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ICSE Notes 2016 : Physics (Vidya International School (VIS), Yeola)

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Question Bank Machines 1. (a) What is a simple machine? (b) State three functions of a machine. or What is the purpose of a machine? Ans.(a) Machine : It is a device, by which we can overcome resistance, or gain speed by applying comparatively small force, at a convenient point, and in a desired direction. (b) (i) A machine multiplies effort, i.e., it lifts more load for small effort. (ii) A machine multiplies speed, i.e., effort acts through smaller distance and load moves through larger distance. (iii) A machine changes the direction of the applied effort. 2. (a) Name six simple machines. (b) Give one practical example of each machine named in (a). Ans. (a) (i) Lever, (ii) Pulley, (iii) Wheel and axle, (iv) Inclined plane, (v) Wedge, (vi) Screw (b) (i) Lever : The handle of a waterpump helps in multiplying effort. (ii) Pulley : A single movable pulley is used for changing the direction of the effort. Class-X 1 Questions Bank (iii) Wheel and axle : A screwdriver is the example. (iv) Inclined plane : A staircase is an example. (v) Wedge : A knife is an example. (vi) Screw : A jackscrew is an example. 3. What do you understand by the term ideal machine? Ans. A machine whose parts are weightless and frictionless is called an ideal machine. 4. Explain the term mechanical advantage and state its unit. Ans.The ratio between the useful load (resistance over come) moved by a machine to the effort applied on it is called mechanical advantage. It is a pure number and has no unit. 5. Define the term velocity ratio and state its unit. Ans. It is the ratio of velocity at which effort is applied to the velocity at which the load moves. It is a pure number and has no unit. 6. Define the term ideal mechanical advantage and state its unit? Ans. The ratio between the total load (useful load + load of moving parts of machine) moved by a machine to the effort applied on it is called ideal mechanical advantage. It is a pure number and has no unit. 7. Define the term efficiency of a machine and state its unit? Ans. The ratio between the mechanical advantage and velocity ratio is called its efficiency. It is a pure number and has no units. Class-X 2 Questions Bank 8. Prove that efficiency of a machine is the ratio between actual mechanical advantage and velocity ratio. Or State the relationship between mechanical advantage velocity ratio and efficiency. Ans. Let l be the useful load, which moves through a distance d , when an effort E acts through a distance D . Input = E D; Output = l d Now, Efficiency of machine ( ) = = ( ) = Output Input l d l D M.A = = E D E d V.R M.A V.R 9. Give two reasons, why a machine cannot be 100% efficient. Ans. (i) A part of the effort is wasted in overcoming friction. (ii) A part of the effort is wasted in moving the movable parts of the machine. Thus, a machine cannot be 100% efficient. 10. What is a lever? Ans. A lever is a straight or bent rigid bar capable of turning around a fixed point called fulcrum. Class-X 3 Questions Bank 11. What is the principle of lever? Ans.When a lever is in equilibrium, the clockwise movements of the load about the fulcrum is equal to the anticlockwise moment of the effort about the fulcrum, provided the lever is weightless and offers no friction. 12. Name and define three classes of levers and give two examples for each kind. Ans. (i) Lever of 1st order. A lever in which the fulcrum acts in the middle, the load on one side and the effort on the other side is called lever of the 1st order. Scissors and crow-bar are the examples of lever of 1st order. (ii) Lever of 2nd order A lever in which the load acts in the middle, the effort on one side and fulcurm on the other side is called lever of 2nd order. A nut cracker and a wheel barrow are the examples of lever of 2nd order. (iii) Lever of 3rd order A lever in which effort acts in the middle, the load on one side and fulcrum on the other side is called lever of 3rd order. A fire tong and fishing rod are examples of lever of 3rd order. 