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ICSE Notes 2017 : History and Civics: THE UN (Pawar Public School (PPS), Hadapsar, Pune)

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Swayam Thakkar
Pawar Public School (PPS), Hadapsar, Pune
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The United Nations About United Nations: Date of formation 24th October 1945. The Big Three Roosevelt (President of USA). Churchill (Prime-Minister of Britain). Stalin (Premier of USSR). Reasons for its Establishment: Disastrous World Wars Failure of the League of Nations Fear of the Third World War Division of world into two power blocs Destructive weapons Aims of the UN: To maintain international peace and security. To maintain friendly relations with other nations To be a centre for harmonising the actions of the nations To disarm, decolonise and develop To maintain international cooperation Principles of the UN: To respect the sovereign equality of all nations To follow a policy of non-intervention in the domestic matters of the nations To take the assistance of the UN in any actions of the nations To refrain from the use of force against any nation Compositions:(i) The General Assembly 5 representatives from each nation but only one vote per nation. At the start of every session, it elects a new President (which rotates among the 5 member countries), 21 Vice-Presidents and Chairmen for assembly s six main committees. Decision on important matters are made by 2/3rd majority and on ordinary matters by simple majority. (ii) The Security Council Total of 15 members 5 permanent(America, Britain, China, France, Russia)ABCFR The ten non-permanent members are elected by 2/3 rd majority of the General Assembly for a term of TWO YEARS. Each permanent member has a veto which if used the council is powerless to act. (iii) International Court of Justice 15 Judges elected for a nine year term. Elected by the General Assembly and the Security Council. There cannot be more that one Judge from a nation. Elections are held every three years for the one-third seats and the retiring judges may be re-elected. The Court elects a President and a Vice-President for a three year term. It also appoints a Registrar. Powers and Functions:- (i) The General Assembly To consider and make recommendations on principles of cooperation. To discuss any question regarding to the international peace and security and make recommendations on it. To discuss and make recommendations on any question within the scope of the Charter of the UN. To make recommendations for the peaceful settlement of disputes. To initiate studies for international political, social and economic cooperation. To appoint the Secretary General with the recommendation of the Security Council. To decide the contributions of the nations with the recommendation of the committee on contribution. To elect the judges of the International Court of Justice with the Security Council. To elect the non-permanent members of the Security Council, the Trusteeship Council and Social and Economic Council. (ii) The Security Council To maintain international peace and security. To investigate disputes and take military action against an aggressor. To recommend methods of settling such disputes. To formulate plans for the regulation of armaments. To apply economic sanctions on a nation to stop aggression. To recommend the General Assembly on the appointment of the Secretary General. To recommend the admission of a new nation. (iii) The International Court of Justice The Court decides case in accordance with the international treaties. The Court has compulsory jurisdiction in case with need the interpretation of international law. The Court also has compulsory jurisdiction in cases where reparations have to be made for the breach of an international obligation. The Court is contempt to entertain the dispute if the States concerned agree to take the issue to it. The Court may recommend appropriate methods for the settlements of disputes during or at the end of the case. (iv) The Economic and Social Council Responsible for promoting higher standards of living, full employment and economic and social progress. (v) The Secretary General To coordinate and supervise the actions of the UN organs. CURRENT SECRETARY GENERAL BAAN-KI-MOON. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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