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ICSE Class X Notes 2024 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (La Martiniere for Girls, Kolkata) : Merchant of Venice

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Swapnil Ray
La Martiniere for Boys (LMB), Kolkata
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ACT II, +itat SCENE5 o/U1cU veiu 1cu Plot Development in the garden of Portia's residence at Belmont. The scene element of the play. Launcelot warns Jessica that she would ARdstot h e because of her father's sins as she is a Jew-the sins of the father n the the children." But Jessica contradicts Launcelot laid upon by reminding 1ace takes place T h eS c e n e e t r h e h u m o r o u s damnedb e t ob e that she has converted virtues. SEved by Lorenzo and would be To Launcelot, this is a hopeless situation because with the his in IACTease Christianity by marrying to auimber of of converts to Christianity, the price of pork would increase number mes to to th the scene and asks Jessica's opinion about Bassanio's wife comes Lorenzo Jessica equal for Portia. praises al is to She says that there is no woman in the world Lorenzo amusingly responds: Portia. On this, husband Even such a Hast thou Jessica is ntor dinner ready as of me as she is to comment it would help in on for his a wife. teasing but Lorenzo asks her digesting the food better. So to reserve they depart with Such playful jests. 9 At , Scene 5 > O > O X O O O o X 185 K Characterisation Launcelot Gobbo LAuncelot Gobbo indulges punning contributes appears to in playful jesting at Jessica's expense. His play. In this sce scen where he mixed scenes, up the comic element of the to be different from the previous hin words humorous effect. Here, he puns on words. His clever Ords Po to pro on punning of the free words is a atmosphere at Belmont, in contrast to the sultocating ffocating atmo atmo Ords Shylock's home. Launcelot's abilities have had a chance for Lorenzo and Jessica The Te development ihe in atmosppemem hete loving and affectionate exchange between Lorenzo and Jessica sh. happiness at the prospect of being together. We notice how ows the Jessica has has beco mature at Belmont. She has been brought up in a strict environment. nt. In In pBelmom she feels like a free bird and experiences peace. Jessicas journey frrom suffocated home of Shylock to the of bright open ground Belmont, journey from hatred to love. is a se symboi Critical Comments Comic Relief: The scene offers comic relief, amidst the strain of Anton. predicament. It provides much needed relief and amusement and onios senses. The It is in scene relaxes the sharp contrast to the intense Trial scene which is soon has Launcelot's clowning to amuse the common people. Jessica's High Opinion about Portia: The audience's esteem for Portia further enhanced when Jessica speaks about Portia in glowing terms. She savs that Bassanio has won a wife full of virtues and that she finds no woman in this world who can match Portia. Context Questions Read the extracts 1. given below and answer the questions that follow Launcelot Truly, e'en the as blame he: we were Christians enow before; could well live, one by another. This more to many as 1 8 6 D>KOXOKO KOX making The Merchant of Venice-Workbook S stians will raise the Christians price of hogs: if be pork-eaters, we shall not shortly have of we rasher a coals for money Launcelot? is nCct i What is he in te eRon. t Ra a discussing and with on whom? u Raasina Jeua and ALeationet.h lvcien|2u n ooung te eb.So,1&Le ia ne aalCtLCnned Y he 5ctl oymaaUYINgKsYno and 80LA and for what reason? HuLA more, H y ********************* '**** '******************** becoming * **** * S ... ,, PaURd ed alo cRnila. eaLAR ubo cL acy in oR Cluislian How would Jessica's S A ******* c e olameddaLlncelel,YLNJO tUO COn . the '*****'*** cc c RUiNL k Who is to be blamed Ac ding to onuLcs to qauclan et PeElias A Le,KCULnNLOlot itCM tEA . grow all . ***''** * a Christian affect the price of ****'*** *** hogs? **************** ************************************************ ************ *********** ** e ****' ********* * ******** **** * *****'* ********* ****''******** liv Explain the conflict of religions referred **** *** to in this scene. ho CO t o{ iiytCLWA... tLOAa.dim..plieLd..Uql.non wwsi cdAeL& oiu acdamncd Sine, SAnicaL&.tlocka gneL,RI. amned tdaUeuce u unaelteuinaoije a i a c m e T hek PeLiuD Pcuul,nenoscd.tnat aattad hese huakiard y ho hakand, NOJos u t i OK XOX Act I1,Scene 5 hcsingte a a n q m t , 187 KOOX aulale, of Jessica? What did Launcelot say rarlier about damnation of.Jessica t his opinion nf damnation? How does Jessica hope to esr escape Keger te Ana iv) ,. ******* . 2. ***** Jessica Past all expressing. It is very meet The Lord Bassanio live an upright life; For, having such a blessing in his lady, He finds the joys of heaven here on earth; And if on earth he do not mean it, then In reason he should never come to heaven. (i) () What is Past all expressing'? Why does Jessica suggest that Bassanio lead an upright life? eNNOL WACA *UAAAL O e d a -up sho oeteds-u Pas g a LA.hg AaRUC0 alemina in b f udadan.a (ii) What does Jessica say immediately after this extract praising Portia JmmedialTCy a ae+eLA extvadPmew8ing t'stia . amo.kneaueuly.MMAACm.And. ina otteatr andl rtaltu eartty wDN a.atA. me.nd....P.otlia..kabpdulto one ottuemita o4tLas hooman oeutt nacd eual O Sn ot Lcse Leekcla, Ienca atalks t{lcu t 188 K XK O The Merchant of Venice-Workbo0 QARa etla intLa Vodd man Re e aid earlier * ti orenzo s a re ne about Launcelot's skill as, tetd lated.a m a MOme et he celiet, a in using words? aunteel+tnat Lo..colALOn, He oulALdU. Rco man toola eAcaesio at d2 A oit ADuo. meauna He ReAls ndceAana R Ala to an CSeAtanAaimela age manivoino ******** rds has Launcelot done earlier in the context of serving out the humour arising from his speech.n tea ConLert s UceRok Aco A XRAa ned jeltete up of W ' h a tm i x Br cLeeo..TC.AOinog andiel tt sen, Ke, ncat na kia HHLA hat t{gaako alat ag aesud' mcanwng lad Aat Rnc A.. Farlier, when ncNAC *******''***** a a n d he ... *** Give COmina todinnoe dpandls en tticis **** Bassanio brief character saw **** the '*** ****** cannel- . *****'*** ** '* **************** * * portr it of Portia, how did he praise sketch of Launcelot in ttP.agicLA..KalnA this scene. **** her?P Ohen VeAAanuo ****. k e t o t t o t eameA ta..aCRLCa 3 kinde ntd {e -HS eloeingand cliuwx ununacn ite ccmcenekmakinq hinM..FALaka. cCALdkoet so ************** i a c a on CenLECL erca enu eu SKiaMALg....EuLA.exeno. ALdmus.ttAat.ttL a A i l d Wa mind voita tock e{in LoetaL ****************** * **** 4 Scene 5 <>XX X OOX 189 OX

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