13. How will you determine the order (kind) of a lever? Ans. Locate, which amongst the effort, the fulcrum or the load is in the middle. If the fulcrum is in the middle, the lever is of the first order. If the load is in the middle, the lever is of the second order. If the effort is in the middle, the lever is of the third order. Class-X 4 Questions Bank 14. (a) Why the lever of the second order has mechanical advantage more than one? (b) Why the lever of the third order has mechanical advantage less than one? Give one example of this class of lever. Ans. The mechanical advantage of lever is given by the expression, effort arm load arm. (a) In case of lever of second order, the effort arm is always longer than the load arm and hence, its mechanical advantage is more than 1. (b) In case of lever of the third order, the effort arm is always smaller than the load arm and hence, its mechanical advantage is less than 1. For example, a fire tong is a lever of third order. 15. To which order do the following levers belong and why? (i) Railway signal, (ii) a man cutting bread with knife, (iii) a boy writing on a piece of paper, (iv) nut-cracker, (v) handle of water pump, (vi) see-saw, (vii) forceps, (viii) a man rowing a boat, (ix) lock and key, (x) opening of a soda water bottle, (xi) closing a door, (xii) motor car foot brake, (xiii) nail cutter, (xiv) a fishing rod, (xv) a lemon squeezer. Ans. Levers of Ist order (i) Railway signal (ii) Handle of water pump (iii) See-saw (iv) Motor car foot brake (v) Nail cutter Class-X 5 Questions Bank Levers of IInd order (i) Nut-cracker (ii) A man rowing a boat (iii) Lock and key (iv) Opening of soda-water bottle (v) A lemon squeezer. (vi) Closing a door Levers of IIIrd order (i) A man cutting bread with knife (ii) A boy writing on a piece of paper (iii) Forceps (iv) A fishing rod 16. Explain why the cutting edges of scissors are made longer as compared to the cutting edges of a metal cutter. Ans. Effort gets multiplied only, if effort arm is longer than load arm. In case of scissors, as effort need not be multiplied, therefore the effort arm is smaller than load arm. However, in case of a metal cutter, the resistance due to metal is very large. Thus, effort needs multiplication. It is achieved by making cutting edge (load arm) smaller than the effort arm. 17. (a) The diagram shows a wheelbarrow. In the diagram mark fulcrum. Also draw arrows to show the direction of load and effort. Class-X 6 Questions Bank (b) What class of lever is wheelbarrow? (c) Give one more example of same class of lever. Ans. (a) Shown in the diagram. (b) Lever of the second order. (c) Nut-cracker. 18. By stating clearly, the position of load (L); effort (E) and fulcrum (F), state the class of levers to which the following belong : (i) Pliers, (ii) Sugar tongs, (iii) Scissors, (iv) Nut-cracker. Ans. (i) Plier is a lever of the first order, as the fulcrum is in the middle, the load at one end and the effort at the other end. (ii) Sugar tongs is a lever of the third order, as the effort is in the middle, the load at one end and the fulcrum at other end. (iii) Scissors is a lever of the first order, as the fulcrum is in the middle, the load at one end and the effort at the other end. (iv) Nut cracker is a lever of the second order, as the load is in the middle, the fulcrum at one end and the effort at the other. Class-X 7 Questions Bank 19. Diagram shows a weightless lever in equilibrium. Neglect friction at the fulcrum F. (i) State the principle of moments as applied to above lever. (ii) Define mechanical advantage and calculate its value for given lever. (iii)Name the type of lever, which has mechanical advantage greater than one. Ans. (i) Principle of moments states that, when a lever is in equilibrium, then the effort multiplied by the effort arm is equal to the load multiplied by the load arm. (ii) The ratio