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ICSE Class IX Board Exam 2024 : Economics

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Taronish Mullan
Villa Theresa High School (VTS), Mumbai
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I VILLA THERESA HIGH SCHOOL Std.. r.K 20/2/2024 Final Examination - February 2024 Time: 2 Hrs Sub ect: ECONOMICS Marks: 80 Section -A (Attempt all Questions from this Section) QI: Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options: [16) 1. Rohan has stored his stock of goods in the warehouse, so that he can sell this stock later during Diwali. This is an example of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ utility. (a) Fonn (b) Service (c) Public (d) Time 2. ______ __is produced means of production. (a) Land (b) Labour (c) Capital (d) Entrepreneur 3. _ _ _ _ _ are Production units in the Economy. (a) Firms (b) Households (c) Government (d) Society 4. The below image is an example of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (a) Basic Good (b) Private Good (c) Economic Good (d) Public Good 5. Mr. Ajay is the owner of the firm ADC Ltd and looks after the sales and marketing of products in his firm. Activities performed by Mr. Ajay are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ activities. (a) Professional (b) Business (c) Personal (d) Non Economic 6. ------ Goods are scarce in value. (a) Economic (b) Intermediate (c) Free (d) Public _ _ _ _ _ _ _ scheme was introduced to enable large number of Indian Youth to take up industry 7 relevant skill training. (a) Integrated Rural Development Programme (b) Jawahar Rozgar Yojana . . (c) Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vtkas YoJana . . (d) National Heritage City Development and Augmentation YOJana Contd on page 2 STD9B Page2 Economics - Final Examination-Feb 2024 8. Mr. Roy preferred car pooling to his office, this stresses upon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (a) Sustainable consumption (b) Utility (c) Production (d) Development 9. Adoption of _ _ _ _ _ technology may result in unemployment problem. (a) Primitive (b) Labour intensive (c) Capital intensive (d) Assistive 10. _ _ _ allows the investors to invest a portion of their portfolio into various asset classes. (a) Liberalisation (b) Privatisation (c) Globalisation (d) Standardisation 11. Production of cotton, sugarcane is an activity related to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sector. (a) Tertiary (b) Service (c) Secondary (d) Primary 12. _ _ _ unemployment arises <lue to high growth rate of population and slow growth rate of GDP. (a) Structural (b) Seasonal (c) Educated (d) Disguised 13. _ _ _ _ _ _ _service provides long term capital to Industries. (a) Insurance (b) Communication (c) Health (d) Transport 14. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a not a factor of production. (a) Land (b) Service (c) Capital (d) Labour 15. _ _ _ _ was initiated on 2nd October 1980 with an objective to promote self-employment among poor households by providing them income earning assets. (a) Integrated Rural Development Programme (b) Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (c) Jawahar Rozgar Yojana . . (d) National Heritage City Development and Augmentat10n YoJana 16 - - - - - - - waste material gets decomposed in nature through a natural process. (a) Biodegradable (b) Hazardous (c) Plastic (d) Non-biodegradable Question 2 (i) What are Producer Goods? [2] (ii) What are Professional Activities? [2] (iii) State any two features of tertiary sector. [2] (iv) State any two features of a cottage industry. [2) Contd on Page 3 i I STD 9B Economics - Final Examination-Feb 2024 Page 3 Question 3 (i) What do you mean by Absolute Poverty? [2] (ii) With the help of an example explain the term 'Value in Use'. [2] (iii) Define Technological Unemployment. [2] (iv) What is Poverty Line? [2] Question 4 (i) State any two features of a Skill India Programme. [2] (ii) What is Deforesation? [2] (iii) What are the essential elements of Globalisation? [2] (iv) What is Food Security? [2] Section -B (Attempt any four questions) Question 5 (i) How do~s Industrialisation compliment agricultural development in the economy? [5] (ii) Explain any five causes of Poverty in India. [5] Question 6 (i) Explain the role of healthcare sector in the economic development of the country. [5] (ii) What is LPG Policy? Explain the main pillars of LPG Model. [5] Question 7 (i) Explain the importance of the banking sector in the Indian economy. [5] (ii) Explain the role of FCI in Food Management. [5] Question 8 (i) State any five differences between Macroeconomics and Microeconomics. [5] (ii) Explain the five stages in the process of Waste Management. [5] Question 9 (i) Explain the importance of storage and warehousing service in India. [5] (ii) What are the positive impacts of Liberalisation on the economy? [5] ---Question 10 (i) Mr. Raj at own 20 acres of agricultural land in Palampur village, due to insufficient monsoon, lack of irrigation facilities he was not able to cultivate crops which resulted in Unemployment. a) Identify the type of Unemployment b) Mention any four causes of Unemployment in India. (ii) What is Green Revolution? Explain its positive effects on the Economy. [5] [5]

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