Chand b. Kamal Kishore c.Seth Govind Ram d. an elderly gentleman. I 1. The general tone of the story "The Boy who Broke the Bank" is a. sentimental b. didactic c. humourous d. tragic Co"\.d. - 2 -2- 12. Which of the following lines contain the same literary device as the one in Thomas Hood's poem 'My spirit flew in feathers then .... a. Ten thousand I saw at a glance, tossing their heads in a sprightly dance. b. We passed the Setting Sun-or rather he passed us. c. Or deeper a day or dance or doom bestride ... d. In holy anger and pious grief, he solemnly cured that rascally thief. 13. Choose the option that lists the sequence of events in the correct order. Who would have thought that the bank would have col1apsed? 11.1. 'Shocking!' remarked Mrs Bhushan 'if they can't keep the sweeper they must be in a bad way'. The new spread through the whole bazar in the rapidity of a forest fire. 111. 1v. \ ls that so? Said Mrs Srivastava. 'Well tell him to come and see me tomorrow.' a. i, ii, iii, iv b. iv,ii,iii,i C. ii,iii,i,iv d. ii,i,iii,iv .! = 14. Which of the following statements is not true about Skimbleshanks in T.S. Eliot's poem. a. He gave one flash of his glass green eyes. b. One can play pranks on Skimbleshanks. c. Skimble is in charge of the Sleeping Car Express. d. Every now and then he has a cup of tea. 15. The fir trees in the poem, I Remember, I Remember are described as a. b. c. d. V Green and lush Dark and high Slender and green Short and dark 16. What tree did the poet's brother plant on his birthday in the poem "I Remember, I Remember?' a. Larch b. Lilacs c. Laburnum d. Tamarind SECTIONB DRAMA- JULIUS CAESAR You must attempt one question from Section B. /fJuestion 2 Read the extract and answer the questions that follow. Brutus: O name him not: let us not break with him; For he will never follow anything, That other men begin. Cassius: Then leave him out. Casca: Indeed he is not fit. Decius: Shall no man else be touch 'd but only Caesar? a. Who is 'him'? What was he to be left out of? What reason had just been given in his favour? (3) b. What does Brutus mean by 'let us not break with him'? What reason does he give here for this statement.? (4) c. What does 'touch'd' here mean? Who else, does Cassius now suggest, should be touch'd? What reason does he give? (4) d. Brutus goes against Cassius. What reasons does he give? How does he want to kill Caesar? (5) Question 3 Read the extract and answer the questions that follow. CAESAR: Cowards die many times before their deaths: a. What are Caesar's views about death? Explain [16] (3) b. What was the outcome of the sacrifice made by the priest? How does Caesar interpret this? (3) c. What does Caesar say about danger and himself being littered on thei same day? I (3) Contd- 3 2 d . ~- ~ :does Caip~ a take the responsibility on herself for Caesar not g g to the Capitol? How does she portray her submissiveness? e. Wbo enters soon after? How does the person use flattery to change .d the nun of Caesar? What hi is s interpretation of Calpumia's dream? A (3) (4) SECTIONC PROSE-SHORT STORIES (freasure Chest -A Collection of I.C.S.E. Poems and Short Ston es) Question 4 (16) Read the extract and answer the questions that follow. you are 1" cried Mrs Bhushan. "/'ve been Iook'mgfor you for almost an hour Where did you "So, . there .?' disappear ' j a. Where did Mrs.Bhushan find her husband? What was he doing? What reason does Mr. Bhushan give for not finding her? (3) her? b. What did Mrs.Bhushan disclose to her husband? Who reacted on hearing the news from What did he do? (4) was e. Who is Ganpat? What did he do for a living? How did he react on learning that the bank about to collapse? f. Who is the owner of the bank? Enumerate the speculations and rumours about him? (4) (5) Question 5 [16) Read the extract and answer the questions that follow. was. Phatik looked It was at this critical juncture that the grey-haired stranger arrived. He asked what the matter . ashamed sheepish and a How did Phatik's mother react on seeing the stranger? Who is he? Why is he here? fear? b. What did Phatik's mother tell the stranger about her two children? What was her daily c. How did Phatik behave when all was settled that he would be going to Calcutta? d. How did Phatik's aunt react on seeing him? Give reasons. (4) (4) (4) (4) SECTIOND POETRY (Treasure Chest -A Collection of I.C.S.E. Poems and Short Stories) --/2ues tion6 Read the extract and answer the questions that follow. door. Oh. it 's very pleasant when you have found your little den. With your name written on the rs? a. Why the cabin is called 'your little den'? What kind of security does it offer the passenge extract. b. Describe the little den mentioned in the c. How do the guards behave with the passengers? What query do they have? What helps Skimbleshank keep alert during the night? was d. While passengers were fast asleep on the train, which stations did the train pass and what rs. passenge the of flow smooth Shikmbkeshanks upto, to ensure the [16] (4) (4) (4) (4) Question 7 (16) Read the extract and answer the questions that follow. . wife. my to ic~n. panic-~tr out, My blood gushed out. The artery in my neck? Scared for my life, call~d . explosion the after him Descnbe cken? paruc-stri narrator a What made the blood gush out? Why was the b. What does he call out? What was her condition? c. Describe the appearance, physical and psychological suffering of . . the people whom the narrator saw. with. connect you which poem the from instances two d. Mention What message does the poem give you? (4) (4) (4) (4) 3

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