between the useful load lifted to the effort applied is called mechanical advantage. In the diagram L BF = E AF L AF = E BF or M.A. = AF BF (iii) Lever of the second order has mechanical advantage greater than one. Class-X 8 Questions Bank 20. Give one example each of class I lever, where mechanical advantage is : (a) more than one, (b) less than one. What is the use of lever, if its mechanical advantage is less than 1. Ans. (a) The mechanical advantage of the handle of a hand pump is more than one. (b) The mechanical advantage of the scissors is less than one. If mechanical advantage is less than 1, the load moves through a large distance, when the effort acts through a small distance. 21. A pair of scissors and a pair of pliers both belong to the same class of levers. Name the class of lever. Which one has mechanical advantage less than one. Ans. Pair of scissors as well as pair of pliers belong to lever of first class. The pair of scissors have mechanical advantage less than 1. 22. Give an example of a class I lever, which has mechanical advantage equal to 1. Ans. In case of physical balance (class I lever), the mechanical advantage is 1. 23. Draw a diagram of lever which is always used as force multiplier. Ans. Lever of second order is always force multiplier. 24. What type of lever is formed by the human arm while raising a load from a table placed in front. Where is the position of falcrum. Ans. Human arm acts as a lever of 3rd class. The fulcrum is the elbow of the human arm. Class-X 9 Questions Bank 25. Class III levers have mechanical advantage less than one. Why are they used? Ans. The class III levers move the load through large distance when effort is applied through small distance. These levers are used as speed multipliers. 26. (a) Define pulley. By drawing diagram calculate : (1) Mechanical advantage, (2) Velocity ratio of single fixed pulley. (b) Why is single fixed pulley commonly used, in spite of the fact that its mechanical advantage is less than one? Ans. (a) Pulley is a flat circular disc, having a groove in its edge and is capable of turning around a fixed point, passing through its centre and commonly called axle. Let L be the load lifted by an effort E, such that T is the tension in the rope. L = T ......... (i) E = T .........(ii) Comparing (i) and (ii) L = E; L =1 E or M.A = 1 Let d be the distance through which effort acts, as well as load lifted. V.R = Distance through which effort moves Distance through which load moves = d d = 1. (b) It helps in changing the direction of effort applied. As it is far easier, to apply effort in downward direction, therefore single fixed pulley is widely used. Class-X 10 Questions Bank 27. (a) Draw a neat diagram of a single movable pulley system. (b) Why is the fixed pulley used in the above system? (c) Why is single movable pulley system superior to single fixed pulley system? Ans. (a) The diagram is given below. (b) Single fixed pulley changes the direction of effort applied. (c) It is because, its mechanical advantage is more than 1. Class-X 11 Questions Bank 28. (i)A pulley system has a velocity ratio 3. Draw a labelled diagram of the pulley system. (ii) What is the mechanical advantage of above system. Ans. (i) Shown in figure alongside. (ii) M.A. = No. of pulleys in system = 3. 29. In a single fixed pulley, if the effort moves by the distance x downward by what height is load raised upward. Ans.Velocity ratio of single fixed pulley is 1. Thus, if the effort acts through a distance x in downward direction, the load will move through a distance x in upward direction. Class-X 12 Questions Bank 30. What is a single movable pulley system? What is mechanical advantage in ideal condition? Ans. A system of two single pulleys, such that one pulley is fixed at higher platform (commonly called fixed pulley) and the second pulley is connected to load (commonly called movable pulley) is called single movable pulley system. When a rope or string is passed around the movable and fixed pulley and effort is applied on the free end, the load moves upward along with movable pulley which also rotates about its axis at the same time. The ideal mechanical advantage of single movable pulley is 2. 31. In which direction the force need to be applied, when a single pulley is used with a mechanical advantage greater than 1? Draw the diagram for the arrangement. Ans.The force need to be applied in the upward direction as shown in the diagram given below Class-X 13 Questions Bank 32. Show how a single pulley can be used to reduce effort required to overcome a given load. Draw the diagram of the system. Why is it generally more convenient to use two pulleys for this? Ans.For diagram, refer to figure in Q 6. It is generally convenient to apply effort in the downward direction rather than upward direction. Thus, to change the direction of effort applied another single pulley fixed at higher platform is used. 33. Give reasons for the following : (i) In a single fixed pulley, the velocity ratio is always more than the mechanical advantage. (ii) The efficiency of a pulley is always less than 100%. (iii) In case of block and tackle arrangement, the mechanical advantage increases with the increase in number of pulleys. Ans. (i) In a single fixed pulley, the load moves through the same distance as the distance through which effort is applied. Thus, velocity ratio being the ratio of distance through which effort moves to the distance through which load moves is 1. However, a part of effort is wasted in moving the single fixed pulley around its axis as well as friction between the rope and pulley. Thus, effort is able to lift less load than actual effort applied and hence mechanical advantage is less than 1. Class-X 14 Questions Bank (ii) In any pulley system, the mechanical advantage is always less than the velocity ratio as a part of effort is wasted in overcoming friction and weight of movable block. Now, the efficiency is the ratio between mechanical advantage and velocity ratio, therefore, it is always less than 1 or 100%. (iii) The mechanical advantage of a pulley system is given by the expression. MA = (number of pulleys in pulley system x ) E where x is the weight of movable block. Now, as the number of pulleys increases, the factor x remains the same. E Therefore, on the whole mechanical advantage increases. 34. Name a machine which is used as : (i) force multiplier, (ii) speed multiplier, (iii) change in the direction of force applied. Ans. (i) Lever of 2nd class is based as force multiplier as is in case of nut cracker. (ii) Lever of 3rd class is used as speed multiplier as is in the case of spade or fishing rod. (iii) Single fixed pulley is a machine which changes the direction of force applied. 35. (a) Define inclined plane. (b) How does inclined plane acts as a machine? (c) Name four examples of inclined plane in daily life. Class-X 15 Questions Bank Ans. (a) A smooth, rigid and flat surface, inclined at some angle to the horizontal surface is called inclined plane. (b) As the smaller effort applied along the inclined plane, which is made available in the vertically upward direction, therefore, inclined plane acts as a machine. (c) (i) Roads constructed on hills. (ii) Staircases in homes (iii) A gangway on a sailing ship. (iv) A flat plank used for rolling barrels into a truck. 36. (a )State the expression for mechanical advantage of an inclined plane. (b) What do you understand by the term gradient of inclined plane? Support your answer with an example. Ans. (a) Mech. advantage = Length of inclined plane height of inclined plane l h (b) The ratio between the vertical distance moved by a body to the horizontal distance travelled along inclined plane is called gradient of inclined plane. For example, if a body rises vertically upward by 1 m, while travelling 100 m along the hill road, then gradient of hill road (inclined plane) is 1 = 0.01. 100 Class-X 16 Questions Bank 37. The force needed to push a load up an inclined plane is less than the force needed to lift it directly. Give a reason. Ans. The force needed to push the load along the inclined plane acts through a larger distance as compared to distance through which load rises up vertically. This in turn increases the velocity ratio and hence mechanical advantage. Thus, a lesser force is required. 38. Steeper the inclined plane, more is the effort needed to push a load up the plane. Explain it. Ans. Mechanical advantage of an inclined plane is given by the expression : MA = 1 sin As the inclined plane gets steeper, the value of sin increases and hence the mechanical advantage decrease. Thus, a greater effort is required to push a load up on a steeper inclined plane. 39. State whether the mechanical advantage of an inclined plane is equal to 1, less than 1 or greater than 1. Ans. Mechanical advantage of an inclined plane is always greater than 1. Class-X 17 Questions Bank Numerical 1. In operating a water pump, a resistance of 480 N is overcome by an effort of 72N. If the distance of fulcrum from the point where resistance acts is 0.2 m, find the distance of fulcrum from where the effort acts. Ans. Load = 480 N; Effort = 72 N; Distance of load from fulcrum = 0.2 m. Effort Distance of effort from fulcrum = Load Distance of load from fulcrum 72 N D = 480 N 0.25 m D= 480 N 0.25 m 72 N = 1.67 m. 2. A uniform plank of sea-saw is 5 m long and supported at its centre. A boy weighing 40 kg, sits at a distance of 1.5 m from one end of see-saw. Where must a girl weighing 25 kg sit on the other end of see-saw, so as to balance the weight of boy. Ans. Mass of girl distance of girl from fulcrum = Mass of boy distance of boy from fulcrum 25 kg distance of girl from fulcrum = 40 kg 1.5 m. Distance of girl from fulcrum 40 kg 1.5 m = 2.4 m.. = 25 kg Class-X 18 Questions Bank 3. A crow bar of length 120 cm has its fulcrum situated at a distance of 20 cm from load. Calculate mechanical advantage of crow bar. Ans. Distance of load from fulcrum (d) = 20 cm Distance of effort from fulcrum (D) = (120 20) = 100 cm. Mechanical advantage of crow bar = D d 100 cm 20 cm 5. 4. A handle of a nut cracker is 16 cm long and a nut is placed 2 cm from its hinge. If a force of 4 kgf is applied at the end of handle to crack it, what weight, if simply placed on the nut, will crack it? Ans. Distance of nut from fulcrum (d) = 2 cm. Distance of effort from fulcrum (D) = 16 cm. Load Load arm = Effort Effort arm Load 2 cm = 4 kgf 16 cm Load = 64 kgf = 32 kgf. 2 Thus, if a load of 32 kgf is placed on nut, it will crack. 5. An effort of 50 kgf is applied at the end of lever of second order, which supports a load of 750 kgf, such that load is at a distance of 0.1 m from hinge. Find the length of lever. Ans. E = 50 kgf; L = 750 kg; Load arm (d) = 0.1 m; Effort arm (D) = ? Class-X 19 Questions Bank Effort Effort arm = Load Load arm. 50 kgf D = 750 kgf 0.1 m. D= 750 0.1 m = 1.5 m. 50 Length of lever = 1.5 m. 6. A machine displaces a load of 125 kgf through a distance of 0.30 m, when an effort of 12.5 kgf acts through a distance of 4.0 m. Calculate : (i) velocity ratio, (ii) mechanical advantage, (iii) % age efficiency of machine. Ans. L = 125 kgf; d = 0.30 m; E = 12.5 kgf; D = 4.0 m (i) Velocity ratio = D d = 4.0 m 0.30 m = 13.33. (ii) Mechanical advantage = L E 125 kgf = 10. 12.5 kgf (iii) %age efficiency of machine = M.A 10 100 = 100 = 75% V.R 13.33 7. Calculate : (i) velocity ratio, (ii) mechanical advantage, (iii) %age efficiency of a machine, which overcomes a resistance of 800 N through a distance of 0.12 m, when an effort of 160 N acts through a distance of 0.72 m. Ans. L = 800 N; d = 0.12 m; Class-X 20 Questions Bank E = 160 N; D = 0.72 m. (i) Velocity ratio = D 0.72 m = d 0.12 m =6 (ii) Mechanical advantage = L E 800 N 160 N = 5. (iii) %age efficiency M.A V.R 100 5 100 6 = 83.33%. 8. An effort of 500 N is applied through a distance of 0.50 m on a machine, whose efficiency is 90%, such that resistance is overcome through a distance of 0.04 m. Calculate : (i) V.R, (ii) M.A, (iii) resistance overcome by machine. Ans. E = 500 N; D = 0.50 m; = 90%; d = 0.04 m. Class-X 21 Questions Bank (i) V.R. = D d 0.50 m 0.04 m = 12.5. (ii) M.A. = V.R = 90 12.5 = 11.25. 100 (iii) L E M.A. = L = E M.A. = 500 N 11.25 = 5625 N. 9. A crow bar of length 2.0 m is used as a machine, to lift a box of 100 kgf by placing a fulcrum at a distance of 0.1 m from the box. Calculate : (i) velocity ratio, (ii) mechanical advantage, (iii) effort required. What assumption has been made, in solving this problem? Ans. Length of crow bar = 2.0 m. Length of load arm (d) = 0.1 m. Length of effort arm (D) = (2.0 0.1) = 1.9 m. (i) Velocity ratio = D d 1.9 m = 19. 0.1 m (ii) Mechanical advantage = (iii) M.A. = Class-X L = V.R = 19 E L E 22 Questions Bank E = L M.A. = 100 kgf 19 = 5.26 kgf. It is assumed (i) The crow bar is weightless. (ii) There is no friction at the fulcrum. 10. A person is carrying a load of 25 kgf, suspended from a wooden staff, such that load projects 8 cm from shoulder. Where must the person apply an effort of 7.5 kgf, so as to balance the staff? Ans. L = 25 kgf ; d = 8 cm ; E = 7.5 kgf ; D = ? Load Load arm = Effort Effort arm. 25 kgf 8 cm = 7.5 kgf D Effort arm, D = 25 8cm = 26.67 cm. 7.5 11. Figure shows a wheelbarrow with C as centre of gravity, such that its leg is in contact with ground. (i) What is the direction of force acting at C? Name the force. (ii)What is the direction of minimum force acting at A to keep the leg off the ground? What is the force called? (iii) The weight of wheel borrow is 15 kgf and it holds 60 kgf of sand. Calculate the minimum force to keep the leg off the ground? Class-X 23 Questions Bank (i) The force is acting vertically downward. The force is called LOAD. Ans. (ii) The minimum force acts vertically upward at A. The force is called EFFORT. (iii) Weight of wheel barrow and sand = (15 + 60) kgf = 75 kgf Load arm = 50 cm Effort arm = (100 + 50) cm = 150 cm. By the principle of lever : Effort Effort arm = Load Load arm E 150 cm = 75 kgf 50 cm E= 75 50 kgf 150 = 25 kgf. 12. A 4 m long rod of negligible weight is to be balanced about a point 125 cm from one end. A load of 18 kgf is suspended at a point 60 cm from the support on the shorter arm. (i) A weight W is placed 250 cm from the support on the longer arm. Find W. Class-X 24 Questions Bank (ii) If W = 5 kgf, where it must be kept to balance the rod? (iii) To which class of lever does it belong? Ans. (i) Load (L) = 18 kgf Load arm (d) = 60 cm Effort (W) = ? Effort arm (D) = 250 cm By the principle of lever Effort Effort arm = Load Load arm W 250 cm = 18 kgf 60 cm W= 18 60 kgf cm = 4.32 kgf 250 cm (ii) Load (L) = 18 kgf Load arm (d) = 60 cm Effort (W) = 5 kgf Effort arm (D) = ? By the principle of lever Effort Effort arm = Load Load arm 5 kgf Effort arm = 18 kgf 60 cm Effort arm = 18 kgf 60 cm 5 kgf = 216 cm (iii) It is 1st class lever. Class-X 25 Questions Bank 13. A pair of scissors has its blades 15 cm long, while its handles 7.5 cm long. What is its mechanical advantage? Effort arm 7.5 cm Ans. Mechanical advantage = = = 0.5 Load arm 15 cm 14. A force of 5 kgf is required to cut a metal sheet. A shears used for cutting the metal sheet has its blade 5 cm long, while the handle is 10 cm long. What effort is needed to cut the sheet? Ans. Load (resistance overcome) = 5 kgf Load arm = 5 cm Effort required = ? Effort arm = 10 cm By the principle of lever : Effort Effort arm = Load Load arm Effort 10 cm = 5 kgf 5 cm Effort = 5 kgf 5 cm = 2.5 kgf 10 cm 15. Diagram below shows a lever in use. (i) To which class of lever does it belong? (ii) If AB = 1 m, AF = 0.4 m, find its mechanical advantage. (iii) Calculate the value of E. Ans. (i) It is class I lever. (ii) Mechanical advantage Class-X 26 Questions Bank = Effort arm Load arm (1 m 0.4 cm) 0.4 m 0.6 m = = 1.5 0.4 m = (iii) Mechanical advantage = Load Effort 1.5 = 15 kgf Effort Effort = 15 kgf = 10 kgf 1.5 16. Figure below shows a uniform metre scale kept in equilibrium, when supported at 60 cm mark and mass M is suspended from the 90 cm mark. State with reason, whether the weight of scale is greater, less than or equal to the mass M. Ans. The weight of the scale is greater than M. It is because arm on the side of M is 30 cm and on side of weight of scale is 10 cm. So, to balance the scale, weight of scale should be more than M. Class-X 27 Questions Bank 17. A pulley system has velocity ratio 3 and an efficiency of 80%. Calculate : (i) Mechanical advantage of system (ii) Value of effort required to raise a load of 300 N. = 80% ; Ans.V.R = 3 ; E=? ; L = 300 N. (i) M.A. = V.R = (ii) M.A. = ? ; 80 3 = 2.4. 100 L = M.A. E E= L M.A 300 N = 125 N. 2.4 18. A pulley system has five pulleys in all and is 90% efficient. Calculate : (i) mechanical advantage, (ii) effort required to lift a load of 1000 N, (ii) resistance due to movable parts of machine and friction. Ans.Number of pulleys in system = 5; Load = 1000 N. Efficiency = 90%. Velocity ratio = Number of pulleys in system = 5 (i) M.A. = V.R. = (ii) E = L M.A 90 5 = 4.5. 100 1000 N = 222.2 N. 4.5 (iii) Wt. of movable parts and friction x = E (V.R M.A) = 222.2 N (5 4.5) = 111.1 N. Class-X 28 Questions Bank 19. A pulley system has four pulleys in all and is 80% efficient. Calculate : (i) mechanical advantage, (ii) load lifted by an effort of 1400 N, (iii) resistance of movable parts of machine. Ans.Velocity ratio = No. of pulleys in the system = 4 (i) M.A. = V.R = 80 4 = 3.2. 100 (ii) Load (L) = M.A. E = 3.2 1400 = 4480 N. (iii) Resistance of movable parts of machine x = E (V.R M.A.) = 1400(4 3.2) = 1400 0.8 = 1120 N. 20. Diagram shows a pulley arrangement. (i) Copy the diagram, and mark direction of force due to tension acting on the movable pulley. (ii) What is the purpose of fixed pulley? (iii) If tension is T newtons, deduce the relation between T and E. (iv) Calculate the velocity ratio of the arrangement. (v) Assuming the efficiency to be 100%, what is the mechanical advantage? (vi) Calculate effort E. (vii) State two factors that will reduce efficiency of arrangement. Ans. (i) Shown in the diagram. (ii) It changes the direction of effort from downward to upward direction. (iii) T = E. Class-X 29 Questions Bank (iv) Let d be the distance through which rope is pulled by the effort. In order to maintain equilibrium, the distance through which each segment of the rope shortens is d/2. V.R. = d = 2. (v) = M.A. V.R. 100 100 M.A. M.A.= 2. 2 (vi) M.A. = E= L E L M.A 100 N = 50 N. 2 (vii) (1) The friction of movable parts reduces efficiency. (2) The weight of movable pulley reduces efficiency. Class-X 30 Questions Bank 21. A pulley system can lift a load of 1200 N by an effort of 250 N. If the resistance due to weight of movable parts and friction is 300 N, calculate : (i) Mechanical advantage, (ii) Velocity ratio, (iii) Total number of pulleys in system, (iv) Efficiency of system. Ans. L = 1200 N ; E = 250 N ; (i) M.A. = (ii) x = 300 N L 1200 = = 4.8 E 250 x = E (V.R. M.A.) 300 = 250 (V.R. 4.8) 250 V.R. = 300 + 1200 V.R. = 1500 = 6. 250 (iii) Total number of pulleys in system = velocity ratio = 6. (iv) = M.A. 4.8 100 = 100 = 80%. V.R. 6 22. An effort of 240 N overcomes a useful load of 1000 N, when applied on the block and tackle system of pulleys, such that weight of movable blocks and friction etc. is 200 N. Calculate : (i) mechanical advantage, (ii) velocity ratio, (iii) total number of pulleys in system, (iv) efficiency of system. Ans. E = 240 N ; l = 1000 N ; x = 200 N (i) M.A. (ii) l E 1000 N 240 N 4.167 x = E(V.R. M.A.) Class-X 31 Questions Bank 200 = 240 (V.R. 4.167) 240 V.R. = 240 4.167 + 200 240 V.R. = 1000 + 200 V.R. = 1200 = 5. 240 (iii) Total number of pulleys in the system = velocity ratio = 5. (iv) = M.A. 100 V.R. 4.167 100 = 83.34%. 5 23. A woman draws water from a well using fixed pulley. The mass of bucket and water together is 6 kg. The force applied by the woman is 70 N. Calculate mechanical advantage.[Take g = 10 ms 2] Ans.Mass of water and bucket = 6 kg Load lifted by the woman = mg = 6 kg 10 ms 2 = 60 N Effort applied by the woman = 70 N MA = Load 6007 = = 0.857 s Effort 7007 24. A fixed pulley is driven by 100 kg mass falling at a rate of 8.0 m in 4 s. It lifts a load of 500 kgf. Calculate the power input to the pulley taking force of gravity on Class-X 32 Questions Bank 1 kg = 10 N. If the efficiency of pulley is 75%, find the height to which load is raised in 4.0 s. Ans. (i) Force of 100 kg of falling mass F = 100 10 N = 1000 N Speed of fall (v) = 8.0 m 4s 2m s Power input = F v = 100 N 2m s = 2000 J (ii) Efficiency = 75 100 Power output Power input Power output 2000 J Power output = 75 2000 J 100 = 1500 J Now, power output = Force Velocity 1500 J = 500 kgf Velocity 1500 J = 5000 N Velocity Velocity = 1500 J = 0.3 ms 1 5000 N Distance through which load moves in 4 s Class-X 33 Questions Bank = 0.3 ms 1 4 s = 1.2 m 25. In a block and tackle system consisting of 3 pulleys, a load of 75 kgf is raised by an effort of 25 kgf. Find the mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency. Ans. Mechanical advantage = L 75 kgf =3 = E 25 kgf Velocity ratio = Number of pulleys in system = 3 %age mechanical advantage = M.A V.R 100 3 100 100% 3 26. A block and tackle system has 5 pulleys. If an effort of 1000 N is needed to raise a load of 4500 N. Calculate : (i) mechanical advantage, (ii) velocity ratio and (iii) efficiency of the system. L E Ans. Mechanical advantage 4500 N 1000 N 4.5 Velocity ratio = Number of pulleys in system = 5 %age mechanical advantage = MA 4.5 100 = 100 90% VR 5 27. A block and tackle system has velocity ratio 3. A man can exert a pull of 200 kgf. What is the maximum load he can raise with this pulley system, if its efficiency is 60%? Class-X 34 Questions Bank Ans. Efficiency ( ) = M.A V.R 60 MA = 100 3 MA = 60 3 1.8 100 Now, MA = l E 1.8 = l 200 kgf load (l) = 1.8 200 kgf = 360 kgf. 28. A boy has to lift a load of mass 50 kg to a height of 1 m. What effort is required to lift it vertically upward?However, boy can exert a maximum force of 250 N, so he uses an inclined plane to lift the load up. What should be the minimum length of the [Take g = 10 ms 2] plank used by him? Ans. (i) Effort required to lift the load directly = mg = 50 kg 10ms 2 = 500 N (ii) Actual effort the boy can apply (E) = 250 N Load to be lift (l) = 500 N Vertical height (h) = 1 m Length of inclined plane (L) = ? For the inclined plane : l E Class-X L h 35 Questions Bank L l 500 N 1 m 250 N h E 2m 29. A coolie uses sloping wooden plank of length 2.0 m to push up a drum of mass 100 kg into a truck at a height of 1.0 m. (i) What is the mechanical advantage of sloping plank? (ii) How much effort is needed to push the drum up into the truck? (iii) What assumption have you made in arriving at the answer in part (ii) above? Ans. (i) Mechanical advantage = L h (ii) Mechanical advantage = 2.0 m 1.0 m l E 2= 100 kgf E E 100 kgf 2 2 50 kgf (iii) Assumption : It is assumed that there is no friction between the drum and the surface of the inclined plane. Class-X 36 Questions Bank 30. An effort of 20 kgf is applied on a barrel of weight 200 kgf in order to roll it up an inclined plane through a vertical height of 1.5 m. Calculate the length of the inclined plane. Ans. E = 20 kgf; L = 200 kgf ; h = 1.5 m; l=? For inclined plane, L l E h 200 kgf l = 20 kgf 1.5 m l = 10 1.5 m = 15 m. 31. The gradient of a hill road is 1 : 50. Calculate the weight of a truck which is pushed up this hill road, when its engine generates a force of 250 kgf. Gradient = Ans. l h h l 1 50 50 1 Also, for inclined plane L E L 250 kgf l h 50 1 L = 50 250 kgf Class-X 37 Questions Bank = 12500 kgf. 32. The engine of a car develops a force of 800 N. If this car is moving on a hill road covers a vertical distance of 100 m, calculate the length of road along which it moves. The load of car is 1000 kgf. [Take g = 10 ms 2] Ans. E = 800 N ; L = 1000 kg 10 ms 2 = 10,000 N ; h = 100 m ; l = ? For inclined plane, L E 10, 000 N 800 N l l h l 100 m 10000 100 800 = 1250 m. Class-X 38 Questions Bank

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